Research Assay Kits (Human) - Cell Adhesion Molecules |
製品 |
使用目的 |
写真 |
量 |
価格* |
カタログ番号 |
Butyrophilin Subfamily 3, Member A1 (BTN3A1), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37313 |
C-Type Lectin Domain Family 7, Member A (CLEC7A), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37374 |
Colony Stimulating Factor Receptor, Macrophage (MCSFR), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37360 |
Fc Fragment Of IgG Low Affinity IIb, Receptor (FcgR2B), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-37456 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2 (GRId2), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-37480 |
Roundabout, Axon Guidance Receptor, Homolog 1 (ROBO1), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-37728 |
Selectin, Leukocyte (SELL), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37737 |
T-Cell Activation Antigen, Increased Late Expression (TACTILE), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-37786 |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 10C (TNFRSF10C), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37819 |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 9 (TNFRSF9), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37821 |
5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 2A (HTR2A) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34318 |
5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 4 (HTR4) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34319 |
A Proliferation Inducing Ligand (APRIL) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-5287 |
Acetylserotonin-O-Methyltransferase (ASMT) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34320 |
Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-5525 |
Adenosine A2a Receptor (ADORA2a) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34648 |
Adenosine A2b Receptor (ADORA2b) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34649 |
Adrenergic Receptor Alpha 2C (ADRa2C) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34385 |
Adrenomedullin Receptor (AMR) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34652 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 1 (AMIGO1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001669HU |
Amphoterin-induced protein 2 (AMIGO2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001670HU |
Amphoterin-induced protein 3 (AMIGO3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001671HU |
Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme (ACE) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$956 |
KT-6587 |
Anosmin-1 (KAL1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011978HU |
Anthrax Toxin Receptor 2 (ANTXR2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34539 |
Anti-Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 2 Antibody (Anti-LAMP2), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37266 |
Asialoglycoprotein Receptor 2 (ASGR2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-33965 |
B-Cell Activating Factor (BAFF) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-8124 |
B-Cell CLL/Lymphoma 11A (Bcl11A) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35258 |
B-Lymphocyte Activation Antigen B7-1 (LAB7-1), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37303 |
Beta-1, 3-Glucuronyltransferase 1 (b3GAT1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33869 |
Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Antigen 1 (BST1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33895 |
Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 2 (BMPR2), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37307 |
Brother of CDO (BOC) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL002770HU |
C-Type Lectin Domain Family 2, Member C (CLEC2C) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33849 |
C-Type Lectin Domain Family 3, Member B (CLEC3B) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35029 |
Cadherin 5 (CDH5) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$795 |
KT-33872 |
Cadherin EGF LAG Seven Pass G-Type Receptor 2 (CELSR2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34692 |
Cadherin, Epithelial (E-Cadherin) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$840 |
KT-8717 |
Cadherin, Heart (H-Cadherin) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-8734 |
Cadherin, Liver Intestine (LI-Cadherin) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-8754 |
Cadherin, Neuronal (N-Cadherin) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-8774 |
Cadherin, Osteoblast (OB-Cadherin) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-8780 |
Cadherin-10 (CDH10) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005035HU |
Cadherin-11 (CDH11) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005036HU |
Cadherin-4 (CDH4) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005053HU |
Cadherin-related family member 1 (PCDH21) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL017534HU |
Cadherin-related family member 2 (PCDH24) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL017535HU |
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 (CEACAM1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34208 |
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 3 (CEACAM3), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37325 |
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 6 (CEACAM6) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34210 |
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 7 (CEACAM7) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34209 |
Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 8 (CEACAM8) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34211 |
Catenin beta-1 (CTNNB1/CTNNB/OK/SW-cl.35/PRO2286) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E08963h |
CD200 Receptor 1 (CD200R1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,010 |
KT-35119 |
CD200 Receptor 2 (CD200R2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,010 |
KT-35217 |
CD226 antigen (CD226) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL004901HU |
CD27 Binding Protein (CD27BP) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35088 |
CD5 Antigen Like Protein (CD5L) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35026 |
CD9 antigen (CD9) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL004969HU |
CD99 antigen (CD99) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL004973HU |
CD99 antigen-like protein 2 (CD99L2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL004975HU |
Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 (CADM1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34462 |
Cell adhesion molecule 3 (CADM3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL004427HU |
Cell adhesion molecule 4 (CADM4) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL004428HU |
Cellular Repressor Of E1A Stimulated Genes 1 (CREG1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35170 |
Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 1 (CCR1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-9906 |
Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 2 (CCR2) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-9926 |
Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 3 (CCR3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-32077 |
Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 4 (CCR4) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$938 |
KT-9946 |
Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 5 (CCR5) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33813 |
Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 6 (CCR6) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-9966 |
Chemokine C-C-Motif Receptor 7 (CCR7) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-9976 |
Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 3 (CXCR3) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-10050 |
Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 4 (CXCR4) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33816 |
Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 5 (CXCR5) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33815 |
Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 6 (CXCR6) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$905 |
KT-33814 |
Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 6 (CXCR6), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37335 |
Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Receptor 7 (CXCR7) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$931 |
KT-33887 |
Chemokine C-X3-C-Motif Receptor 1 (CX3CR1) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-10020 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha 3 (CHRNa3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34245 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha 5 (CHRNa5) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34244 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Beta 3 (CHRNb3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34246 |
Cluster Of Differentiation (CD163), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37346 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 109 (CD109) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33884 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 14 (CD14) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-10523 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 160 (CD160) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33822 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 19 (CD19) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33935 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 200 (CD200) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33810 |
Cluster of differentiation 22 (CD22) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E17496h |
Cluster Of Differentiation 226 (CD226) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33911 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 24 (CD24) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-10663 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 276 (CD276) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33789 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 30 Ligand (CD30L) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-10710 |
Cluster of differentiation 34 (CD34) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$822 |
CSB-E14091h |
Cluster Of Differentiation 34 (CD34) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-10738 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 38 (CD38), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37347 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 3d (CD3d), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37348 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 4 (CD4) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-10748 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 40 Ligand (CD40L) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33705 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 5 (CD5), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37349 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 72 (CD72) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33858 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 74 (CD74), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37350 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 83 (CD83) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33932 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 8a (CD8a), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37351 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 8b (CD8b), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37352 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 99 (CD99) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-10943 |
Collagen alpha-1 (VII) chain (COL7A1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005754HU |
Collagen alpha-1 (XII) chain (COL12A1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005719HU |
Collagen alpha-1 (XIII) chain (COL13A1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005720HU |
Collagen alpha-1 (XIV) chain (COL14A1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005721HU |
Collagen alpha-1 (XIX) chian (COL19A1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005726HU |
Collagen alpha-1 (XVI) chain (COL16A1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005723HU |
Collagen alpha-2 (VI) chain (COL6A2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005752HU |
Collagen alpha-3 (IV) chain (COL4A3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005743HU |
Collagen alpha-3 (VI) chain (COL6A3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005753HU |
Collagen alpha-6 (IV) chain (COL4A6) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005747HU |
Collagen Type VI (COLVI) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E16375h |
Collectin Liver 1 (CLL1), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37358 |
