Animal Biomarker / Preclinical Assay Kits - Angiogenesis |
製品 |
使用目的 |
写真 |
量 |
価格* |
カタログ番号 |
72 kDa type IV collagenase (MMP2) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL014666BO |
Acidic fibroblast growth factor, aFGF/FGF-1 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07327m |
acidic fibroblast growth factor, aFGF/FGF-1 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07326r |
Albumin (ALB) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$788 |
KT-33445 |
Albumin (ALB) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$941 |
KT-28141 |
Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (a2M) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32446 |
Aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001827MO |
Aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001827RA |
Angiogenin (ANG) ELISA kit, Horse |
For quantitative detection in horse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL001703HO |
Angiogenin (ANG) ELISA kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL001703PI |
Angiogenin, ANG ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07300m |
Angiopoietin 1, ANG-1 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07302m |
Angiopoietin 1, ANG-1 ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E08457p |
Angiopoietin 1, ANG-1 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07303r |
Angiopoietin 2, ANG-2 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07305m |
Angiopoietin 2, ANG-2 ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E08460p |
Angiopoietin 2, ANG-2 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07304r |
Angiopoietin-1 (ANGPT1) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$700 |
KU-317 |
Angiopoietin-1 (ANGPT1) ELISA kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL001706DO |
Angiopoietin-related protein 4 (ANGPTL4) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL001712BO |
Angiopoietin-related protein 4 (ANGPTL4) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001712RA |
Angiopoietin-related protein 6 (ANGPTL6) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001714MO |
Annexin V (ANX-V) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-6703 |
Annexin V (ANX-V) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-6704 |
Antithrombin (AT) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-7216 |
Basic fibroblast growth factor, bFGF ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$684 |
CSB-E09871Ch |
Basic fibroblast growth factor, bFGF ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E08001m |
Basic fibroblast growth factor, bFGF ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E12841p |
Basic fibroblast growth factor, bFGF ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E06938Rb |
Basic fibroblast growth factor, bFGF ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E08002r |
Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 (CSPG4) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL006076MO |
Coagulation Factor II (F2) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-11005 |
Coagulation Factor II (F2) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-11008 |
Coagulation Factor IX (F9) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-11015 |
Coagulation Factor IX (F9) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-11018 |
Coagulation Factor V (F5) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-11025 |
Coagulation Factor V (F5) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-11028 |
Coagulation Factor VII (F7) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32851 |
Coagulation Factor VII (F7) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32856 |
Coagulation Factor VIII (F8) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,084 |
KT-32207 |
Coagulation Factor VIII (F8) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-11054 |
Coagulation Factor X (F10) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-11064 |
Coagulation Factor X (F10) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-11067 |
Coagulation Factor XI (F11) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32955 |
Coagulation Factor XII (F12) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32533 |
Coagulation Factor XIII A1 Polypeptide (F13A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33265 |
Coagulation Factor XIII B Polypeptide (F13B) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-11104 |
Collagen alpha-1 (IV) chain (COL4A1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005741MO |
Collagen alpha-1 (VIII) chain (COL8A1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005755MO |
Collagen alpha-2 (IV) chain (COL4A2) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005742MO |
Collagen alpha-2 (VIII) chain (COL8A2) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005756MO |
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 15 (ADAM15) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001276MO |
Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 15 (ADAM15) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001276RA |
Endocrine gland vascular endothelial growth factor, EG-VEGF ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07317m |
Endocrine gland vascular endothelial growth factor, EG-VEGF ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07316r |
Endostatin ELISA Kit (ES), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54075 |
Endostatin ELISA Kit (ES), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57976 |
Endostatin ELISA Kit (ES), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56053 |
Endostatin ELISA Kit (ES), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59810 |
Endothelial cell-specific chemotaxis regulator (ECSCR) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007385MO |
Ephrin type-A receptor 1 (EPHA1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007720MO |
Ephrin type-A receptor 2 (EPHA2) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007722MO |
Ephrin type-B receptor 3 (EPHB3) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007731MO |
Ephrin-A1 (EFNA1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007460MO |
Epidermal growth factor-like protein 7 (EGFL7) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007476MO |
Epidermal growth factor-like protein 7 (EGFL7) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007476RA |
