Animal Biomarker / Preclinical Assay Kits - DNA / Oxidative Damage |
製品 |
使用目的 |
写真 |
量 |
価格* |
カタログ番号 |
8-iso-Prostaglandin F2alpha ELISA Kit, General |
Quantify 8-isoprostane in about 3 hours. Suitable for use with urine, plasma, serum, or cell lysates. 8-iso-PGF2alpha included as positive control |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$675 |
KT-923 |
8-OHdG DNA Damage ELISA, General |
Detect as little as 100 pg/mL of 8-OHdG. Suitable for use with serum, urine, cells, or tissues. 8-OHdG standard included. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$1,013 |
KT-977 |
Advanced Glycation End Product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit, General |
Detect AGE as low as 0.5 µg/mL. AGE-modified BSA and reduce BSA included as standards. Compatible with cell lystates, plasma, serum, and purified proteins. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$817 |
KT-988 |
Aprotinin (AP) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-32557 |
Aprotinin (AP) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-24637 |
Beta-Lactoglobulin (bLg) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-33312 |
BPDE DNA Adduct ELISA Kit, General  |
For detection and quantitation of benzo(a)pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE) DNA adducts. BPDE-DNA standard included. Suitable for use with DNA samples such as cell or tissue genomic DNA. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$826 |
KT-938 |
BPDE Protein Adduct ELISA Kit, General  |
For detection and quantitation of benzo(a)pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE) protein adducts. BPDE-BSA standard included. Suitable for use with protein samples such as purified protein, plasma, serum, or cell lysates |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$836 |
KT-904 |
Catalase (CAT) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E17594B |
Catalase (CAT) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E14190m |
Catalase (CAT) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13439r |
Cellular UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD), General  |
Measure CPD structures of DNA lesions induced by UV light. Intact cells are cultured in a 96-well plate and CPD measured by ELISA. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$731 |
KT-917 |
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HUWE1 (HUWE1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010911MO |
Endonuclease 8-like 3 (NEIL3) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015695MO |
Eosinophil Peroxidase (EPO) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-E15830m |
F2 Isoprostanes (IosPF2) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115810 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 15 (FGF15) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$942 |
KT-32277 |
Fibroblast Growth Factor 15 (FGF15) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$994 |
KT-32328 |
Global DNA Methylation ELISA Kit (5'-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine Quantitation), General |
For detection and quantitation of 5'-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine (5MedCyd). Suitable for use with DNA samples such as cell or tissue genomic DNA. Detection sensitivity of 150 nM 5MedCyd. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$685 |
KT-940 |
Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32170 |
Hexanoyl-Lys Adduct (HEL) ELISA, General  |
For the quantitative determination of hexanoyl-Lys adduct in urine, serum, and other biological samples. Assay Range: 2 - 700 nmol/L. Includes calibrators. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$678 |
KT-519 |
HNE Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit, General  |
Measure HNE protein adduct levels in a variety of samples including cell and tissue lysates, serum, plasma, and purified proteins. HNE-BSA standard included. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 assays |
$864 |
KT-957 |
Human Oxidized HDL ELISA Kit (MDA-HDL Quantitation), General |
Suitable for use with human plasma or serum samples. MDA-HDL Standard included. Detection sensitivity limit of <1 ng/mL for MDA-HDL. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$849 |
KT-972 |
Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (CML-LDL Quantitation), General  |
Suitable for use with human plasma or serum samples. Copper oxidized LDL (oxLDL) Standard included. Detection sensitivity limit of <50 ng/mL for MDA-LDL. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$849 |
KT-960 |
Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (HNE-LDL Quantitation), General  |
Suitable for use with human plasma or serum samples. Copper oxidized LDL (oxLDL) Standard included. Detection sensitivity limit of 150 ng/mL for HNE-LDL. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$849 |
KT-961 |
Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (MDA-LDL Quantitation), General  |
Suitable for use with human plasma or serum samples. Copper oxidized LDL (oxLDL) Standard included. Detection sensitivity limit of <50 ng/mL for MDA-LDL. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$849 |
KT-959 |
Insulin Receptor Substrate 3 (IRS3) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33650 |
Kelch Like ECH Associated Protein 1 (KEAP1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-36148 |
Lactoperoxidase (LPO) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL013066BO |
Lipid Peroxlde (LPO) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E16931m |
MDA Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit, General  |