Colony Stimulating Factor 2 Receptor Beta (CSF2Rb) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33893 |
Colony Stimulating Factor Receptor, Granulocyte (GCSFR) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33886 |
Contactin-5 (CNTN5) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005690HU |
Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor 2 (CRHR2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-35683 |
Coxsackie And Adenovirus Receptor Like Membrane Protein (CLMP) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35616 |
Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CXADR) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL006237HU |
Cysteine-rich 61 (Cyr61/CCN1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E13884h |
Cytokine Receptor Like Factor 1 (CRLF1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34549 |
Death receptor 5 (DR5), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37409 |
Dermatopontin, DPT ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E11277h |
Desmocollin-1 (DSC1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007189HU |
Desmocollin-2/desmosomal glycoprotein II (DSC2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13914h |
Desmoglein 3 (DSG3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33741 |
Desmoglein-3 (DSG3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007205HU |
Desmogleins 1, Dsg-1 ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E09592h |
Dipeptidyl peptldase IV, DPPIV ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E08518h |
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 2 (ADAM2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001280HU |
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 22 (ADAM22) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001284HU |
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 23 (ADAM23) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001285HU |
E-Selectin ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$624 |
CSB-E04540h |
Ectonucleoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolase 1 (ENTPD1), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37426 |
EGF Like Module Containing Mucin Like Hormone Receptor 1 (EMR1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35672 |
EGF-like repeat and discoidin I-like domain-containing protein 3 (EDIL3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007399HU |
Elastin Microfibril Interface Located Protein 2 (EMILIN2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34903 |
EMILIN-1 (EMILIN1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007639HU |
Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule (ESAM) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34461 |
Endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule (ESAM) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007818HU |
Ephrin Type A Receptor 10 (EPHA10) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34401 |
Ephrin Type A Receptor 3 (EPHA3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34402 |
Ephrin type-A receptor 4 (EPHA4) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007724HU |
Ephrin type-B receptor 1 (EPHB1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007729HU |
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) ELISA, Human, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $764 |
KT-38838 |
Epidermal growth factor-like protein 6 (EGFL6) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007475HU |
Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule (Ep-CAM) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-14218 |
Estrogen Related Receptor Alpha (ERRa) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34382 |
Excision Repair Cross Complementing Rodent Repair Deficiency Complementation 1 (ERCC1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34721 |
Extracellular Matrix Metalloproteinase Inducer (EMMPRIN) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-14402 |
Fc Fragment Of IgA Receptor (FcaR) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33877 |
Fc Fragment Of IgG Low Affinity IIIa Receptor (FcgR3A) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33861 |
Fc Fragment Of IgG Low Affinity IIIb Receptor (FCGR3b) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-14643 |
Fc Fragment Of IgG Receptor Transporter Alpha (FcgRT) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35434 |
Fermitin family homolog 3 (FERMT3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL008595HU |
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 (FGFR1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-15093 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2 (FGFR2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33921 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 (FGFR3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33922 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4 (FGFR4) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33923 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Like Protein 1 (FGFRL1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35018 |
Fibronectin Type III Domain Containing Protein 5 (FNDC5) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35123 |
Fibulin-5 (FBLN5) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL008454HU |
Fibulin-7 (FBLN7) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL008455HU |
FMS Like Tyrosine Kinase 3 (Flt3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-15273 |
Folate Receptor 1, Adult (FOLR1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$936 |
KT-32268 |
Frizzled Homolog 1 (FZD1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34467 |
Frizzled Homolog 6 (FZD6) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34468 |
G Protein Coupled Estrogen Receptor 1 (GPER) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34653 |
G Protein Coupled Receptor 109B (GPR109B) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-35303 |
G Protein Coupled Receptor 120 (GPR120) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-33249 |
G Protein Coupled Receptor 35 (GPR35) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35725 |
G Protein Coupled Receptor 37 (GPR37) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34727 |
G Protein Coupled Receptor 78 (GPR78) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34728 |
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid A Receptor Alpha 2 (gABRa2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35430 |