Erythropoietin (EPO) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,084 |
KT-14281 |
Erythropoietin (EPO) ELISA Kit, Horse |
For quantitative detection in horse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,142 |
KT-31929 |
Erythropoietin (EPO) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$922 |
KT-14283 |
Erythropoietin (EPO) ELISA Kit, Pig  |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-14284 |
Erythropoietin (EPO) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-14286 |
Erythropoietin Receptor (EPOR) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-14280 |
Extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007383MO |
Extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007383RA |
Ferritin, Mitochondrial (FTMT) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33339 |
Fibrinogen (Fg) ELISA Kit, Bovine  |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-32116 |
Fibrinogen Alpha (FGa) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-14801 |
Fibrinogen Alpha (FGa) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32027 |
Fibrinogen Beta (FGb) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-14803 |
Fibrinogen Beta (FGb) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33117 |
Fibrinogen ELISA, Rat  |
For the quantitative determination of fibrinogen in rat plasma. Assay range: 3.91 - 250 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$589 |
KT-1895 |
Fibrinogen Gamma (FGg) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33121 |
Fibrinogen Like Protein 1 (FGL1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33160 |
Fibroblast growth factor 6 (FGF6) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07333m |
Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL009717MO |
Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL009717RA |
Heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2 (HSPG2) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010868RA |
Heparin Cofactor II (HC II) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-17414 |
Heparin Cofactor II (HC II) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-17416 |
Heparin Cofactor II (HC II) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-17417 |
Heparin-binding growth factor 1 (FGF1) ELISA kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL008615PI |
Heparin-binding growth factor 2 (FGF2) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL008625BO |
Histidine Rich Glycoprotein (HRG) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32485 |
Histidine Rich Glycoprotein (HRG) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33613 |
HLA-B Associated Transcript 3 (BAT3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35445 |
Junctional adhesion molecule C (JAM3) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL011937MO |
Kininogen 1 (KNG1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32655 |
Kininogen 1 (KNG1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32885 |
Lactadherin (MFGE8) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL013752MO |
Lactadherin (MFGE8) ELISA kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL013752PI |
Lactadherin (MFGE8) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL013752RA |
Matrilin 2 (MATN2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-32903 |
matrix metalloproteinase 2/Gelatinase A, MMP-2 ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$594 |
CSB-E04676m |
Matrix metalloproteinase 2/Gelatinase A, MMP-2 ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$594 |
CSB-E10373Rb |
Matrix metalloproteinase 2/Gelatinase A, MMP-2 ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07411r |
Matrix metalloproteinase-19 (MMP19) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL014665MO |
Methionine (Met) ELISA, General  |
For quantitative detection in general samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$932 |
KT-38787 |
Milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein (MFGE8) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E13549B |
MMP-19 ELISA, Hamster (CHO)  |
For the quantitative determination of MMP-19 in hamster (CHO - Chinese Hamster Ovary) biological samples. Assay range: 0.31- 20 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,164 |
KT-1922 |
Multimerin 1 (MMRN1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33235 |
Phosphotylinosital 3 kinase, PI3K ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E08419m |
Placenta growth factor (PGF) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL017854BO |
Placenta growth factor, PLGF ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07401m |
Placenta growth factor, PLGF ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07400r |
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (PAI1) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-25346 |
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (PAI1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-25348 |
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (PAI1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-25349 |
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2 (PAI2) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-25356 |
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2 (PAI2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-25358 |
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 2 (PAI2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-25359 |
Plasminogen Activator, Tissue (tPA) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-25366 |
Plasminogen Activator, Tissue (tPA) ELISA Kit, Pig  |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-25367 |
Plasminogen Activator, Tissue (tPA) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-25369 |
Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase (u-PA) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-25375 |
Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase (u-PA) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-25378 |
Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase (u-PA) ELISA Kit, Pig  |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-25379 |
Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase (u-PA) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-25381 |
Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase Receptor (u-PAR) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-25373 |
Plasminogen Activator, Urokinase Receptor (u-PAR) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-25374 |
Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-25524 |
Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$926 |
KT-25527 |
Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) ELISA Kit, Pig  |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-25528 |
Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit  |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-25529 |
Platelet Factor 4 (PF4) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-25530 |
Protease Activated Receptor 4 (PAR4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35707 |
Protein C (PRO-C) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-26424 |
Protein C (PRO-C) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-26427 |
Protein Z (PROZ) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$930 |
KT-33781 |
Protein Z Dependent Protease Inhibitor (ZPI) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32614 |
Roundabout homolog 4 (ROBO4) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL020057MO |
Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor (TAFI) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-29672 |
Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor (TAFI) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-29675 |
Thrombomodulin (TM) ELISA Kit, Dog  |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,016 |
KT-29698 |
Thrombomodulin (TM) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$917 |
KT-29702 |
Thrombomodulin (TM) ELISA Kit, Pig  |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-29703 |
Thrombomodulin (TM) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-29704 |
Thrombomodulin (TM) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-29705 |
Thrombopoietin (TPO) ELISA Kit, Bovine  |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,117 |
KT-29706 |
Thrombopoietin (TPO) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,084 |
KT-29708 |
Thrombopoietin (TPO) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$872 |
KT-29711 |
Thrombopoietin (TPO) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-29713 |
Thrombospondin 2 (THBS2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32626 |
Thrombospondin 2 (THBS2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32487 |
Thrombospondin 3 (THBS3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32944 |
Thrombospondin 4 (THBS4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32943 |
Tissue Factor (TF) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-30021 |
Tissue Factor (TF) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-30022 |
Tissue Factor (TF) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-30023 |
Tissue Factor (TF) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-30024 |
Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-30011 |
Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-30013 |
Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-30014 |
Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 12 (TNFSF12) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL023987MO |
Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 12A (TNFRSF12A) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL023970MO |
Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor A (VEGF-A) ELISA KIT, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13002C |
Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor B, VEGF-B ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07365m |
Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor C, VEGF-C ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07361m |
Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor C, VEGF-C ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07359r |
Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor D, VEGF-D ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07357m |
Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor D, VEGF-D ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07352r |
Vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor 1, VEGFR-1/Flt1 ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E04762m |
Vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor 1, VEGFR-1/Flt1 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07350r |
Vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor 2, VEGFR-2/Flk-1 ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E04764m |
Vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor 2, VEGFR-2/Flk-1 ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E07348r |
Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor, VEGF ELISA KIT, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$789.60 |
CSB-E11744c |
Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor, VEGF ELISA Kit, Horse |
For quantitative detection in horse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13799Hs |
Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor, VEGF ELISA KIT, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$600 |
KU-024 |
Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor, VEGF ELISA KIT, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$738 |
CSB-E12053p |
Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor, VEGF ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$684 |
CSB-E04757r |
Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL025833BO |
Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) ELISA kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL025833GU |
Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) ELISA kit, Sheep |
For quantitative detection in sheep samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL025833SH |
Von Willebrand Factor (vWF) ELISA Kit, Dog  |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,084 |
KT-31736 |
Von Willebrand Factor (vWF) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-31740 |
Von Willebrand Factor (vWF) ELISA Kit, Pig  |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-31741 |
Von Willebrand Factor (vWF) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-31742 |
Von Willebrand Factor (vWF) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$1,068 |
KT-31743 |
Von Willebrand Factor A Domain Containing Protein 1 (vWA1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-31730 |
Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Protein Family, Member 2 (WASF2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-35287 |