Animal Biomarker / Preclinical Assay Kits - Coagulation |
製品 |
使用目的 |
写真 |
量 |
価格* |
カタログ番号 |
ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 13 (ADAMTS13) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001301MO |
Annexin V, ANX-V ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E08700m |
Annexin V, ANX-V ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E08699r |
Antithrombin-III (SERPINC1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL021079MO |
Antithrombin-III (SERPINC1) ELISA kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL021079RB |
For the quantitative determination of anti-thrombin III (AT-III) in rat biological samples. Assay Range: 12.5 - 400 ng/mL. Includes calibrator and control. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$575 |
KT-412 |
Coagulation factor III, FIII ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E17813m |
Coagulation factor IX (F9) ELISA kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL007936PI |
Coagulation factor IX (F9) ELISA kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL007936RB |
Coagulation factor IX (FIX) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13085m |
Coagulation factor IX, FIX ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E08444r |
Coagulation factor V (F5) ELISA kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL007929PI |
Coagulation factor V, FV ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E17815m |
Coagulation factor VII (F7) ELISA kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL007930RB |
Coagulation factor VII (F7) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007930RA |
Coagulation factor VII, FVII ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E17817m |
Coagulation factor VII, FVII ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E15001p |
Coagulation factor X (F10) ELISA kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL007915RB |
Coagulation factor X, FX ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E08442m |
Coagulation factor X, FX ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E08441r |
Coagulation Factor XI (F11) ELISA, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $789 |
KT-38884 |
Coagulation Factor XII (F12) ELISA, Pig  |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $1,129 |
KT-38824 |
Coagulation factor XII, FXII ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E17819m |
Coagulation factor XII, FXII ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E10124r |
Coagulation factor XIII A chain (F13A1) ELISA kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL007919PI |
Coagulation Factor XIII A1 Polypeptide (F13A1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E13519m |
Coagulation factor XIII B chain (F13B) ELISA kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL007922PI |
Coagulation Factor XIII B Polypeptide (F13B) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E13521m |
Coagulation factor XIII, FXIII ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E10122r |
Fibrinogen alpha chain (FGA) ELISA kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL008607GU |
Fibrinogen alpha chain (FGA) ELISA kit, Monkey |
For quantitative detection in monkey samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL008607RH |
Fibrinogen alpha chain (Fga) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E17440r |
Fibrinogen beta chain (Fgb/Ab1-181/Ab1-216/Ac1-581) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E17441r |
Fibrinogen ELISA, Mouse  |
For the quantitative determination of fibrinogen in mouse serum or plasma. Assay Range: 25 - 800 ng/mL. Includes calibrator and control. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$532 |
KT-397 |
Fibrinogen ELISA, Pig  |
For the quantitative determination of fibrinogen in pig biological samples. Assay Range: 6.125 - 400 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$532 |
KT-484 |
Fibrinogen ELISA, Rat  |
For the quantitative determination of fibrinogen in rat plasma. Assay range: 3.91 - 250 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$589 |
KT-1895 |
Fibrinogen ELISA, Trout  |
For the quantitative determination of Fibrinogen in trout plasma. Assay range: 1.56 - 100 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$628 |
KT-1932 |
Fibrinogen gamma chain (FGG) ELISA kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL008651DO |
Fibrinogen Gamma Chain (FGG) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13333m |
Fibrinogen gamma chain (Fgg) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E17442r |
Heparin cofactor 2 (SERPIND1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL021080MO |
Heparin cofactor 2 (SERPIND1) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL021080RA |
Histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL010736BO |
Histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010736MO |
Histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010736RA |
Kininogen (KNG) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E12725r |
Kininogen-1 (KNG1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL012479MO |
Plasma kallikrein (KLKB1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E16637m |
Plasma kallikrein (KLKB1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E17174p |
Plasma kallikrein (KLKB1) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL012461RA |
Plasma protease C1 inhibitor (SERPING1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL021086MO |
Plasma protease C1 inhibitor (SERPING1) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL021086RA |
Plasminogen (PLG) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL018188BO |
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 2 (SERPINB2) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL021070MO |
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 2 (SERPINB2) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL021070RA |
Plasminogen ELISA, Mouse  |
For the quantitative determination of plasminogen in mouse biological fluids. Assay Range: 6.25 - 200 ng/mL. Includes calibrator and control. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$563 |
KT-409 |
Plasminogen ELISA, Pig  |
For the quantitative determination of plasminogen in pig biological fluids. Assay Range: 6.25 - 200 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$563 |
KT-459 |
Plasminogen ELISA, Rabbit  |
For the quantitative determination of plasminogen in rabbit biological fluids. Assay Range: 6.25 - 200 ng/mL. Includes calibrator and control. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$563 |
KT-411 |
Plasminogen ELISA, Rat  |
For the quantitative determination of plasminogen in rat biological fluids. Assay Range: 3.13 - 200 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$563 |
KT-461 |
Platelet Derived Growth Factor AA (PDGFAA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38115 |
Platelet glycoprotein Ib alpha chain (GP1BA) ELISA kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL009685DO |
Platelet glycoprotein Ib alpha chain (GP1BA) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL009685MO |
Platelet glycoprotein Ib beta chain (GP1BB) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL009686MO |
Platelet glycoprotein Ib beta chain (GP1BB) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL009686RA |
Protein C/autoprothrombin IIA/coagulation factor XIV (PROC/FXIV) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13886r |
Soluable Thrombomodulin (STM) ELISA KIT, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13383m |
soluble endothelial protein C receptor, sEPCR ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E04530m |
soluble endothelial protein C receptor, sEPCR ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E07313r |
Thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor, TAFI ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E08780m |
Thrombomodulin, TM ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E06529c |
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) ELISA kit, Monkey |
For quantitative detection in monkey samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL023437RH |
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 (TFPI2) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL023438BO |
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 (TFPI2) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL023438MO |
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E08262m |
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E08263Rb |
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E08261r |
Tissue factor, TF ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E07914r |
Tissue-type Plasiminogen Actilyse, t-PA ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E07918m |
Tissue-type Plasiminogen Actilyse, t-PA ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E06525p |
Tissue-type Plasiminogen Actilyse, t-PA ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E07917r |
Total protein C, TPC ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13585m |
Urokinase plasminogen activator, uPA ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E07369m |
Urokinase plasminogen activator, uPA ELISA kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E09769Rb |
Urokinase plasminogen activator, uPA ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E07368r |
Vitamin K-dependent protein S (PROS1) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL018754BO |
Vitamin K-dependent protein S (PROS1) ELISA kit, Monkey |
For quantitative detection in monkey samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL018754RH |
Vitamin K-dependent protein S (PROS1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL018754MO |
Vitamin K-dependent protein S (PROS1) ELISA kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL018754RB |
Vitamin K-dependent protein S (PROS1) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL018754RA |
Vitamin K-dependent protein Z (PROZ) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL018759BO |
Vitamin K-dependent protein Z (PROZ) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL018759MO |
von Willebrand factor (VWF) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL025960BO |
von Willebrand Factor cleaving protease, ADAMTS-13/vWF-cp ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E11243r |
von Willebrand Factor, vWF ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$789.60 |
CSB-E12759c |
von Willebrand Factor, vWF ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E08439m |
von Willebrand Factor, vWF ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$789.60 |
CSB-E09395p |
von Willebrand Factor, vWF ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E08438r |