Animal Biomarker / Preclinical Assay Kits - Neurobiology |
製品 |
使用目的 |
写真 |
量 |
価格* |
カタログ番号 |
2',3'-Cyclic Nucleotide 3'-Phosphodiesterase (CNP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38304 |
Adenylate Cyclase 1, Brain (ADCY1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38311 |
Fatty Acid Binding Protein 7, Brain (FABP7), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37997 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, AMPA 1 (GRIA1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38272 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A (GRIN2A), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38424 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2B (GRIN2B), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38425 |
Neurofilament, Heavy Polypeptide (NEFH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38093 |
Neurofilament, Light Polypeptide (NEFL), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38094 |
Neurofilament, Light Polypeptide (NEFL), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38501 |
Proteolipid Protein 1, Myelin (PLP1), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38550 |
Ryanodine Receptor 2, Cardiac (RYR2), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38559 |
10 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial (HSPE1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010865MO |
10 kDa heat shock protein, mitochondrial (HSPE1) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010865RA |
11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 (HSD11b1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37898 |
11-cis retinol dehydrogenase (RDH5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-108759 |
11-cis retinol dehydrogenase (RDH5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-115397 |
11-cis retinol dehydrogenase (RDH5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102531 |
11-cis retinol dehydrogenase (RDH5) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-89711 |
11-cis retinol dehydrogenase (RDH5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85824 |
11-cis retinol dehydrogenase (RDH5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96130 |
11-cis retinol dehydrogenase (RDH5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80859 |
11-cis retinol dehydrogenase (RDH5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71047 |
14-3-3 protein sigma (SFN) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109089 |
14-3-3 protein sigma (SFN) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102866 |
14-3-3 protein sigma (SFN) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90044 |
14-3-3 protein sigma (SFN) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86030 |
14-3-3 protein sigma (SFN) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96463 |
14-3-3 protein sigma (SFN) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81067 |
14-3-3 protein sigma (SFN) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71246 |
26S proteasome complex subunit DSS1 (SHFM1) ELISA Kit (SRD5A1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76185 |
3, 4-DihydroxyphenylaceticAcid (DOPAC) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115753 |
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1 (SRD5A1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109091 |
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1 (SRD5A1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102868 |
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1 (SRD5A1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90046 |
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1 (SRD5A1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86032 |
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1 (SRD5A1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96465 |
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1 (SRD5A1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81069 |
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1 (SRD5A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71248 |
4-Fluoroamphetamine ELISA (4-FA), Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115763 |
45 kDa calcium-binding protein (SDF4) ELISA Kit (SFN), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76183 |
5 Hydroxytryptamine ELISA Kit (5HT), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54409 |
5 Hydroxytryptamine ELISA Kit (5HT), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58292 |
5 Hydroxytryptamine ELISA Kit (5HT), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56380 |
5 Hydroxytryptamine ELISA Kit (5HT), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60133 |
5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 6 (HTR6) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115777 |
5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 6 (HTR6) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115778 |
A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 4 (ADAMTS4), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38249 |
Acetylcarnitine (ALCAR), General |
For quantitative detection in general samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37114 |
Acetylcholine ELISA Kit (ACH), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53594 |
Acetylcholine ELISA Kit (ACH), Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57532 |
Acetylcholine ELISA Kit (ACH), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55579 |
Acetylcholine ELISA Kit (ACH), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59355 |
Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody ELISA Kit (ACHRAB), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57372 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha (CHRNA1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103133 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha (CHRNA1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109864 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha (CHRNA1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97241 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha (CHRNA1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86702 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha (CHRNA1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81491 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha (CHRNA1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71647 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha (CHRNA1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90828 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha (CHRNA1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76592 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha (CHRNA1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66743 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit beta (CHRNB1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103134 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit beta (CHRNB1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109865 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit beta (CHRNB1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97242 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit beta (CHRNB1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86703 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit beta (CHRNB1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81492 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit beta (CHRNB1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71648 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit beta (CHRNB1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90829 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit beta (CHRNB1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76593 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit beta (CHRNB1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66744 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit delta (CHRND) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103135 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit delta (CHRND) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109866 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit delta (CHRND) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97243 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit delta (CHRND) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86704 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit delta (CHRND) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81493 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit delta (CHRND) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71649 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit delta (CHRND) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90830 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit delta (CHRND) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76594 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit delta (CHRND) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66745 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit epsilon (CHRNE) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103136 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit epsilon (CHRNE) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109867 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit epsilon (CHRNE) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97244 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit epsilon (CHRNE) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86705 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit epsilon (CHRNE) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81494 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit epsilon (CHRNE) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71650 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit epsilon (CHRNE) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90831 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit epsilon (CHRNE) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76595 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit epsilon (CHRNE) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66746 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit gamma (CHRNG) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103137 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit gamma (CHRNG) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109868 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit gamma (CHRNG) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97245 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit gamma (CHRNG) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86706 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit gamma (CHRNG) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81495 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit gamma (CHRNG) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71651 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit gamma (CHRNG) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90832 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit gamma (CHRNG) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76596 |
Acetylcholine receptor subunit gamma (CHRNG) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66747 |
Acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL001154BO |
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) ELISA Kit, Fish |
For quantitative detection in fish samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E17001Fh |
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E17521m |
Acetylcholinesterase ELISA Kit (AChE), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103001 |
Acetylcholinesterase ELISA Kit (AChE), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109732 |
Acetylcholinesterase ELISA Kit (AChE), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97109 |
Acetylcholinesterase ELISA Kit (AChE), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86569 |
Acetylcholinesterase ELISA Kit (AChE), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53595 |
Acetylcholinesterase ELISA Kit (AChE), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57533 |
Acetylcholinesterase ELISA Kit (AChE), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90695 |
Acetylcholinesterase ELISA Kit (AChE), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55580 |
Acetylcholinesterase ELISA Kit (AChE), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59356 |
Acetylcholinesterase, AChE ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E11304r |
acrolein (ACR) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103251 |
acrolein (ACR) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109979 |
acrolein (ACR) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97356 |
Acrolein (ACR) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86820 |
Acrolein (ACR) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81606 |
Acrolein (ACR) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71762 |
Acrolein (ACR) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90946 |
acrolein (ACR) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76707 |
acrolein (ACR) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66858 |
Actin Beta ELISA Kit (ACTb), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-50981 |
Activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1 (AMBRA1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103463 |
Activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1 (AMBRA1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110191 |
Activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1 (AMBRA1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97568 |
Activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1 (AMBRA1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81818 |
Activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1 (AMBRA1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71974 |
Activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1 (AMBRA1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91158 |
Activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1 (AMBRA1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76919 |
Activating molecule in BECN1-regulated autophagy protein 1 (AMBRA1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67070 |
Activator of 90 kDa heat shock protein ATPase homolog 1 (AHSA1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL001483MO |
Active caspase-3 ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109450 |
Active caspase-3 ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96826 |
Active caspase-3 ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86277 |
Active caspase-3 ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81306 |
Active caspase-3 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71472 |
Active caspase-3 ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90406 |
Active caspase-3 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66575 |
Activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein (ADNP) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103326 |
Activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein (ADNP) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110054 |
Activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein (ADNP) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97431 |
Activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein (ADNP) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81681 |
Activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein (ADNP) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71837 |
Activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein (ADNP) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91021 |
Activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein (ADNP) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76782 |
Activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox protein (ADNP) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66933 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 1 (NECAP1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103976 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 1 (NECAP1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110701 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 1 (NECAP1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98078 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 1 (NECAP1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82328 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 1 (NECAP1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72484 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 1 (NECAP1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91669 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 1 (NECAP1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77351 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 1 (NECAP1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67579 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 2 (NECAP2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103977 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 2 (NECAP2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110702 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 2 (NECAP2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98079 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 2 (NECAP2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82329 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 2 (NECAP2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72485 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 2 (NECAP2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91670 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 2 (NECAP2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77352 |
Adaptin ear-binding coat-associated protein 2 (NECAP2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67580 |
Adenosine monophosphate-protein transferase FICD (FICD) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103905 |
Adenosine monophosphate-protein transferase FICD (FICD) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110630 |
Adenosine monophosphate-protein transferase FICD (FICD) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98007 |
Adenosine monophosphate-protein transferase FICD (FICD) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82257 |
Adenosine monophosphate-protein transferase FICD (FICD) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72413 |
Adenosine monophosphate-protein transferase FICD (FICD) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91598 |
Adenosine monophosphate-protein transferase FICD (FICD) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67508 |
Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide 1, Pituitary ELISA Kit (ADCYAP1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-51963 |
Adenylyl Cyclase Associated Protein 1 ELISA Kit (CAP1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-51964 |
ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, mitochondrial (NUDT9) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103983 |
ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, mitochondrial (NUDT9) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110708 |
ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, mitochondrial (NUDT9) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98085 |
ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, mitochondrial (NUDT9) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82335 |
ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, mitochondrial (NUDT9) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72491 |
ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, mitochondrial (NUDT9) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91676 |
ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, mitochondrial (NUDT9) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77358 |
ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, mitochondrial (NUDT9) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67586 |
Adrenergic Receptor Beta Kinase 2 (ADRbK2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38314 |
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH), Bovine  |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37014 |
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone ELISA Kit (ACTH), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109442 |
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone ELISA Kit (ACTH), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96817 |
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone ELISA Kit (ACTH), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86267 |
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone ELISA Kit (ACTH), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90399 |
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone ELISA Kit (ACTH), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66572 |
Adrenomedullin (ADM), Horse |
For quantitative detection in horse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37204 |
adrenomedullin 2 (ADM2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103324 |
adrenomedullin 2 (ADM2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110052 |
adrenomedullin 2 (ADM2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97429 |
Adrenomedullin 2 (ADM2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81679 |
Adrenomedullin 2 (ADM2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71835 |
Adrenomedullin 2 (ADM2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91019 |
Adrenomedullin 2 (ADM2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76780 |
Adrenomedullin 2 (ADM2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66931 |
Adrenomedullin ELISA Kit (ADM), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51004 |
Adrenomedullin ELISA Kit (AM), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109475 |
Adrenomedullin ELISA Kit (AM), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96852 |
Adrenomedullin ELISA Kit (AM), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86304 |
Adrenomedullin ELISA Kit (AM), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90430 |
Adrenomedullin ELISA Kit (AMD), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53420 |
Adrenomedullin ELISA Kit (AMD), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57365 |
Adrenomedullin ELISA Kit (AMD), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55405 |
Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor ELISA Kit (AGER), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109607 |
Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor ELISA Kit (AGER), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96984 |
Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor ELISA Kit (AGER), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86444 |
Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor ELISA Kit (AGER), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53492 |
Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor ELISA Kit (AGER), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57430 |
Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor ELISA Kit (AGER), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90570 |
Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor ELISA Kit (AGER), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55477 |
Advanced Glycosylation End Product Specific Receptor ELISA Kit (AGER), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59253 |
Advillin (AVIL) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103825 |
Advillin (AVIL) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110550 |
Advillin (AVIL) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97927 |
Advillin (AVIL) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82177 |
Advillin (AVIL) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72333 |
Advillin (AVIL) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91518 |
Advillin (AVIL) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77278 |
Advillin (AVIL) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67428 |
Afadin (MLLT4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103965 |
Afadin (MLLT4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110690 |
Afadin (MLLT4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98067 |
Afadin (MLLT4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82317 |
Afadin (MLLT4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72473 |
Afadin (MLLT4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91658 |
Afadin (MLLT4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77340 |
Afadin (MLLT4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67568 |
Age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2 (ARMS2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103720 |
Age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2 (ARMS2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110447 |
Age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2 (ARMS2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97824 |
Age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2 (ARMS2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82074 |
Age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2 (ARMS2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72230 |
Age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2 (ARMS2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91414 |
Age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2 (ARMS2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77175 |
Age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2 (ARMS2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67325 |
Agouti Related Protein (AGRP) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32956 |
Agouti Related Protein (AGRP) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32185 |
Agouti-signaling protein (ASIP) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103768 |
Agouti-signaling protein (ASIP) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110493 |
Agouti-signaling protein (ASIP) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97870 |
Agouti-signaling protein (ASIP) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82120 |
Agouti-signaling protein (ASIP) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72276 |
Agouti-signaling protein (ASIP) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91461 |
Agouti-signaling protein (ASIP) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77221 |
Agouti-signaling protein (ASIP) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67371 |
Agrin ELISA Kit (Agrin), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53452 |
Agrin ELISA Kit (Agrin), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57390 |
Agrin ELISA Kit (Agrin), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55437 |
Agrin ELISA Kit (Agrin), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59213 |
Agrin ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109542 |
Agrin ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96919 |
Agrin ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86377 |
Agrin ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90503 |
Aladin (AAAS) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103162 |
Aladin (AAAS) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109893 |
Aladin (AAAS) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97270 |
Aladin (AAAS) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86731 |
Aladin (AAAS) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81520 |
Aladin (AAAS) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71676 |
Aladin (AAAS) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90857 |
Aladin (AAAS) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76621 |
Aladin (AAAS) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66772 |
Alanine Aminotransferase ELISA Kit (ALT), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51708 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1 ELISA Kit (ADH1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102960 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1 ELISA Kit (ADH1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109690 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1 ELISA Kit (ADH1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97067 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1 ELISA Kit (ADH1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86529 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1 ELISA Kit (ADH1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53559 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1 ELISA Kit (ADH1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57497 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1 ELISA Kit (ADH1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90655 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1 ELISA Kit (ADH1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55544 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1 ELISA Kit (ADH1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59320 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ADH), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103013 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ADH), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109744 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ADH), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97121 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ADH), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86581 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ADH), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53604 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ADH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57542 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ADH), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90707 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ADH), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55589 |
Alcohol Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ADH), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59365 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 18 Family ELISA Kit (ALDH18A1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53618 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 18 Family ELISA Kit (ALDH18A1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57556 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 18 Family ELISA Kit (ALDH18A1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55603 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 18 Family ELISA Kit (ALDH18A1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59379 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 18 Family, Member A1 ELISA Kit (ALDH18A1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103032 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 18 Family, Member A1 ELISA Kit (ALDH18A1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109763 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 18 Family, Member A1 ELISA Kit (ALDH18A1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97140 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 18 Family, Member A1 ELISA Kit (ALDH18A1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86600 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 18 Family, Member A1 ELISA Kit (ALDH18A1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90726 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 ELISA Kit (ALDH2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103033 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 ELISA Kit (ALDH2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109764 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 ELISA Kit (ALDH2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97141 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 ELISA Kit (ALDH2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86601 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 ELISA Kit (ALDH2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53619 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 ELISA Kit (ALDH2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57557 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 ELISA Kit (ALDH2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90727 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 ELISA Kit (ALDH2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55604 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 2 ELISA Kit (ALDH2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59380 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ALDH), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103031 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ALDH), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109762 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ALDH), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97139 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ALDH), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86599 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ALDH), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53617 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ALDH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57555 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ALDH), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90725 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ALDH), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55602 |
Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (ALDH), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59378 |
Alkaline Sphingomyelinase (Alk-Smase) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-6195 |
Alkaline Sphingomyelinase (Alk-Smase) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-6198 |
Alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, peroxisomal (AGPS) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103373 |
Alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, peroxisomal (AGPS) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110101 |
Alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, peroxisomal (AGPS) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97478 |
Alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, peroxisomal (AGPS) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81728 |
Alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, peroxisomal (AGPS) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71884 |
Alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, peroxisomal (AGPS) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91068 |
Alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, peroxisomal (AGPS) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76829 |
Alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, peroxisomal (AGPS) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66980 |
Alpha Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Alpha-APP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109474 |
Alpha Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Alpha-APP), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96851 |
Alpha Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Alpha-APP), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86303 |
Alpha Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Alpha-APP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81315 |
Alpha Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Alpha-APP), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90429 |
Alpha Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Alpha-APP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76416 |
Alpha B-Crystallin ELISA Kit (CRYAB), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104546 |
Alpha B-Crystallin ELISA Kit (CRYAB), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111273 |
Alpha B-Crystallin ELISA Kit (CRYAB), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98473 |
Alpha B-Crystallin ELISA Kit (CRYAB), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92234 |
Alpha secretase ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109482 |
Alpha secretase ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96859 |
Alpha secretase ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86311 |
Alpha secretase ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81319 |
Alpha secretase ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71485 |
Alpha secretase ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90437 |
Alpha secretase ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76420 |
Alpha Synuclein ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYN), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-108827 |
Alpha Synuclein ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYN), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-115468 |
Alpha Synuclein ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYN), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102602 |
Alpha Synuclein ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYN), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-89780 |
Alpha Synuclein ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYN), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-55077 |
Alpha Synuclein ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYN), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58865 |
Alpha Synuclein ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYN), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96199 |
Alpha Synuclein ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYN), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-57042 |
Alpha Synuclein ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYN), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60712 |
Alpha Synuclein oligomer ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYNo), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-108829 |
Alpha Synuclein oligomer ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYNo), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102604 |
Alpha Synuclein oligomer ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYNo), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-89782 |
Alpha Synuclein Oligomer ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYNo), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-55079 |
Alpha Synuclein Oligomer ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYNo), Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58867 |
Alpha Synuclein oligomer ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYNo), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96201 |
Alpha Synuclein Oligomer ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYNo), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-57044 |
Alpha Synuclein Oligomer ELISA Kit (Alpha-SYNo), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60714 |
Alpha-1-Antichymotrypsin (a1ACT) ELISA, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $1,129 |
KT-38790 |
Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103336 |
Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110064 |
Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97441 |
Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81691 |
Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71847 |
Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91031 |
Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76792 |
Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66943 |
Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor (ADRA2B) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103337 |
Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor (ADRA2B) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110065 |
Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor (ADRA2B) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97442 |
Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor (ADRA2B) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81692 |
Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor (ADRA2B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71848 |
Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor (ADRA2B) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91032 |
Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor (ADRA2B) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76793 |
Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor (ADRA2B) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66944 |
Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor (ADRA2C) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103338 |
Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor (ADRA2C) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110066 |
Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor (ADRA2C) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97443 |
Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor (ADRA2C) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81693 |
Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor (ADRA2C) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71849 |
Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor (ADRA2C) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91033 |
Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor (ADRA2C) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76794 |
Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor (ADRA2C) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66945 |
Alpha-endosulfine (ENSA) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103898 |
Alpha-endosulfine (ENSA) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110623 |
Alpha-endosulfine (ENSA) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98000 |
Alpha-endosulfine (ENSA) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82250 |
Alpha-endosulfine (ENSA) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72406 |
Alpha-endosulfine (ENSA) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91591 |
Alpha-endosulfine (ENSA) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67501 |
Alpha-internexin (INA) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103932 |
Alpha-internexin (INA) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110657 |
Alpha-internexin (INA) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98034 |
Alpha-internexin (INA) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82284 |
Alpha-internexin (INA) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72440 |
Alpha-internexin (INA) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91625 |
Alpha-internexin (INA) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77307 |
Alpha-internexin (INA) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67535 |
Alpha-parvin (PARVA) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103985 |
Alpha-parvin (PARVA) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110710 |
Alpha-parvin (PARVA) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98087 |
Alpha-parvin (PARVA) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82337 |
Alpha-parvin (PARVA) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72493 |
Alpha-parvin (PARVA) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91678 |
Alpha-parvin (PARVA) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77360 |
Alpha-parvin (PARVA) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67588 |
Alpha-tectorin (TECTA) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104050 |
Alpha-tectorin (TECTA) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110775 |
Alpha-tectorin (TECTA) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82402 |
Alpha-tectorin (TECTA) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72558 |
Alpha-tectorin (TECTA) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91743 |
Alpha-tectorin (TECTA) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77425 |
Alpha-tectorin (TECTA) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67653 |
Alpha1 Antichymotrypsin, AACT ELISA Kit (SERPINA3), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104013 |
Alpha1 Antichymotrypsin, AACT ELISA Kit (SERPINA3), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110738 |
Alpha1 Antichymotrypsin, AACT ELISA Kit (SERPINA3), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98115 |
Alpha1 Antichymotrypsin, AACT ELISA Kit (SERPINA3), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82365 |
Alpha1 Antichymotrypsin, AACT ELISA Kit (SERPINA3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72521 |
Alpha1 Antichymotrypsin, AACT ELISA Kit (SERPINA3), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91706 |
Alpha1 Antichymotrypsin, AACT ELISA Kit (SERPINA3), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77388 |
Alpha1 Antichymotrypsin, AACT ELISA Kit (SERPINA3), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67616 |
Alsin (ALS2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103455 |
Alsin (ALS2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110183 |
Alsin (ALS2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97560 |
Alsin (ALS2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81810 |
Alsin (ALS2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71966 |
Alsin (ALS2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91150 |
Alsin (ALS2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76911 |
Alsin (ALS2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67062 |
Alzheimer-associated neuronal thread protein ELISA Kit (AD7C-NTP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109517 |
Alzheimer-associated neuronal thread protein ELISA Kit (AD7C-NTP), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96894 |
Alzheimer-associated neuronal thread protein ELISA Kit (AD7C-NTP), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86350 |
Alzheimer-associated neuronal thread protein ELISA Kit (AD7C-NTP), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90476 |
Alzheimer-Associated Neuronal Thread Protein ELISA Kit (AD7CNTP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53434 |
Alzheimer-Associated Neuronal Thread Protein ELISA Kit (AD7CNTP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55419 |
Alzheimer-Associated Neuronal Thread Protein ELISA Kit (AD7CNTP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59195 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1, neuronal (ACCN1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103232 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1, neuronal (ACCN1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109960 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1, neuronal (ACCN1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97337 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1, neuronal (ACCN1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86801 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1, neuronal (ACCN1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81587 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1, neuronal (ACCN1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71743 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1, neuronal (ACCN1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90927 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1, neuronal (ACCN1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76688 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1, neuronal (ACCN1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66839 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal (ACCN2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103233 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal (ACCN2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109961 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal (ACCN2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97338 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal (ACCN2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86802 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal (ACCN2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81588 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal (ACCN2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71744 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal (ACCN2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90928 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal (ACCN2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76689 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2, neuronal (ACCN2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66840 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 3 (ACCN3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103234 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 3 (ACCN3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109962 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 3 (ACCN3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97339 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 3 (ACCN3) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86803 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 3 (ACCN3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81589 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 3 (ACCN3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71745 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 3 (ACCN3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90929 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 3 (ACCN3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76690 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 3 (ACCN3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66841 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 4 (ACCN4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103235 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 4 (ACCN4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109963 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 4 (ACCN4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97340 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 4 (ACCN4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86804 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 4 (ACCN4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81590 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 4 (ACCN4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71746 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 4 (ACCN4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90930 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 4 (ACCN4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76691 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 4 (ACCN4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66842 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 5 (ACCN5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103236 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 5 (ACCN5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109964 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 5 (ACCN5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97341 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 5 (ACCN5) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86805 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 5 (ACCN5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81591 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 5 (ACCN5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71747 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 5 (ACCN5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90931 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 5 (ACCN5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76692 |
Amiloride-sensitive cation channel 5 (ACCN5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66843 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha (SCNN1A) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104008 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha (SCNN1A) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110733 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha (SCNN1A) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98110 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha (SCNN1A) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82360 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha (SCNN1A) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72516 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha (SCNN1A) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91701 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha (SCNN1A) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77383 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit alpha (SCNN1A) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67611 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit beta (SCNN1B) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104009 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit beta (SCNN1B) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110734 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit beta (SCNN1B) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98111 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit beta (SCNN1B) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82361 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit beta (SCNN1B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72517 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit beta (SCNN1B) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91702 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit beta (SCNN1B) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77384 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit beta (SCNN1B) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67612 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit delta (SCNN1D) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104010 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit delta (SCNN1D) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110735 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit delta (SCNN1D) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98112 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit delta (SCNN1D) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82362 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit delta (SCNN1D) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72518 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit delta (SCNN1D) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91703 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit delta (SCNN1D) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77385 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit delta (SCNN1D) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67613 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gamma (SCNN1G) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104011 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gamma (SCNN1G) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110736 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gamma (SCNN1G) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98113 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gamma (SCNN1G) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82363 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gamma (SCNN1G) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72519 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gamma (SCNN1G) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91704 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gamma (SCNN1G) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77386 |
Amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunit gamma (SCNN1G) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67614 |
Aminomethyltransferase, mitochondrial (AMT) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103479 |
Aminomethyltransferase, mitochondrial (AMT) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110207 |
Aminomethyltransferase, mitochondrial (AMT) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97584 |
Aminomethyltransferase, mitochondrial (AMT) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81834 |
Aminomethyltransferase, mitochondrial (AMT) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71990 |
Aminomethyltransferase, mitochondrial (AMT) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91174 |
Aminomethyltransferase, mitochondrial (AMT) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76935 |
Aminomethyltransferase, mitochondrial (AMT) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67085 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 1 (AMIGO1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103468 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 1 (AMIGO1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110196 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 1 (AMIGO1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97573 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 1 (AMIGO1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81823 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 1 (AMIGO1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71979 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 1 (AMIGO1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91163 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 1 (AMIGO1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76924 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 1 (AMIGO1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67074 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 2 (AMIGO2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103469 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 2 (AMIGO2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110197 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 2 (AMIGO2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97574 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 2 (AMIGO2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81824 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 2 (AMIGO2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71980 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 2 (AMIGO2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91164 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 2 (AMIGO2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76925 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 2 (AMIGO2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67075 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 3 (AMIGO3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103470 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 3 (AMIGO3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110198 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 3 (AMIGO3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97575 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 3 (AMIGO3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81825 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 3 (AMIGO3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71981 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 3 (AMIGO3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91165 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 3 (AMIGO3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76926 |