Glucagon Like Peptide 1 Receptor (GLP1R) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35666 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 1 (GRIA1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34497 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 2 (GRIA2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34498 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 3 (GRIA3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34499 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 4 (GRIA4) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34500 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A (GRIN2A) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34501 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2B (GRIN2B) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34502 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C (GRIN2C) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34503 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2D (GRIN2D) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34504 |
Glycoprotein V, Platelet (GP5) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33866 |
H-Cadherin, H-Cad/CDH13 ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13817h |
Heparan Sulfate (HS) ELISA, General, General |
For quantitative detection in general samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38785 |
Heparanase, HPA ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E09899h |
Histamine Receptor H1 (HRH1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-35396 |
Histamine Receptor H4 (HRH4) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34651 |
Hyaluronan Mediated Motility Receptor (HMMR) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-33963 |
Hyaluronidase PH-20 (SPAM1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL022471HU |
Immune Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 1 (IREM1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33874 |
Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase 7 (PTK7) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL018996HU |
Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 7 (IGFBP7/MAC25/PSF) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E17249h |
Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein complex acid labile subunit (IGFALS) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011094HU |
Integrin Alpha 1 (ITGa1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33868 |
Integrin Alpha 10 (ITGa10), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37531 |
Integrin Alpha 11 (ITGa11) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-33977 |
Integrin Alpha 2 (ITGa2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33853 |
Integrin Alpha 2B (ITGa2B) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35392 |
Integrin Alpha 5 (ITGa5) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33865 |
Integrin Alpha 6 (ITGa6) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33864 |
Integrin Alpha M (ITGaM) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-18527 |
Integrin Alpha V (ITGaV) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33863 |
Integrin alpha-1 (ITGA1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011861HU |
Integrin alpha-11 (ITGA11) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011863HU |
Integrin alpha-2 (ITGA2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011864HU |
Integrin alpha-3 (ITGA3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011866HU |
Integrin alpha-4 (ITGA4/CD49D) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E17545h |
Integrin alpha-5 (ITGA5) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E17350h |
Integrin alpha-IIb (ITGA2B) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011865HU |
Integrin alphaM, ITG/CD11b ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E11638h |
Integrin Associated Protein (IAP) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33827 |
Integrin Beta 1 (ITGb1) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33830 |
Integrin Beta 3 (ITGb3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33859 |
Integrin Beta 4 (ITGb4) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33881 |
Integrin Beta 5 (ITGb5) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-32301 |
Integrin Beta 6 (ITGb6) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-33978 |
Integrin Beta 7 (ITGb7) ELISA, Human, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $752 |
KT-38692 |
Integrin beta-1 (ITGB1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011880HU |
Integrin beta-3 (ITGB3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011885HU |
Integrin beta-5 (ITGB5) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011889HU |
Integrin beta-6 (ITGB6) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011890HU |
Integrin beta-7 (ITGB7) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011891HU |
Integrin beta-8 (ITGB8) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011892HU |
Integrin beta2, ITG beta2/CD11+CD18 ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E10004h |
Integrin beta4 (ITG beta4/CD104) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13913h |
Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (ICAM1) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$861 |
KT-18646 |
Intercellular adhesion molecule 4 (ICAM4) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010952HU |
Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 4 (ICAM4) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-32196 |
Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 5 (ICAM5) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-18682 |
Intercellular adhesion molecule 5 (ICAM5) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010953HU |
Interferon Alpha/Beta Receptor 2 (IFNa/bR2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34409 |
Interleukin 1 Receptor Like Protein 1 (IL1RL1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35771 |
Interleukin 1 Receptor Type I (IL1R1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-18931 |
Interleukin 1 Receptor Type II (IL1R2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-18934 |
Interleukin 11 Receptor Alpha (IL11Ra) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34489 |
Interleukin 2 Receptor Alpha (IL2Ra) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-19149 |
Interleukin 22 Receptor Alpha 2 (IL22Ra2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34488 |
