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You searched the KAMIYA Product Database
in the following product line(s): Animal Biomarker / Preclinical Assay Kits
with the interest area of: Bone and Development

*Prices are subject to change without notice.
Click on a product name to view additional information. 



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Animal Biomarker / Preclinical Assay Kits - Bone and Development
製品 使用目的 写真 価格* カタログ番号
Actin Alpha 1, Skeletal Muscle (ACTa1), Human, Mouse, Rat For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37848
Actin Alpha 2, Smooth Muscle (ACTa2), Human, Mouse, Rat For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37849
Alkaline Phosphatase, Tissue-nonspecific (ALPL), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,032 KT-38252
Amine Oxidase, Copper Containing 3 (AOC3), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,032 KT-38321
Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 11 (WNT11), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $977 KT-38199
Actinin Alpha 3 (ACTN3), Human, Mouse, Rat For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37850
Aggrecan (AGC) ELISA, Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38915
Aquaporin 1 (AQP1), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $977 KT-37922
Aquaporin 1 (AQP1), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38332
Arachidonic Acid (AA) ELISA Kit, Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $714 CSB-EQ027590BO
Beta Actin (ACTB), Human, Mouse, Rat For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37854
Beta-Crosslaps (bCTx), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37936
Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (BMP2), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37056
Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (BMP4), Human, Mouse, Rat For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37855
Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 (BMP7), Sheep For quantitative detection in sheep samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $952 KT-38612
Carbonic Anhydrase II (CA2), Monkey For quantitative detection in monkey samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38636
Carbonic Anhydrase II (CA2), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37947
Carbonic Anhydrase II (CA2), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38349
Carboxylated Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (cOC), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-104525
Carboxylated Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (cOC), Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-111253
Carboxylated Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (cOC), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-98453
Carboxylated Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (cOC), Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-82773
Carboxylated Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (cOC), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-72911
Carboxylated Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (cOC), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-92213
Carboxylated Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (cOC), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-77795
Carboxylated Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (cOC), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-68004
Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37058
Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP), Horse For quantitative detection in horse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37207
Chondroitin Sulfate (CS), General For quantitative detection in general samples.   
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96 tests $1,129 KT-37122
Cluster Of Differentiation 99 (CD99), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37961
Collagen Type I (COL1), Horse For quantitative detection in horse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37208
Collagen Type I (COL1), Horse For quantitative detection in horse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $952 KT-37209
Collagen Type I (COL1), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38263
Collagen Type I Alpha 2 (COL1a2), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,117 KT-38215
Collagen Type II (COL2), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38264
Collagen Type IV (COL4) ELISA Kit (CRH), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-52160
Creatine Kinase, Mitochondrial 2, Sarcomeric (CKMT2) ELISA, Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,044 KT-38923
Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type I Collagen (CTXI), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38266
Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type II Collagen (CTXII), Horse For quantitative detection in horse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37212
Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type II Collagen (CTXII), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38267
Cross Linked C-Telopeptide Of Type III Collagen (CTXIII), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37970
Cyclin Dependent Kinase 2 Associated Protein 1 (CDK2AP1) ELISA, Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests Price Drop
Elastin (ELN) ELISA, Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38673
Fetuin A ELISA, Mouse For the quantitative determination of fetuin A in mouse biological fluids. Assay Range: 3.125 - 100 ng/mL. Includes calibrator.  (no photo available) 96 tests $550 KT-776
Fetuin B (FETUB) ELISA, Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests Price Drop
Fetuin B (FETUB), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37999
Gremlin 1 (GREM1), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38434
Homocysteic Acid (HA), General For quantitative detection in general samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37145
Inositol Triphosphate (IP3), General For quantitative detection in general samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $952 KT-37147
Keratan Sulfate (KS) ELISA, General For quantitative detection in general samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests Price Drop
Lactoferrin ELISA, Bovine For the quantitative determination of lactoferrin in bovine biological samples. Assay range: 6.25 - 200 ng/mL. Includes calibrator.   
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96 tests $551 KT-1892
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) ELISA, Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests Price Drop
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,117 KT-37037
Matrix Metalloproteinase 24 (MMP24) ELISA, Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests Price Drop
Metallothionein (MT) ELISA Kit, Fish For quantitative detection in fish samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-EQ027262FI
Metallothionein (MT) ELISA Kit, Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-E11315r
Metallothionein-1 (MT-1) ELISA Kit, Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-E13694m
Metallothionein-2 (MT-2) ELISA Kit, Fish For quantitative detection in fish samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $714 CSB-E13537Fh
Metallothionein-2 (MT-2) ELISA Kit, Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-E13693m
Metallothionein-2 (MT-2) ELISA Kit, Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $714 CSB-E14368r
Motility Related Protein (MRP1), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $977 KT-38086
Myosin Light Chain 2 (MYL2), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,032 KT-38497
Myostatin (MSTN) ELISA, Sheep For quantitative detection in sheep samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests Price Drop
Myostatin (MSTN), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38088
Myostatin (MSTN), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38498
N-MID Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (N-MID-OT), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-107640
N-MID Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (N-MID-OT), Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114315
N-MID Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (N-MID-OT), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.   