Amphoterin-induced protein 3 (AMIGO3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67076 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 1 (APBA1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103626 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 1 (APBA1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110353 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 1 (APBA1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97730 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 1 (APBA1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81980 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 1 (APBA1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72136 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 1 (APBA1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91320 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 1 (APBA1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77081 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 1 (APBA1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67231 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 2 (APBA2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103627 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 2 (APBA2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110354 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 2 (APBA2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97731 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 2 (APBA2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81981 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 2 (APBA2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72137 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 2 (APBA2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91321 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 2 (APBA2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77082 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 2 (APBA2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67232 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3 (APBA3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103628 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3 (APBA3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110355 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3 (APBA3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97732 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3 (APBA3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81982 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3 (APBA3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72138 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3 (APBA3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91322 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3 (APBA3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77083 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3 (APBA3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67233 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1 (FE65) ELISA Kit (APBB1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103629 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1 (FE65) ELISA Kit (APBB1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110356 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1 (FE65) ELISA Kit (APBB1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97733 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1 (FE65) ELISA Kit (APBB1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81983 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1 (FE65) ELISA Kit (APBB1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72139 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1 (FE65) ELISA Kit (APBB1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91323 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1 (FE65) ELISA Kit (APBB1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77084 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1 (FE65) ELISA Kit (APBB1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67234 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1-interacting protein (APBB1IP) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103630 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1-interacting protein (APBB1IP) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110357 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1-interacting protein (APBB1IP) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97734 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1-interacting protein (APBB1IP) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81984 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1-interacting protein (APBB1IP) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72140 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1-interacting protein (APBB1IP) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91324 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1-interacting protein (APBB1IP) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77085 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 1-interacting protein (APBB1IP) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67235 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 2 (APBB2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103631 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 2 (APBB2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110358 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 2 (APBB2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97735 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 2 (APBB2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81985 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 2 (APBB2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72141 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 2 (APBB2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91325 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 2 (APBB2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77086 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 2 (APBB2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67236 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 3 (APBB3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103632 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 3 (APBB3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110359 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 3 (APBB3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97736 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 3 (APBB3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81986 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 3 (APBB3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72142 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 3 (APBB3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91326 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 3 (APBB3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77087 |
Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 3 (APBB3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67237 |
Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-42 (Ab1-42), Mouse, Rat |
For quantitative detection in mouse, rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38202 |
Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein Binding Protein 2 (APPBP2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33607 |
Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein Binding Protein B3 (APBB3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33606 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 40 ELISA Kit (ABeta40), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109477 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 40 ELISA Kit (ABeta40), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96854 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 40 ELISA Kit (ABeta40), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86306 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 40 ELISA Kit (ABeta40), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53422 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 40 ELISA Kit (ABeta40), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57367 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 40 ELISA Kit (ABeta40), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90432 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 40 ELISA Kit (ABeta40), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55407 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 40 ELISA Kit (ABeta40), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59188 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 42 ELISA Kit (ABeta42), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109478 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 42 ELISA Kit (ABeta42), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96855 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 42 ELISA Kit (ABeta42), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86307 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 42 ELISA Kit (ABeta42), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53423 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 42 ELISA Kit (ABeta42), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57368 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 42 ELISA Kit (ABeta42), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90433 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 42 ELISA Kit (ABeta42), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55408 |
Amyloid Beta Protein 42 ELISA Kit (ABeta42), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66585 |
Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33332 |
Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32623 |
Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (APP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109529 |
Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (APP), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96906 |
Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (APP), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86364 |
Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (APP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53443 |
Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (APP), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57381 |
Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (APP), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90490 |
Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (APP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55428 |
Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (APP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59204 |
Amyloid precursor protein fragment C99 ELISA Kit (APP-C99), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103082 |
Amyloid precursor protein fragment C99 ELISA Kit (APP-C99), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109813 |
Amyloid precursor protein fragment C99 ELISA Kit (APP-C99), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97190 |
Amyloid precursor protein fragment C99 ELISA Kit (APP-C99), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86651 |
Amyloid precursor protein fragment C99 ELISA Kit (APP-C99), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81440 |
Amyloid precursor protein fragment C99 ELISA Kit (APP-C99), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71596 |
Amyloid precursor protein fragment C99 ELISA Kit (APP-C99), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90777 |
Amyloid precursor protein fragment C99 ELISA Kit (APP-C99), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76541 |
Amyloid precursor protein fragment C99 ELISA Kit (APP-C99), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66692 |
Amyloid protein-binding protein 2 (APPBP2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103656 |
Amyloid protein-binding protein 2 (APPBP2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110383 |
Amyloid protein-binding protein 2 (APPBP2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97760 |
Amyloid protein-binding protein 2 (APPBP2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82010 |
Amyloid protein-binding protein 2 (APPBP2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72166 |
Amyloid protein-binding protein 2 (APPBP2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91350 |
Amyloid protein-binding protein 2 (APPBP2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77111 |
Amyloid protein-binding protein 2 (APPBP2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67261 |
Amyloid-like protein 1 (APLP1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103641 |
Amyloid-like protein 1 (APLP1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110368 |
Amyloid-like protein 1 (APLP1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97745 |
Amyloid-like protein 1 (APLP1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81995 |
Amyloid-like protein 1 (APLP1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72151 |
Amyloid-like protein 1 (APLP1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91335 |
Amyloid-like protein 1 (APLP1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77096 |
Amyloid-like protein 1 (APLP1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67246 |
Amyloid-like protein 2 (APLP2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103642 |
Amyloid-like protein 2 (APLP2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110369 |
Amyloid-like protein 2 (APLP2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97746 |
Amyloid-like protein 2 (APLP2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81996 |
Amyloid-like protein 2 (APLP2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72152 |
Amyloid-like protein 2 (APLP2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91336 |
Amyloid-like protein 2 (APLP2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77097 |
Amyloid-like protein 2 (APLP2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67247 |
Anapastic lymphoma kinase ELISA Kit (ALK), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103034 |
Anapastic lymphoma kinase ELISA Kit (ALK), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109765 |
Anapastic lymphoma kinase ELISA Kit (ALK), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97142 |
Anapastic lymphoma kinase ELISA Kit (ALK), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86602 |
Anapastic Lymphoma Kinase ELISA Kit (ALK), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53620 |
Anapastic Lymphoma Kinase ELISA Kit (ALK), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57558 |
Anapastic lymphoma kinase ELISA Kit (ALK), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90728 |
Anapastic Lymphoma Kinase ELISA Kit (ALK), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55605 |
Anapastic Lymphoma Kinase ELISA Kit (ALK), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59381 |
Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme 2 ELISA Kit (ACE2), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51020 |
Ankyrin B ELISA Kit (Ank-B), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103043 |
Ankyrin B ELISA Kit (Ank-B), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109774 |
Ankyrin B ELISA Kit (Ank-B), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97151 |
Ankyrin B ELISA Kit (Ank-B), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86611 |
Ankyrin B ELISA Kit (Ank-B), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53631 |
Ankyrin B ELISA Kit (Ank-B), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57569 |
Ankyrin B ELISA Kit (Ank-B), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90737 |
Ankyrin B ELISA Kit (Ank-B), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55616 |
Ankyrin B ELISA Kit (Ank-B), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59392 |
ankyrin B, Ank-B ELISA Kit (ANK2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103496 |
ankyrin B, Ank-B ELISA Kit (ANK2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110224 |
ankyrin B, Ank-B ELISA Kit (ANK2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97601 |
Ankyrin B, Ank-B ELISA Kit (ANK2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81851 |
Ankyrin B, Ank-B ELISA Kit (ANK2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72007 |
Ankyrin B, Ank-B ELISA Kit (ANK2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91191 |
ankyrin B, Ank-B ELISA Kit (ANK2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76952 |
Ankyrin B, Ank-B ELISA Kit (ANK2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67102 |
Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 1B (ANKS1B) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103567 |
Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 1B (ANKS1B) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110294 |
Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 1B (ANKS1B) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97671 |
Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 1B (ANKS1B) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81921 |
Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 1B (ANKS1B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72077 |
Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 1B (ANKS1B) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91261 |
Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 1B (ANKS1B) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77022 |
Ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain-containing protein 1B (ANKS1B) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67172 |
Ankyrin repeat family A protein 2 (ANKRA2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103510 |
Ankyrin repeat family A protein 2 (ANKRA2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110238 |
Ankyrin repeat family A protein 2 (ANKRA2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97615 |
Ankyrin repeat family A protein 2 (ANKRA2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81865 |
Ankyrin repeat family A protein 2 (ANKRA2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72021 |
Ankyrin repeat family A protein 2 (ANKRA2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91205 |
Ankyrin repeat family A protein 2 (ANKRA2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76966 |
Ankyrin repeat family A protein 2 (ANKRA2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67116 |
Anosmin-1 (KAL1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103934 |
Anosmin-1 (KAL1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110659 |
Anosmin-1 (KAL1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98036 |
Anosmin-1 (KAL1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82286 |
Anosmin-1 (KAL1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72442 |
Anosmin-1 (KAL1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91627 |
Anosmin-1 (KAL1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77309 |
Anosmin-1 (KAL1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67537 |
Anthrax toxin receptor 2 (ANTXR2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103586 |
Anthrax toxin receptor 2 (ANTXR2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110313 |
Anthrax toxin receptor 2 (ANTXR2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97690 |
Anthrax toxin receptor 2 (ANTXR2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81940 |
Anthrax toxin receptor 2 (ANTXR2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72096 |
Anthrax toxin receptor 2 (ANTXR2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91280 |
Anthrax toxin receptor 2 (ANTXR2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77041 |
Anthrax toxin receptor 2 (ANTXR2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67191 |
Anthrax toxin receptor-like (ANTXRL) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103587 |
Anthrax toxin receptor-like (ANTXRL) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110314 |
Anthrax toxin receptor-like (ANTXRL) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97691 |