Interleukin 23 Receptor (IL23R) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34487 |
Interleukin 3 Receptor Alpha (IL3Ra) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33890 |
Interleukin 4 Receptor (IL4R) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-19362 |
Interleukin 5 Receptor Alpha (IL5Ra) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33891 |
Interleukin 6 Receptor (IL6R) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-19402 |
Interleukin 7 Receptor (IL7R) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33938 |
Interleukin 8 Receptor Alpha (IL8Ra) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-19439 |
Jagged 1 Protein (JAG1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33925 |
Junction Plakoglobin (JUP) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34009 |
Junctional Adhesion Molecule 1 (JAM1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33919 |
Killer Cell Lectin Like Receptor Subfamily C, Member 2 (KLRC2) ELISA, Human, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-38847 |
Killer Cell Lectin Like Receptor Subfamily D, Member 1 (KLRD1) ELISA, Human, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38685 |
Kisspeptin Receptor (KISS1R) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34582 |
L-selectin ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,013 |
KT-53229 |
L-Selectin ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$684 |
CSB-E04653h |
L1-Cell Adhesion Molecule (L1CAM) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33818 |
Laminin beta1 (LN-beta1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E16273h |
Laminin Receptor 1 (LAMR1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,010 |
KT-35159 |
Laminin subunit alpha-1 (LAMA1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL012725HU |
Laminin subunit alpha-2 (LAMA2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL012726HU |
Laminin subunit alpha-3 (LAMA3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL012727HU |
Laminin subunit alpha-4 (LAMA4) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL012728HU |
Laminin subunit gamma-1 (LAMC1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL012735HU |
Laminin-5 (LN-5) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13422h |
Leucine Rich Repeat Containing G Protein Coupled Receptor 5 (LGR5) ELISA, Human, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-38869 |
Leucine-Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1 (LRG1) ELISA, Human  |
For the quantitative determination of LRG1 in human biological samples. Assay range: 3.13 - 200 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$563 |
KT-1899 |
Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein FLRT1 (FLRT1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL008729HU |
Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein FLRT2 (FLRT2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL008730HU |
Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein FLRT3 (FLRT3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL008731HU |
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor (LIFR) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-20540 |
Leukocyte Immunoglobulin Like Receptor Subfamily A, Member 3 (LILRA3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33875 |
Leukocyte Immunoglobulin Like Receptor Subfamily B, Member 4 (LILRB4) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33876 |
Lipolysis Stimulated Lipoprotein Receptor (LSR) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34338 |
Liver Receptor Homolog 1 (LRH1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34384 |
Lymphocyte Antigen 9 (LY9) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33914 |
Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 1 Alpha (LFA1a) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-21122 |
Lymphocyte function associated antigen 2, LFA-2 ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E06445h |
Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 3 (LFA3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-32171 |
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EQ028005HU |
Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor 3 (LPAR3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34584 |
Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 1 (LAMP1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33882 |
Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 2 (LAMP2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-21233 |
Mannose Receptor C Type 2 (MRC2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33780 |
Melanocortin 5 Receptor (MC5R) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34595 |
Melatonin Receptor 1B (MTNR1B) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34325 |
Membrane Cofactor Protein (MCP) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-21924 |
Membrane primary amine oxidase (AOC3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001855HU |
Membrane Spanning 4 Domains Subfamily A, Member 1 (MS4A1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33843 |
Microfibril-associated glycoprotein 4 (MFAP4) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL013749HU |
Mucin-4 (MUC4) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015227HU |
Mucosal Addressin Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 (MAdCAM1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-22674 |
Mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1, MAdCAM-1 ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E09940h |
Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E17901h |
Myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL014709HU |
Myeloid cell surface antigen CD33 (CD33) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL004925HU |
Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88 (MyD88) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-22784 |
Myristoylated Alanine Rich Protein Kinase C Substrate (MARCKS) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34849 |
Natriuretic Peptide Receptor 2 (NPR2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34226 |
Natriuretic Peptide Receptor 3 (NPR3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34227 |
Natural Cytotoxicity Triggering Receptor 3 (NCR3), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37612 |
Neogenin (NEO1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015712HU |
Nephrin ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E09886h |