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96 tests $975 KT-101406
N-MID Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (N-MID-OT), Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-88584
N-Mid Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (N-MID-OT), Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-54745
N-Mid Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (N-MID-OT), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-58607
N-MID Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (N-MID-OT), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95007
N-Mid Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (N-MID-OT), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-56716
N-Mid Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (N-MID-OT), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-60450
Neuromedin U (NMU), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38095
Noggin (NOG), Human, Mouse, Rat For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37871
Osteocalcin (OC) ELISA, Sheep For quantitative detection in sheep samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,064 KT-38931
Osteocalcin (OC), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,072 KT-37071
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (OT), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,007 KT-52818
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (OT), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-52862
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (OT), Fish For quantitative detection in fish samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,045 KT-52972
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (OT), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-52438
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (OT), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,007 KT-51919
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (OT), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-51781
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit (OT), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.   
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96 tests $998 KT-51440
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit, Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114393
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit, Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-88662
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-53046
Osteocalcin ELISA Kit, Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-51780
Osteocalcin/Bone gla protein ELISA Kit (OT/BGP), Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114434
Osteocalcin/Bone gla protein ELISA Kit (OT/BGP), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-101523
Osteocalcin/Bone Gla Protein ELISA Kit (OT/BGP), Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-54783
Osteocalcin/Bone Gla Protein ELISA Kit (OT/BGP), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-58636
Osteocalcin/Bone gla protein ELISA Kit (OT/BGP), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95124
Osteocalcin/Bone Gla Protein ELISA Kit (OT/BGP), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-56753
Osteocalcin/Bone Gla Protein ELISA Kit (OT/BGP), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-60479
Osteoclase differentiation factor ELISA Kit (ODF), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-107747
Osteoclase differentiation factor ELISA Kit (ODF), Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114425
Osteoclase differentiation factor ELISA Kit (ODF), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-101514
Osteoclase differentiation factor ELISA Kit (ODF), Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-88693
Osteoclase Differentiation Factor ELISA Kit (ODF), Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-54772
Osteoclase Differentiation Factor ELISA Kit (ODF), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-58625
Osteoclase differentiation factor ELISA Kit (ODF), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95115
Osteoclase Differentiation Factor ELISA Kit (ODF), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-56742
Osteoclase Differentiation Factor ELISA Kit (ODF), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-60468
Osteoclast Associated Receptor ELISA Kit (OAR), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-107718
Osteoclast Associated Receptor ELISA Kit (OAR), Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114395
Osteoclast Associated Receptor ELISA Kit (OAR), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-101485
Osteoclast Associated Receptor ELISA Kit (OAR), Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-88664
Osteoclast Associated Receptor ELISA Kit (OAR), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95086
Osteoclast Associated Receptor ELISA Kit (OSCAR), Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-53047
Osteoclast Associated Receptor ELISA Kit (OSCAR), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-52439
Osteoclast Associated Receptor ELISA Kit (OSCAR), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-51782
Osteoclast Associated Receptor ELISA Kit (OSCAR), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-51441
Osteoclast Stimulating Factor 1 ELISA Kit (OSF), Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-54767
Osteoclast Stimulating Factor 1 ELISA Kit (OSF), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-58620
Osteoclast Stimulating Factor 1 ELISA Kit (OSF), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-56737
Osteoclast Stimulating Factor 1 ELISA Kit (OSF), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-51442
Osteoclast Stimulating Factor 1 ELISA Kit (OSF1), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-107732
Osteoclast Stimulating Factor 1 ELISA Kit (OSF1), Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114410
Osteoclast Stimulating Factor 1 ELISA Kit (OSF1), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-101499
Osteoclast Stimulating Factor 1 ELISA Kit (OSF1), Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-88678
Osteoclast Stimulating Factor 1 ELISA Kit (OSF1), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95100
Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 (OSTF1) ELISA Kit (ODF1), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-75615
Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 (OSTF1) ELISA Kit, Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-108141
Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 (OSTF1) ELISA Kit, Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114818
Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 (OSTF1) ELISA Kit, Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-101907
Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 (OSTF1) ELISA Kit, Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-89085
Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 (OSTF1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-85457
Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 (OSTF1) ELISA Kit, Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95508
Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 (OSTF1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-80488
Osteoclast-stimulating factor 1 (OSTF1) ELISA Kit, Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-70676
Osteocrin ELISA Kit (OMT-1), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-75226
Osteocrin ELISA Kit (Ostn), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-107735
Osteocrin ELISA Kit (Ostn), Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114413
Osteocrin ELISA Kit (Ostn), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-101502
Osteocrin ELISA Kit (Ostn), Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-88681
Osteocrin ELISA Kit (Ostn), Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-85069
Osteocrin ELISA Kit (Ostn), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95103
Osteocrin ELISA Kit (Ostn), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-80100
Osteocrin ELISA Kit (Ostn), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-70288
Osteogenic Growth Peptide ELISA Kit (OGP), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-107748
Osteogenic Growth Peptide ELISA Kit (OGP), Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114426
Osteogenic Growth Peptide ELISA Kit (OGP), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-101515