Anthrax toxin receptor-like (ANTXRL) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81941 |
Anthrax toxin receptor-like (ANTXRL) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72097 |
Anthrax toxin receptor-like (ANTXRL) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91281 |
Anthrax toxin receptor-like (ANTXRL) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77042 |
Anthrax toxin receptor-like (ANTXRL) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67192 |
Anti Follicle Stimulating Hormone antibody ELISA Kit (FSH-Ab), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109504 |
Anti Follicle Stimulating Hormone antibody ELISA Kit (FSH-Ab), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96881 |
Anti Follicle Stimulating Hormone antibody ELISA Kit (FSH-Ab), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86335 |
Anti Follicle Stimulating Hormone antibody ELISA Kit (FSH-Ab), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81339 |
Anti Follicle Stimulating Hormone antibody ELISA Kit (FSH-Ab), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90461 |
Anti Follicle Stimulating Hormone antibody ELISA Kit (FSH-Ab), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76440 |
Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-AChR), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53478 |
Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-AChR), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55463 |
Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-AChR), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59239 |
Anti-acetylcholinesterase Antibody ELISA Kit (AchEAb), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109576 |
Anti-acetylcholinesterase Antibody ELISA Kit (AchEAb), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96953 |
Anti-acetylcholinesterase Antibody ELISA Kit (AchEAb), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86412 |
Anti-acetylcholinesterase Antibody ELISA Kit (AchEAb), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81366 |
Anti-acetylcholinesterase Antibody ELISA Kit (AchEAb), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71524 |
Anti-acetylcholinesterase Antibody ELISA Kit (AchEAb), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90538 |
Anti-acetylcholinesterase Antibody ELISA Kit (AchEAb), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76467 |
Anti-acetylcholinesterase Antibody ELISA Kit (AchEAb), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66625 |
Anti-Brain Tissue Antibody, ABAb ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51712 |
Anti-Bromodeoxyuridine antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-BrdU), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109545 |
Anti-Bromodeoxyuridine antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-BrdU), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96922 |
Anti-Bromodeoxyuridine antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-BrdU), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86380 |
Anti-Bromodeoxyuridine antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-BrdU), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81357 |
Anti-Bromodeoxyuridine antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-BrdU), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71515 |
Anti-Bromodeoxyuridine antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-BrdU), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90506 |
Anti-Bromodeoxyuridine antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-BrdU), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76458 |
Anti-Bromodeoxyuridine antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-BrdU), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66616 |
Anti-Collapsin response mediator protein 5 antibody ELISA Kit (CRMP5Ab), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109513 |
Anti-Collapsin response mediator protein 5 antibody ELISA Kit (CRMP5Ab), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96890 |
Anti-Collapsin response mediator protein 5 antibody ELISA Kit (CRMP5Ab), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86346 |
Anti-Collapsin response mediator protein 5 antibody ELISA Kit (CRMP5Ab), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81344 |
Anti-Collapsin response mediator protein 5 antibody ELISA Kit (CRMP5Ab), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71504 |
Anti-Collapsin response mediator protein 5 antibody ELISA Kit (CRMP5Ab), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90472 |
Anti-Collapsin response mediator protein 5 antibody ELISA Kit (CRMP5Ab), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76445 |
Anti-Complement 1q Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-C1q), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90512 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgG) (GM1antibodyIgG) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103925 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgG) ELISA Kit (GM1antibodyIgG), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98027 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgG) ELISA Kit (GM1antibodyIgG), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82277 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgG) ELISA Kit (GM1antibodyIgG), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72433 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgG) ELISA Kit (GM1antibodyIgG), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91618 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgG) ELISA Kit (GM1antibodyIgG), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67528 |
anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgG? ELISA Kit (GM1antibodyIgG?), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110650 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgM) (GM1 antibodyIgM) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103924 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgM) ELISA Kit (GM1 antibodyIgM), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98026 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgM) ELISA Kit (GM1 antibodyIgM), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82276 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgM) ELISA Kit (GM1 antibodyIgM), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72432 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgM) ELISA Kit (GM1 antibodyIgM), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67527 |
Anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgM) ELISA Kit (GM1 antibodyIgM?), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91617 |
anti-ganglioside (GM1) antibody (IgM? ELISA Kit (GM1 antibodyIgM?), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110649 |
Anti-ganglioside antibody ELISA Kit (GLS), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106617 |
Anti-ganglioside antibody ELISA Kit (GLS), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87556 |
Anti-ganglioside antibody ELISA Kit (GMI), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113293 |
Anti-ganglioside antibody ELISA Kit (GMI), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100492 |
Anti-Ganglioside Antibody ELISA Kit (GMI), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54346 |
Anti-Ganglioside Antibody ELISA Kit (GMI), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58229 |
Anti-Ganglioside Antibody ELISA Kit (GMI), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56317 |
Anti-Ganglioside Antibody ELISA Kit (GMI), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60070 |
Anti-GlutamateReceptor,Ionotropic,N-Methyl-D-Aspartate2AAntibody (Anti-GRIN2A) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115737 |
Anti-Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Antibody (Anti-GnRH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37918 |
Anti-gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-GnRHR), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106619 |
Anti-gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-GnRHR), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113295 |
Anti-gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-GnRHR), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100494 |
Anti-gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-GnRHR), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87558 |
Anti-gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-GnRHR), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94299 |
Anti-Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Antibody ELISA Kit (GnRHR-Ab), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54348 |
Anti-Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Antibody ELISA Kit (GnRHR-Ab), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58231 |
Anti-Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Antibody ELISA Kit (GnRHR-Ab), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56319 |
Anti-Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Antibody ELISA Kit (GnRHR-Ab), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60072 |
Anti-M2 Cholinergic Receptor Autoantibodies (Anti-M2CR) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115729 |
Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-MOG), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109601 |
Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-MOG), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96978 |
Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-MOG), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86438 |
Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-MOG), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53489 |
Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-MOG), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57427 |
Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-MOG), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90564 |
Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-MOG), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55474 |
Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-MOG), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59250 |
Anti-neuroblastoma-antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-NB), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107636 |
Anti-neuroblastoma-antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-NB), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114312 |
Anti-neuroblastoma-antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-NB), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101403 |
Anti-neuroblastoma-antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-NB), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88580 |
Anti-neuroblastoma-antibody ELISA Kit (Anti-NB), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95003 |
Anti-Neuroblastoma-Antibody ELISA Kit (NB-Ab), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54741 |
Anti-Neuroblastoma-Antibody ELISA Kit (NB-Ab), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58603 |
Anti-Neuroblastoma-Antibody ELISA Kit (NB-Ab), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56712 |
Anti-Neuroblastoma-Antibody ELISA Kit (NB-Ab), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60446 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear AutoAntibody 1 ELISA Kit (ANNA1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109570 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear AutoAntibody 1 ELISA Kit (ANNA1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96947 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear AutoAntibody 1 ELISA Kit (ANNA1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86406 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Autoantibody 1 ELISA Kit (ANNA1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53473 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Autoantibody 1 ELISA Kit (ANNA1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57411 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear AutoAntibody 1 ELISA Kit (ANNA1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90532 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Autoantibody 1 ELISA Kit (ANNA1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55458 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Autoantibody 1 ELISA Kit (ANNA1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59234 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear AutoAntibody 2 ELISA Kit (ANNA2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109571 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear AutoAntibody 2 ELISA Kit (ANNA2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96948 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear AutoAntibody 2 ELISA Kit (ANNA2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86407 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Autoantibody 2 ELISA Kit (ANNA2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53474 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Autoantibody 2 ELISA Kit (ANNA2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57412 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear AutoAntibody 2 ELISA Kit (ANNA2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90533 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Autoantibody 2 ELISA Kit (ANNA2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55459 |
Anti-Neuronal Nuclear Autoantibody 2 ELISA Kit (ANNA2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59235 |
anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, cANCA IgG ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103852 |
anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, cANCA IgG ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110577 |
anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, cANCA IgG ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97954 |
anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, cANCA IgG ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82204 |
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, cANCA IgG ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72360 |
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, cANCA IgG ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91545 |
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, cANCA IgG ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77305 |
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, cANCA IgG ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67455 |
Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody ELISA Kit (ANEA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109579 |
Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody ELISA Kit (ANEA), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96956 |
Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody ELISA Kit (ANEA), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86415 |
Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody ELISA Kit (ANEA), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53480 |
Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody ELISA Kit (ANEA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57418 |
Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody ELISA Kit (ANEA), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90541 |
Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody ELISA Kit (ANEA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55465 |
Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody ELISA Kit (ANEA), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59241 |
Anti-Neutrophil granules antibody ELISA Kit (ANGA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103042 |
Anti-Neutrophil granules antibody ELISA Kit (ANGA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109773 |
Anti-Neutrophil granules antibody ELISA Kit (ANGA), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97150 |
Anti-Neutrophil granules antibody ELISA Kit (ANGA), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86610 |
Anti-Neutrophil Granules Antibody ELISA Kit (ANGA), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53629 |
Anti-Neutrophil Granules Antibody ELISA Kit (ANGA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57567 |
Anti-Neutrophil granules antibody ELISA Kit (ANGA), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90736 |
Anti-Neutrophil Granules Antibody ELISA Kit (ANGA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55614 |
Anti-Neutrophil Granules Antibody ELISA Kit (ANGA), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59390 |
Anti-NTerminalProBrainNatriureticPeptideAntibodyELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115719 |
Anti-presynaptic membrane antibody ELISA Kit (PsmAB), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-108449 |
Anti-presynaptic membrane antibody ELISA Kit (PsmAB), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-115134 |
Anti-presynaptic membrane antibody ELISA Kit (PsmAB), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102224 |
Anti-presynaptic membrane antibody ELISA Kit (PsmAB), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-89401 |
Anti-Presynaptic Membrane Antibody ELISA Kit (PsmAB), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-55018 |
Anti-Presynaptic Membrane Antibody ELISA Kit (PsmAB), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58810 |
Anti-presynaptic membrane antibody ELISA Kit (PsmAB), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95821 |
Anti-Presynaptic Membrane Antibody ELISA Kit (PsmAB), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56984 |
Anti-Presynaptic Membrane Antibody ELISA Kit (PsmAB), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60653 |
Apelin (APLN), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38328 |
Apelin 13 ELISA Kit (AP13), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53640 |
Apelin 13 ELISA Kit (AP13), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57578 |
Apelin 13 ELISA Kit (AP13), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55625 |
Apelin 13 ELISA Kit (AP13), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59401 |
Apelin 13 ELISA Kit (Apelin -13), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109465 |
Apelin 13 ELISA Kit (Apelin -13), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96842 |
Apelin 13 ELISA Kit (Apelin -13), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86294 |
Apelin 13 ELISA Kit (Apelin -13), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90420 |
apelin 36 (AP36) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103614 |
apelin 36 (AP36) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110341 |
apelin 36 (AP36) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97718 |
Apelin 36 (AP36) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81968 |
Apelin 36 (AP36) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72124 |
Apelin 36 (AP36) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91308 |
Apelin 36 (AP36) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77069 |
apelin 36 (AP36) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67219 |
Apobec 1 Complementation Factor ELISA Kit (ACF), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-51996 |
Apobec1 Complementation Factor ELISA Kit (ACF), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51030 |
Apolipoprotein A5 ELISA Kit (APOA5), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51033 |
Apolipoprotein C1 ELISA Kit (APOC1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51716 |
Apolipoprotein C4 ELISA Kit (APOC4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52001 |
Apolipoprotein D ELISA Kit (APOD), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57459 |
Apolipoprotein E ELISA Kit (APOE), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109643 |
Apolipoprotein E ELISA Kit (APOE), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97020 |
Apolipoprotein E ELISA Kit (APOE), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86481 |