Nephronectin (NPNT) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL016019HU |
Neural -Cadherin, N-Cad ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E09718h |
Neural cell adhesion molecule 2 (NCAM2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015512HU |
Neural cell adhesion molecule L1-like protein (CHL1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005355HU |
Neural cell adhesion molecule ligand 1, NCAM-L1 ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E09145h |
Neurocan core protein (NCAN) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015513HU |
Neurofascin (NFASC) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015743HU |
Neuronal growth regulator 1 (NEGR1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015692HU |
Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y1 (NPY1R) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34646 |
Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y2 (NPY2R) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34647 |
Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y5 (NPY5R) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34645 |
Neuroplastin (NPTN) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL016028HU |
Nidogen-2 (NID2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015803HU |
Ninjurin-1 (NINJ1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015808HU |
Ninjurin-2 (NINJ2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015809HU |
Nuclear Receptor Coactivator 3 (NCOA3) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35459 |
Nuclear Receptor Corepressor 1 (NCOR1), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37632 |
Nuclear Receptor Related Protein 1 (NURR1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34383 |
Oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein (OMG) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL016334HU |
P-Selectin Glycoprotein Ligand 1 (PSGL1), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37697 |
P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (SELPLG) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL020979HU |
Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha (PPARgC1a) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34805 |
Phospholipase A2 Receptor 1 (PLA2R1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34361 |
Platelet Membrane Glycoprotein IV (GP4) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-25555 |
Platelet membrane glycoprotein IV, GP-IV ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E10117h |
Platelet/Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule (PECAM1) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-25565 |
Poliovirus receptor (PVR) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL019093HU |
Poliovirus Receptor Related Protein 1 (PVRL1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33885 |
Pregnane X Receptor (PXR) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34379 |
Prion Protein (PRNP), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37675 |
Proline-serine-threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 1 (PSTPIP1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL018944HU |
Prominin 1 (PROM1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-26149 |
Protein C Receptor, Endothelial (PROCR) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-26415 |
Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor Type J (PTPRJ) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35319 |
Protocadherin 1, PCDH1 ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E10083h |
Protocadherin Fat 1 (FAT1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL008441HU |
Protocadherin gamma-A3 (PCDHGA3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL017583HU |
Protocadherin-10 (PCDH10) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL017525HU |
Protocadherin-15 (PCDH15) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL017529HU |
Protocadherin-23 (DCHS2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL006545HU |
Purinergic Receptor P2X, Ligand Gated Ion Channel 7 (P2RX7) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34654 |
Purinergic Receptor P2Y, G Protein Coupled 1 (P2RY1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-35640 |
Purinergic Receptor P2Y, G Protein Coupled 12 (P2RY12) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34655 |
Purinergic Receptor P2Y, G Protein Coupled 14 (P2RY14) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35301 |
RAR Related Orphan Receptor Gamma (RORg) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34378 |
Receptor Activity Modifying Protein 2 (RAMP2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34795 |
Receptor I For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin G (FcgRI) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-27194 |
Receptor II For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin E (FceRII) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$825 |
KT-27204 |
Receptor II For The Fc Region Of Immunoglobulin G (FcgRII) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-27214 |
Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Like Orphan Receptor 1 (ROR1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35737 |
Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase F (PTPRF) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL019053HU |
Reelin (RELN) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL019557HU |
Reticulon 4 Receptor (RTN4R), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37717 |
Retinoic Acid Receptor Beta (RARb) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34380 |
Retinoic Acid Receptor Gamma (RARg) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34381 |
Retinoid X Receptor Gamma (RXRg) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35677 |
Retinoschisin (RS1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL020534HU |
Scavenger Receptor Class B Member 1 (SCARB1) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$957 |
KT-34790 |
Scavenger Receptor Class D Member 1 (SCARD1), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-37734 |
Selectin, Endothelium (E-Selectin) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$840 |
KT-28037 |
Selectin, Platelet (P-Selectin) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$892 |
KT-28046 |
Semaphorin 3A (SEMA3A) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35061 |
Semaphorin 3B (SEMA3B) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35062 |