Osteogenic Growth Peptide ELISA Kit (OGP), Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-88694
Osteogenic Growth Peptide ELISA Kit (OGP), Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-54774
Osteogenic Growth Peptide ELISA Kit (OGP), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-58627
Osteogenic Growth Peptide ELISA Kit (OGP), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95116
Osteogenic Growth Peptide ELISA Kit (OGP), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-56744
Osteogenic Growth Peptide ELISA Kit (OGP), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-60470
Osteonectin ELISA Kit (ON), Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-54766
Osteonectin ELISA Kit (ON), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-52441
Osteonectin ELISA Kit (ON), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-56736
Osteonectin ELISA Kit (ON), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-51443
Osteonectin ELISA Kit, Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-107731
Osteonectin ELISA Kit, Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114409
Osteonectin ELISA Kit, Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-101498
Osteonectin ELISA Kit, Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-88677
Osteonectin ELISA Kit, Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95099
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA kit, Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-EL022603BO
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-33229
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-107720
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114397
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Dog For the quantitative determination of osteopontin in dog biological fluids. Assay Range: 0.3125 - 10 ng/mL. Includes calibrator.  (no photo available) 96 tests $575 KT-995
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-88665
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-54756
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-33005
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95087
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA kit, Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-EL022603PI
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,044 KT-24446
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-51783
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-E08394Rb
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-56726
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Rat For the quantitative determination of osteopontin in rat biological fluids. Assay Range: 0.0625 - 4 ng/mL. Includes calibrator.  (no photo available) 96 tests $575 KT-997
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA kit, Sheep For quantitative detection in sheep samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-EL022603SH
Osteopontin (OPN), Monkey For quantitative detection in monkey samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38658
Osteoprotegerin (OPG), Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,032 KT-37101
Osteoprotegerin (OPG), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,072 KT-37072
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-107734
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-114412
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-101501
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,013 KT-52873
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-88680
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,000 KT-54769
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-58622
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $981 KT-52443
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-95102
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,007 KT-51920
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-56739
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-60465
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (OPG), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-51445
Osteoprotegerin ELISA Kit (Ostn), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-75225
Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein (PTHrP), Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37041
Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein (PTHrP), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38108
Parathyroid Hormone Related Protein (PTHrP), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38512
Platelet Derived Growth Factor Subunit A (PDGFA), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38529
Procollagen I N-Terminal Propeptide (PINP), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38119
Procollagen I N-Terminal Propeptide (PINP), Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38291
Procollagen I N-Terminal Propeptide (PINP), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38538
Procollagen II C-Terminal Propeptide (PIICP), Horse For quantitative detection in horse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37220
Procollagen II C-Terminal Propeptide (PIICP), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38120
Procollagen II C-Terminal Propeptide (PIICP), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38539
Procollagen II N-Terminal Propeptide (PIINP), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38121
Procollagen III (PCIII) ELISA, Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,032 KT-38781
Procollagen III (PCIII), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38122
Procollagen III C-Terminal Propeptide (PIIICP), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38123
Procollagen III C-Terminal Propeptide (PIIICP), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38540
Procollagen III N-Terminal Propeptide (PIIINP), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38124
Procollagen III N-Terminal Propeptide (PIIINP), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,032 KT-38541
Receptor Activator Of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand (RANkL), Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,072 KT-37074
Runt Related Transcription Factor 2 (RUNX2), Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38144
V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog ELISA Kit (FOS), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $998 KT-51695
V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog ELISA Kit, Bovine For quantitative detection in bovine samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-106393
V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog ELISA Kit, Chicken For quantitative detection in chicken samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-113068
V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog ELISA Kit, Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-100266
V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog ELISA Kit, Goat For quantitative detection in goat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-87331
V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-84252
V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog ELISA Kit, Mouse For quantitative detection in mouse samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-74419
V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog ELISA Kit, Pig For quantitative detection in pig samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-94074
V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog ELISA Kit, Rabbit For quantitative detection in rabbit samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-79283
V-Fos FBJ Murine Osteosarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog ELISA Kit, Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-69489
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D (VEGFD) ELISA, Dog For quantitative detection in dog samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests Price Drop
Vinculin (VCL), Rat For quantitative detection in rat samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-38604
Vitamin K1 (VK1), General For quantitative detection in general samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,129 KT-37193
Vitamin K2 (VK2) ELISA, Hamster For quantitative detection in hamster samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $1,045 KT-115857

* Prices are subject to change without notice.

Total Matches: 225
12779 Gateway Drive, Seattle, WA 98168, U.S.A.  •  Tel: (206) 575-8068  •  Fax: (206) 575-8094  •  E-mail: info@k-assay.com  •  Privacy Policy