Apolipoprotein E ELISA Kit (APOE), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53522 |
Apolipoprotein E ELISA Kit (APOE), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57460 |
Apolipoprotein E ELISA Kit (APOE), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90607 |
Apolipoprotein E ELISA Kit (APOE), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55507 |
Apolipoprotein E ELISA Kit (APOE), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59283 |
Arrestin Beta 2 (ARRb2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37924 |
Arrestin-C (ARR3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103724 |
Arrestin-C (ARR3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110451 |
Arrestin-C (ARR3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97828 |
Arrestin-C (ARR3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82078 |
Arrestin-C (ARR3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72234 |
Arrestin-C (ARR3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91418 |
Arrestin-C (ARR3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77179 |
Arrestin-C (ARR3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67329 |
Artemin ELISA Kit (ART), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53410 |
Artemin ELISA Kit (ART), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57356 |
Artemin ELISA Kit (ART), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55395 |
Artemin ELISA Kit (ART), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59177 |
Artemin ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86290 |
Artemin ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90416 |
Aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103392 |
Aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110120 |
Aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97497 |
Aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81747 |
Aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71903 |
Aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91087 |
Aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76848 |
Aryl-hydrocarbon-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66999 |
Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (AA-NAT), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102992 |
Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (AA-NAT), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109723 |
Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (AA-NAT), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97100 |
Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (AA-NAT), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86561 |
Arylalkylamine N-Acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (AA-NAT), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53583 |
Arylalkylamine N-Acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (AA-NAT), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57521 |
Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (AA-NAT), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90687 |
Arylalkylamine N-Acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (AA-NAT), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55568 |
Arylalkylamine N-Acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (AA-NAT), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59344 |
Asprosin, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37928 |
Astrotactin-1 (ASTN1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103780 |
Astrotactin-1 (ASTN1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110505 |
Astrotactin-1 (ASTN1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97882 |
Astrotactin-1 (ASTN1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82132 |
Astrotactin-1 (ASTN1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72288 |
Astrotactin-1 (ASTN1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91473 |
Astrotactin-1 (ASTN1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77233 |
Astrotactin-1 (ASTN1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67383 |
Astrotactin-2 (ASTN2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103781 |
Astrotactin-2 (ASTN2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110506 |
Astrotactin-2 (ASTN2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97883 |
Astrotactin-2 (ASTN2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82133 |
Astrotactin-2 (ASTN2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72289 |
Astrotactin-2 (ASTN2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91474 |
Astrotactin-2 (ASTN2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77234 |
Astrotactin-2 (ASTN2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67384 |
Ataxin 1 ELISA Kit (ATXN1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109664 |
Ataxin 1 ELISA Kit (ATXN1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97041 |
Ataxin 1 ELISA Kit (ATXN1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86502 |
Ataxin 1 ELISA Kit (ATXN1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53541 |
Ataxin 1 ELISA Kit (ATXN1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52024 |
Ataxin 1 ELISA Kit (ATXN1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57479 |
Ataxin 1 ELISA Kit (ATXN1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90628 |
Ataxin 1 ELISA Kit (ATXN1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55526 |
Ataxin 1 ELISA Kit (ATXN1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59302 |
Ataxin 2 ELISA Kit (ATXN2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109520 |
Ataxin 2 ELISA Kit (ATXN2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96897 |
Ataxin 2 ELISA Kit (ATXN2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86353 |
Ataxin 2 ELISA Kit (ATXN2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53436 |
Ataxin 2 ELISA Kit (ATXN2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57374 |
Ataxin 2 ELISA Kit (ATXN2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90479 |
Ataxin 2 ELISA Kit (ATXN2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55421 |
Ataxin 2 ELISA Kit (ATXN2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59197 |
Ataxin-10 (ATXN10) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103814 |
Ataxin-10 (ATXN10) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110539 |
Ataxin-10 (ATXN10) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97916 |
Ataxin-10 (ATXN10) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82166 |
Ataxin-10 (ATXN10) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72322 |
Ataxin-10 (ATXN10) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91507 |
Ataxin-10 (ATXN10) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77267 |
Ataxin-10 (ATXN10) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67417 |
Ataxin-2-like protein (ATXN2L) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103815 |
Ataxin-2-like protein (ATXN2L) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110540 |
Ataxin-2-like protein (ATXN2L) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97917 |
Ataxin-2-like protein (ATXN2L) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82167 |
Ataxin-2-like protein (ATXN2L) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72323 |
Ataxin-2-like protein (ATXN2L) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91508 |
Ataxin-2-like protein (ATXN2L) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77268 |
Ataxin-2-like protein (ATXN2L) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67418 |
Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103816 |
Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110541 |
Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97918 |
Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82168 |
Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72324 |
Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91509 |
Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77269 |
Ataxin-3 (ATXN3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67419 |
Ataxin-7 (ATXN7) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103817 |
Ataxin-7 (ATXN7) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110542 |
Ataxin-7 (ATXN7) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97919 |
Ataxin-7 (ATXN7) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82169 |
Ataxin-7 (ATXN7) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72325 |
Ataxin-7 (ATXN7) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91510 |
Ataxin-7 (ATXN7) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77270 |
Ataxin-7 (ATXN7) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67420 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 1 (ATXN7L1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103818 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 1 (ATXN7L1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110543 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 1 (ATXN7L1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97920 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 1 (ATXN7L1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82170 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 1 (ATXN7L1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72326 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 1 (ATXN7L1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91511 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 1 (ATXN7L1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77271 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 1 (ATXN7L1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67421 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 2 (ATXN7L2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103819 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 2 (ATXN7L2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110544 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 2 (ATXN7L2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97921 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 2 (ATXN7L2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82171 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 2 (ATXN7L2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72327 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 2 (ATXN7L2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91512 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 2 (ATXN7L2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77272 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 2 (ATXN7L2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67422 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 3 (ATXN7L3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103820 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 3 (ATXN7L3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110545 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 3 (ATXN7L3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97922 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 3 (ATXN7L3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82172 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 3 (ATXN7L3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72328 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 3 (ATXN7L3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91513 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 3 (ATXN7L3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77273 |
Ataxin-7-like protein 3 (ATXN7L3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67423 |
Ataxin-8 (ATXN8) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103821 |
Ataxin-8 (ATXN8) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110546 |
Ataxin-8 (ATXN8) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97923 |
Ataxin-8 (ATXN8) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82173 |
Ataxin-8 (ATXN8) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72329 |
Ataxin-8 (ATXN8) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91514 |
Ataxin-8 (ATXN8) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77274 |
Ataxin-8 (ATXN8) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67424 |
Atlastin-1 (ATL1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103801 |
Atlastin-1 (ATL1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110526 |
Atlastin-1 (ATL1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97903 |
Atlastin-1 (ATL1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82153 |
Atlastin-1 (ATL1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72309 |
Atlastin-1 (ATL1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91494 |
Atlastin-1 (ATL1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77254 |
Atlastin-1 (ATL1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67404 |
Atlastin-2 (ATL2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103802 |
Atlastin-2 (ATL2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110527 |
Atlastin-2 (ATL2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97904 |
Atlastin-2 (ATL2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82154 |
Atlastin-2 (ATL2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72310 |
Atlastin-2 (ATL2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91495 |
Atlastin-2 (ATL2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77255 |
Atlastin-2 (ATL2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67405 |
Atlastin-3 (ATL3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103803 |
Atlastin-3 (ATL3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110528 |
Atlastin-3 (ATL3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97905 |
Atlastin-3 (ATL3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82155 |
Atlastin-3 (ATL3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72311 |
Atlastin-3 (ATL3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91496 |
Atlastin-3 (ATL3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77256 |
Atlastin-3 (ATL3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67406 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1 ELISA Kit (ABCA1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102954 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1 ELISA Kit (ABCA1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109684 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1 ELISA Kit (ABCA1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97061 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1 ELISA Kit (ABCA1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86523 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1 ELISA Kit (ABCA1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53555 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1 ELISA Kit (ABCA1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57493 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1 ELISA Kit (ABCA1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90649 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1 ELISA Kit (ABCA1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55540 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter A1 ELISA Kit (ABCA1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59316 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G1 ELISA Kit (ABCG1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102943 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G1 ELISA Kit (ABCG1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109673 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G1 ELISA Kit (ABCG1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97050 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G1 ELISA Kit (ABCG1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86512 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G1 ELISA Kit (ABCG1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53545 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G1 ELISA Kit (ABCG1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57483 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G1 ELISA Kit (ABCG1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90638 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G1 ELISA Kit (ABCG1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55530 |
ATP Binding Cassette Transporter G1 ELISA Kit (ABCG1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59306 |
Attractin ELISA Kit (ATRN), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96818 |
Attractin ELISA Kit (ATRN), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86268 |
Attractin ELISA Kit (ATRN), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53395 |
Attractin ELISA Kit (ATRN), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90400 |
Attractin ELISA Kit (ATRN), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55383 |
Attractin-like protein 1 (ATRNL1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103813 |
Attractin-like protein 1 (ATRNL1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110538 |
Attractin-like protein 1 (ATRNL1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97915 |
Attractin-like protein 1 (ATRNL1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82165 |
Attractin-like protein 1 (ATRNL1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72321 |
Attractin-like protein 1 (ATRNL1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91506 |
Attractin-like protein 1 (ATRNL1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77266 |
Attractin-like protein 1 (ATRNL1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67416 |
Augurin (C2orf40) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-103844 |
Augurin (C2orf40) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110569 |
Augurin (C2orf40) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-97946 |
Augurin (C2orf40) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82196 |
Augurin (C2orf40) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72352 |
Augurin (C2orf40) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91537 |
Augurin (C2orf40) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77297 |
Augurin (C2orf40) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67447 |
Axis Inhibition Protein 2 ELISA Kit (AXIN2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109523 |
Axis Inhibition Protein 2 ELISA Kit (AXIN2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96900 |
Axis Inhibition Protein 2 ELISA Kit (AXIN2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86356 |
Axis Inhibition Protein 2 ELISA Kit (AXIN2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81349 |
Axis Inhibition Protein 2 ELISA Kit (AXIN2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71507 |
Axis Inhibition Protein 2 ELISA Kit (AXIN2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90482 |
Axis Inhibition Protein 2 ELISA Kit (AXIN2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76450 |
Axis Inhibition Protein 2 ELISA Kit (AXIN4), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51061 |
Axis Inhibition Protein ELISA Kit (AXIN), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109522 |
Axis Inhibition Protein ELISA Kit (AXIN), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96899 |
Axis Inhibition Protein ELISA Kit (AXIN), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86355 |
Axis Inhibition Protein ELISA Kit (AXIN), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-81348 |
Axis Inhibition Protein ELISA Kit (AXIN), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-71506 |
Axis Inhibition Protein ELISA Kit (AXIN), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90481 |
Axis Inhibition Protein ELISA Kit (AXIN), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76449 |