Semaphorin 3C (SEMA3C) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35063 |
Semaphorin 3D (SEMA3D) ELISA, Human, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-38743 |
Semaphorin 3E (SEMA3E) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35064 |
Semaphorin 3F (SEMA3F) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35067 |
Semaphorin 4A (SEMA4A) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35065 |
Semaphorin 5A (SEMA5A) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,021 |
KT-35066 |
Semaphorin 5B (SEMA5B), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37738 |
Semaphorin 7A (SEMA7A) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33883 |
SH3 Domain Binding Protein 2 (SH3BP2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35528 |
Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 1 (SIGLEC1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-28265 |
Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 10 (SIGLEC10) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34373 |
Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 15 (SIGLEC15) ELISA, Human, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $764 |
KT-38874 |
Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 2 (SIGLEC2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33842 |
Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 7 (SIGLEC7), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37747 |
Sialic Acid Binding Ig Like Lectin 8 (SIGLEC8) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33920 |
Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 10 (SIGLEC10) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL021294HU |
Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 8 (SIGLEC8) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL021302HU |
Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 9 (SIGLEC9) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL021303HU |
Sialomucin core protein 24 (CD164) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL004884HU |
Signaling Lymphocytic Activation Molecule Family, Member 2 (SLAMF2) ELISA, Human, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38689 |
Signaling Lymphocytic Activation Molecule Family, Member 7 (SLAMF7) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-35006 |
SLAM family member 5 (CD84) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL004964HU |
Soluble Endoglin, sENG/sCD105 ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$600 |
KU-207 |
Spondin-1 (SPON1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL022599HU |
Spondin-2 ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E14967h |
Sushi, von Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain-containing protein 1 (SVEP1) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL022981HU |
T-cell surface protein tactile (CD96) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL004971HU |
T-lymphocyte surface antigen Ly-9 (LY9) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL013253HU |
Target Of The Antiproliferative Antibody 1 (TAPA1) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-33845 |
Taste Receptor Type 2 Member 31 (TAS2R31), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-37782 |
Taste Receptor Type 2 Member 5 (TAS2R5), Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-37783 |
Tenascin-R, TN-R ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E09329h |
Tenascin-X (TNXB) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL024036HU |
Tetraspanin 30 (TSPAN30) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-32281 |
Thrombospondin 1, TSP-1 ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$700 |
KU-154 |
Thrombospondin-2 (THBS2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$700 |
KU-336 |
Thrombospondin-3 (THBS3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL023489HU |
Thrombospondin-4 (THBS4) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL023490HU |
Transforming growth factor-beta-induced protein ig-h3 (TGFBI/BIGH3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E16665h |
Translocator Protein (TSPO) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34960 |
Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 2 (TREM2) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34722 |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 12 (TNFSF12) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34374 |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 14 (TNFSF14) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$916 |
KT-33799 |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 4 (TNFSF4) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$905 |
KT-33804 |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Ligand Superfamily, Member 9 (TNFSF9) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$969 |
KT-34375 |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 1A (TNFRSF1A) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$792 |
KT-33888 |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 1B (TNFRSF1B) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$793 |
KT-33889 |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 4 (TNFRSF4) ELISA, Human, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $752 |
KT-38848 |
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 8 (TNFRSF8) ELISA, Human, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38683 |
Tumor necrosis factor-inducible gene 6 protein (TNFAIP6) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL023959HU |
Tyrosine-protein kinase ABL2 (ABL2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001106HU |
Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor TYRO3 (TYRO3) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL025396HU |
Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 (VCAM1) ELISA Kit, Human  |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$911 |
KT-31369 |
Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, VCAM-1 ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$594 |
KU-022 |
Vascular Endothelial-Cadherin Complex, VE-cad ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E09372h |
Vinculin (VCL) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL025812HU |
Vitronectin (VTN) ELISA Kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E08983h |
WNT1-inducible-signaling pathway protein 2 (WISP2) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL026120HU |
Zyxin (ZYX) ELISA kit, Human |
For quantitative detection in human samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL027165HU |