Detect as little as 6 pmol/mg of malondialdehyde. More specific for MDA than traditional TBARS assay |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 assays |
$864 |
KT-956 |
Metallothionein (MT) ELISA Kit, Fish |
For quantitative detection in fish samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EQ027262FI |
Metallothionein (MT) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E11315r |
Metallothionein-1 (MT-1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13694m |
Metallothionein-2 (MT-2) ELISA Kit, Fish |
For quantitative detection in fish samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$714 |
CSB-E13537Fh |
Metallothionein-2 (MT-2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13693m |
Metallothionein-2 (MT-2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$714 |
CSB-E14368r |
Methylglyoxal (MG) Competitive ELISA Kit, General |
Rapid detection and quantitation of MG-H1 (methyl-glyoxal-hydro-imidazolone) protein adducts. Provides sufficient reagents to perform up to 96 assays, including standard curve and unknown protein samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$864 |
KT-948 |
Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 5 (MCP5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33442 |
Myeloperoxidase ELISA, Monkey  |
For the quantitative determination of Myeloperoxidase in monkey serum. Assay range: 0.078 - 5 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$628 |
KT-1937 |
Myeloperoxidase, MPO ELISA kit, Sheep |
For quantitative detection in sheep samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL014757SH |
N-epsilon-(carboxyethyl) lysine (CEL) Competitive ELISA Kit, General |
Provides rapid detection and quantitation of CEL protein adducts. Perform up to 96 assays, including standard curve and unknown protein samples. Will not cross react with CML protein adducts. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$864 |
KT-950 |
N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML) Competitive ELISA Kit, General  |
Detect CML as low as 50 ng/mL from a variety of samples. CML-modified BSA included as standard. Compatible with cell lysates, serum, plasma, purified proteins, and other protein-containing samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$864 |
KT-952 |
N-glycosylase/DNA lyase [Includes: 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL016313MO |
N-glycosylase/DNA lyase [Includes: 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL016313RA |
Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit, General |
Sensitive detection of 3-Nitrotyrosine as low as 10 nM. Suitable for use with cell lysates, serum, plasma and purified proteins. Nitrated BSA provided as positive control. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$853 |
KT-906 |
Oxidative RNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHG Quantitation), General |
ELISA detects 300 pg/mL to 40 ng/mL of 8-OHG. Suitable for use with RNA from urine, serum, cerebrospinal fluid, cells or tissues. 8-OHG standard included for absolute quantitation. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$1,013 |
KT-916 |
Peroxidasin homolog (PXDN) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL019106MO |
Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1 (PARP1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL017457MO |
Protein Carbamylation Sandwich ELISA Kit, General  |
Detection sensitivity limit of 1.5 ng/mL of CBL-BSA. Rapid detection and quantitation of protein carbamylation. Kit provides sufficient reagents to perform up to 96 assays, including standard curve and unknown protein samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$849 |
KT-973 |
Protein Carbonyl ELISA Kit, General |
Detect as little as 10 µg/mL in a standard microplate reader. No concentration or precipitation steps that contribute to sample loss. Suitable for plasma, serum, cell lysates or purified proteins. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$853 |
KT-909 |
Regenerating Islet Derived Protein 3 Beta (REG3b) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35685 |
Replication protein A 70 kDa DNA-binding subunit (RPA1) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL020088RA |
s-Glutathione Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit, General |
Quantify s-Glutathione protein adducts in a competitive ELISA format. Suitable for use with protein samples from cells, lysates, plasma or serum. Read results in a standard 96-well plate. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$706 |
KT-951 |
Thymidine Kinase (TK1) ELISA, Dog  |
For the quantitative determination of thymidine kinase (TK1) in dog biological samples. Assay range: 0.16 - 5 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$619 |
KT-1891 |
Thyroid-Peroxidase, TPO ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E08353m |
Thyroid-Peroxidase, TPO ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E08352r |
Trypsin (TRY) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-32007 |
UV excision repair protein RAD23 homolog B (RAD23B) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL019260MO |
UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (6-4PP Quantitation), General |
Measure (6-4) photoproduct structures of DNA lesions induced by UV light. Quantify structures in isolated DNA in standard ELISA format. |
(no photo available) |
96 assays |
$731 |
KT-915 |
UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD Quantitation), General  |
Measure CPD structures of DNA lesions induced by UV light. Detect structures in isolated DNA using standard ELISA plate format. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 assays |
$731 |
KT-914 |