Axis Inhibition Protein ELISA Kit (AXIN), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-66608 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 1 (BAG1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104161 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 1 (BAG1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110886 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 1 (BAG1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98139 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 1 (BAG1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82465 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 1 (BAG1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72622 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 1 (BAG1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91854 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 1 (BAG1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77489 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 1 (BAG1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67717 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 (BAG2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104162 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 (BAG2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110887 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 (BAG2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98140 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 (BAG2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82466 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 (BAG2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72623 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 (BAG2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91855 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 (BAG2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77490 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 (BAG2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67718 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 3 (BAG3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104163 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 3 (BAG3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110888 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 3 (BAG3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98141 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 3 (BAG3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82467 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 3 (BAG3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72624 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 3 (BAG3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91856 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 3 (BAG3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77491 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 3 (BAG3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67719 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 4 (BAG4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104164 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 4 (BAG4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110889 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 4 (BAG4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98142 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 4 (BAG4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82468 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 4 (BAG4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72625 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 4 (BAG4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91857 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 4 (BAG4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77492 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 4 (BAG4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67720 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 5 (BAG5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104165 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 5 (BAG5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110890 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 5 (BAG5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98143 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 5 (BAG5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82469 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 5 (BAG5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72626 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 5 (BAG5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91858 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 5 (BAG5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77493 |
BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 5 (BAG5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67721 |
Band 3 anion transport protein (SLC4A1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104391 |
Band 3 anion transport protein (SLC4A1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111116 |
Band 3 anion transport protein (SLC4A1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98317 |
Band 3 anion transport protein (SLC4A1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82695 |
Band 3 anion transport protein (SLC4A1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72852 |
Band 3 anion transport protein (SLC4A1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92084 |
Band 3 anion transport protein (SLC4A1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77719 |
Band 3 anion transport protein (SLC4A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67947 |
Battenin (CLN3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104308 |
Battenin (CLN3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111033 |
Battenin (CLN3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98234 |
Battenin (CLN3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82612 |
Battenin (CLN3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72769 |
Battenin (CLN3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92001 |
Battenin (CLN3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77636 |
Battenin (CLN3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67864 |
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104215 |
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110940 |
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98193 |
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82519 |
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72676 |
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91908 |
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77543 |
Bestrophin-1 (BEST1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67771 |
Bestrophin-2 (BEST2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104216 |
Bestrophin-2 (BEST2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110941 |
Bestrophin-2 (BEST2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98194 |
Bestrophin-2 (BEST2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82520 |
Bestrophin-2 (BEST2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72677 |
Bestrophin-2 (BEST2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91909 |
Bestrophin-2 (BEST2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77544 |
Bestrophin-2 (BEST2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67772 |
Bestrophin-3 (BEST3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104217 |
Bestrophin-3 (BEST3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110942 |
Bestrophin-3 (BEST3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98195 |
Bestrophin-3 (BEST3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82521 |
Bestrophin-3 (BEST3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72678 |
Bestrophin-3 (BEST3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91910 |
Bestrophin-3 (BEST3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77545 |
Bestrophin-3 (BEST3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67773 |
Beta Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Beta-APP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-109476 |
Beta Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Beta-APP), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-96853 |
Beta Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Beta-APP), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86305 |
Beta Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Beta-APP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53421 |
Beta Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Beta-APP), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57366 |
Beta Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Beta-APP), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-90431 |
Beta Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Beta-APP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55406 |
Beta Amyloid Precursor Protein ELISA Kit (Beta-APP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59187 |
Beta Endorphin ELISA Kit (Beta-ENDBEP), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106289 |
Beta Endorphin ELISA Kit (Beta-ENDBEP), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74362 |
Beta Enkephalin ELISA Kit (Beta-ENK), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106247 |
Beta Enkephalin ELISA Kit (Beta-ENK), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87271 |
Beta Enkephalin ELISA Kit (Beta-ENK), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74342 |
Beta Enkephalin ELISA Kit (Beta-ENK), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93932 |
Beta Site APP Cleaving Enzyme 1 ELISA Kit (bACE1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110828 |
Beta Site App Cleaving Enzyme 1 ELISA Kit (bACE1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53684 |
Beta Site App Cleaving Enzyme 1 ELISA Kit (bACE1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57621 |
Beta Site App Cleaving Enzyme 1 ELISA Kit (bACE1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55669 |
Beta Site App Cleaving Enzyme 1 ELISA Kit (bACE1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59444 |
Beta-1 Adrenergic Receptor Antibody (ADRB1 IgG) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115725 |
Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor Antibody (ADRB2 IgG) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115726 |
Beta-crystallin A2 (CRYBA2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104311 |
Beta-crystallin A2 (CRYBA2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111036 |
Beta-crystallin A2 (CRYBA2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98237 |
Beta-crystallin A2 (CRYBA2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82615 |
Beta-crystallin A2 (CRYBA2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72772 |
Beta-crystallin A2 (CRYBA2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92004 |
Beta-crystallin A2 (CRYBA2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77639 |
Beta-crystallin A2 (CRYBA2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67867 |
Beta-crystallin A4 (CRYBA4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104312 |
Beta-crystallin A4 (CRYBA4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111037 |
Beta-crystallin A4 (CRYBA4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98238 |
Beta-crystallin A4 (CRYBA4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82616 |
Beta-crystallin A4 (CRYBA4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72773 |
Beta-crystallin A4 (CRYBA4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92005 |
Beta-crystallin A4 (CRYBA4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77640 |
Beta-crystallin A4 (CRYBA4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67868 |
Beta-crystallin B1 (CRYBB1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104313 |
Beta-crystallin B1 (CRYBB1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111038 |
Beta-crystallin B1 (CRYBB1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98239 |
Beta-crystallin B1 (CRYBB1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82617 |
Beta-crystallin B1 (CRYBB1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72774 |
Beta-crystallin B1 (CRYBB1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92006 |
Beta-crystallin B1 (CRYBB1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77641 |
Beta-crystallin B1 (CRYBB1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67869 |
Beta-crystallin B2 (CRYBB2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104314 |
Beta-crystallin B2 (CRYBB2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111039 |
Beta-crystallin B2 (CRYBB2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98240 |
Beta-crystallin B2 (CRYBB2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82618 |
Beta-crystallin B2 (CRYBB2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72775 |
Beta-crystallin B2 (CRYBB2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92007 |
Beta-crystallin B2 (CRYBB2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77642 |
Beta-crystallin B2 (CRYBB2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67870 |
Beta-crystallin B3 (CRYBB3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104315 |
Beta-crystallin B3 (CRYBB3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111040 |
Beta-crystallin B3 (CRYBB3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98241 |
Beta-crystallin B3 (CRYBB3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82619 |
Beta-crystallin B3 (CRYBB3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72776 |
Beta-crystallin B3 (CRYBB3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92008 |
Beta-crystallin B3 (CRYBB3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77643 |
Beta-crystallin B3 (CRYBB3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67871 |
Beta-crystallin S (CRYGS) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104317 |
Beta-crystallin S (CRYGS) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111042 |
Beta-crystallin S (CRYGS) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98243 |
Beta-crystallin S (CRYGS) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82621 |
Beta-crystallin S (CRYGS) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72778 |
Beta-crystallin S (CRYGS) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92010 |
Beta-crystallin S (CRYGS) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77645 |
Beta-crystallin S (CRYGS) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67873 |
Beta-Defensin 14 ELISA Kit (DEFb14), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104084 |
Beta-Defensin 14 ELISA Kit (DEFb14), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82434 |
Beta-Defensin 14 ELISA Kit (DEFb14), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91776 |
Beta-Defensin 14 ELISA Kit (DEFb14), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67686 |
Beta-Endorphin (bEP), Horse |
For quantitative detection in horse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37206 |
Beta-Endorphin (bEP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38259 |
Beta-Endorphin ELISA Kit (Beta-EP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-61009 |
Beta-Endorphin receptor ELISA Kit (Beta-EPR), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106200 |
Beta-Endorphin receptor ELISA Kit (Beta-EPR), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112920 |
Beta-Endorphin receptor ELISA Kit (Beta-EPR), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100120 |
Beta-Endorphin receptor ELISA Kit (Beta-EPR), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87224 |
Beta-Endorphin receptor ELISA Kit (Beta-EPR), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84187 |
Beta-Endorphin receptor ELISA Kit (Beta-EPR), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74322 |
Beta-Endorphin receptor ELISA Kit (Beta-EPR), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93885 |
Beta-Endorphin receptor ELISA Kit (Beta-EPR), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79210 |
Beta-Endorphin receptor ELISA Kit (Beta-EPR), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69408 |
Beta-III-Tubulin (TUBB3) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115841 |
Beta-secretase 2 (BACE2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104160 |
Beta-secretase 2 (BACE2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110885 |
Beta-secretase 2 (BACE2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98138 |
Beta-secretase 2 (BACE2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82464 |
Beta-secretase 2 (BACE2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72621 |
Beta-secretase 2 (BACE2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91853 |
Beta-secretase 2 (BACE2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77488 |
Beta-secretase 2 (BACE2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67716 |
Beta-Site APP Cleaving Enzyme 1 (bACE1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32773 |
Beta-Site APP Cleaving Enzyme 1 (bACE1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32601 |
Beta-site APP-Cleaving Enzyme 1 ELISA Kit (BACE1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104100 |
Beta-site APP-Cleaving Enzyme 1 ELISA Kit (BACE1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91793 |
Beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 2 ELISA Kit (BACE 2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104127 |
Beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 2 ELISA Kit (BACE 2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110854 |
Beta-Site App-Cleaving Enzyme 2 ELISA Kit (BACE 2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53708 |
Beta-Site App-Cleaving Enzyme 2 ELISA Kit (BACE 2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57645 |
Beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 2 ELISA Kit (BACE 2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91820 |
Beta-Site App-Cleaving Enzyme 2 ELISA Kit (BACE 2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55693 |
Beta-Site App-Cleaving Enzyme 2 ELISA Kit (BACE 2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59468 |
Beta-site APP-Cleaving Enzyme ELISA Kit (BACE), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104099 |
Beta-site APP-Cleaving Enzyme ELISA Kit (BACE), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110827 |
Beta-site APP-Cleaving Enzyme ELISA Kit (BACE), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82438 |
Beta-site APP-Cleaving Enzyme ELISA Kit (BACE), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91792 |
Beta-site APP-Cleaving Enzyme ELISA Kit (BACE), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67690 |
Beta-synuclein (SNCB) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104393 |
Beta-synuclein (SNCB) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111118 |
Beta-synuclein (SNCB) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98319 |
Beta-synuclein (SNCB) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82697 |
Beta-synuclein (SNCB) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72854 |
Beta-synuclein (SNCB) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92086 |
Beta-synuclein (SNCB) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77721 |
Beta-synuclein (SNCB) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67949 |
Beta-tectorin (TECTB) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104400 |
Beta-tectorin (TECTB) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111125 |
Beta-tectorin (TECTB) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98326 |
Beta-tectorin (TECTB) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82704 |
Beta-tectorin (TECTB) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72861 |
Beta-tectorin (TECTB) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92093 |
Beta-tectorin (TECTB) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77728 |
Beta-tectorin (TECTB) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67956 |
Beta-ureidopropionase (UPB1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104406 |
Beta-ureidopropionase (UPB1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111131 |
Beta-ureidopropionase (UPB1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98332 |
Beta-ureidopropionase (UPB1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82710 |
Beta-ureidopropionase (UPB1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72867 |
Beta-ureidopropionase (UPB1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92099 |
Beta-ureidopropionase (UPB1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77734 |
Beta-ureidopropionase (UPB1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67962 |
Bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104231 |
Bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110956 |
Bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98209 |
Bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82535 |
Bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72692 |
Bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91924 |
Bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77559 |
Bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67787 |
Brain acid soluble protein 1 (BASP1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104176 |
Brain acid soluble protein 1 (BASP1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110901 |
Brain acid soluble protein 1 (BASP1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98154 |
Brain acid soluble protein 1 (BASP1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82480 |
Brain acid soluble protein 1 (BASP1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72637 |
Brain acid soluble protein 1 (BASP1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91869 |
Brain acid soluble protein 1 (BASP1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77504 |
Brain acid soluble protein 1 (BASP1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67732 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), Bovine, Chicken, Dog |
For quantitative detection in bovine, chicken, and dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,072 |
KT-37079 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), Goat, Horse, Human, Mouse, Rabbit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in goat, horse, human, mouse, rabbit, rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37896 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), Sheep  |
For quantitative detection in sheep samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38613 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (BDNF), Bovine  |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104085 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (BDNF), Chicken  |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110812 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (BDNF), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-52848 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (BDNF), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53669 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (BDNF), Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57607 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (BDNF), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91778 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (BDNF), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55654 |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (BDNF), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59430 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37085 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP), Monkey  |
For quantitative detection in monkey samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38635 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37938 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38210 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38341 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide ELISA Kit (BNP), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104112 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide ELISA Kit (BNP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110840 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide ELISA Kit (BNP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53694 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide ELISA Kit (BNP), Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52051 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide ELISA Kit (BNP), Pig  |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91805 |
Brain Natriuretic Peptide ELISA Kit (BNP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59454 |
Brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated protein (BEGAIN) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104209 |
Brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated protein (BEGAIN) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110934 |
Brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated protein (BEGAIN) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98187 |
Brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated protein (BEGAIN) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82513 |
Brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated protein (BEGAIN) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72670 |
Brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated protein (BEGAIN) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91902 |
Brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated protein (BEGAIN) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77537 |
Brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated protein (BEGAIN) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-67765 |
Brevican (BCAN) ELISA, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $832 |
KT-38794 |
Brevican ELISA Kit (BCAN), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104104 |
Brevican ELISA Kit (BCAN), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-110832 |
Brevican ELISA Kit (BCAN), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53687 |
Brevican ELISA Kit (BCAN), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57624 |
Brevican ELISA Kit (BCAN), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-91797 |
Brevican ELISA Kit (BCAN), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55672 |
Brevican ELISA Kit (BCAN), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59447 |
Butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37940 |
Butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38342 |
C-Fos ELISA Kit (C-FOS), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53971 |
C-Fos ELISA Kit (C-FOS), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57872 |
C-Fos ELISA Kit (C-FOS), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55950 |
C-Fos ELISA Kit (C-FOS), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59706 |
c-Fos ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104728 |
c-Fos ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111452 |
c-Fos ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98652 |
c-Fos ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92414 |
C-Peptide (CP), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37060 |
C-Type Lectin Domain Family 2 Member C ELISA Kit (CLEC2C), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52167 |
C-Type Natriuretic Peptide ELISA Kit (CNP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51188 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 (CELSR1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105230 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 (CELSR1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111954 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 (CELSR1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99154 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 (CELSR1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83266 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 (CELSR1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73403 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 (CELSR1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92915 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 (CELSR1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78288 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 (CELSR1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68495 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (CELSR2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105231 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (CELSR2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111955 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (CELSR2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99155 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (CELSR2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83267 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (CELSR2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73404 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (CELSR2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92916 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (CELSR2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78289 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (CELSR2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68496 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (CELSR3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105232 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (CELSR3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111956 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (CELSR3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99156 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (CELSR3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83268 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (CELSR3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73405 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (CELSR3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92917 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (CELSR3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78290 |
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 3 (CELSR3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68497 |
Calbindin (CALB1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104930 |
Calbindin (CALB1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111656 |
Calbindin (CALB1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98856 |
Calbindin (CALB1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82968 |
Calbindin (CALB1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73106 |
Calbindin (CALB1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92616 |
Calbindin (CALB1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77990 |
Calbindin (CALB1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68197 |
Calcineurin (CaN), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37944 |
Calcipressin-1 (RCAN1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106027 |
Calcipressin-1 (RCAN1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112750 |
Calcipressin-1 (RCAN1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99950 |
Calcipressin-1 (RCAN1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87052 |
Calcipressin-1 (RCAN1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84062 |
Calcipressin-1 (RCAN1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74199 |
Calcipressin-1 (RCAN1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93712 |
Calcipressin-1 (RCAN1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79084 |
Calcipressin-1 (RCAN1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69290 |
Calcipressin-2 (RCAN2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106028 |
Calcipressin-2 (RCAN2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112751 |
Calcipressin-2 (RCAN2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99951 |
Calcipressin-2 (RCAN2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87053 |
Calcipressin-2 (RCAN2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84063 |
Calcipressin-2 (RCAN2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74200 |
Calcipressin-2 (RCAN2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93713 |
Calcipressin-2 (RCAN2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79085 |
Calcipressin-2 (RCAN2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69291 |
Calcipressin-3 (RCAN3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106029 |
Calcipressin-3 (RCAN3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112752 |
Calcipressin-3 (RCAN3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99952 |
Calcipressin-3 (RCAN3) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87054 |
Calcipressin-3 (RCAN3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84064 |
Calcipressin-3 (RCAN3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74201 |
Calcipressin-3 (RCAN3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93714 |
Calcipressin-3 (RCAN3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79086 |
Calcipressin-3 (RCAN3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69292 |
Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide ELISA Kit (CGRP), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104730 |
Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide ELISA Kit (CGRP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111454 |
Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide ELISA Kit (CGRP), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98654 |
Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide ELISA Kit (CGRP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53972 |
Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide ELISA Kit (CGRP), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57873 |
Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide ELISA Kit (CGRP), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92416 |
Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide ELISA Kit (CGRP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55951 |
Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide ELISA Kit (CGRP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59707 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide 2 (CALCB) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104933 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide 2 (CALCB) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111659 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide 2 (CALCB) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98859 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide 2 (CALCB) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82971 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide 2 (CALCB) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73109 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide 2 (CALCB) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92619 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide 2 (CALCB) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77993 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide 2 (CALCB) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68200 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor (CALCRL) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104937 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor (CALCRL) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111663 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor (CALCRL) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98863 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor (CALCRL) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82975 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor (CALCRL) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73113 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor (CALCRL) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92623 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor (CALCRL) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77997 |
Calcitonin gene-related peptide type 1 receptor (CALCRL) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68204 |
Calcitonin receptor (CALCR) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104936 |
Calcitonin receptor (CALCR) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111662 |
Calcitonin receptor (CALCR) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98862 |
Calcitonin receptor (CALCR) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82974 |
Calcitonin receptor (CALCR) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73112 |
Calcitonin receptor (CALCR) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92622 |
Calcitonin receptor (CALCR) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77996 |
Calcitonin receptor (CALCR) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68203 |
Calcitonin, CT ELISA Kit (CALCA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104932 |
Calcitonin, CT ELISA Kit (CALCA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111658 |
Calcitonin, CT ELISA Kit (CALCA), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98858 |
Calcitonin, CT ELISA Kit (CALCA), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82970 |
Calcitonin, CT ELISA Kit (CALCA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73108 |
Calcitonin, CT ELISA Kit (CALCA), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92618 |
Calcitonin, CT ELISA Kit (CALCA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77992 |
Calcitonin, CT ELISA Kit (CALCA), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68199 |
Calcium Sensing Receptor (CASR), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38343 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1 (SLC25A12) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106039 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1 (SLC25A12) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112762 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1 (SLC25A12) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99962 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1 (SLC25A12) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87064 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1 (SLC25A12) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84074 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1 (SLC25A12) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74211 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1 (SLC25A12) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93724 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1 (SLC25A12) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79096 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1 (SLC25A12) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69302 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar2 (SLC25A13) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106040 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar2 (SLC25A13) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112763 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar2 (SLC25A13) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99963 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar2 (SLC25A13) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87065 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar2 (SLC25A13) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84075 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar2 (SLC25A13) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74212 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar2 (SLC25A13) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93725 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar2 (SLC25A13) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79097 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar2 (SLC25A13) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69303 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1 (SLC25A24) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106043 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1 (SLC25A24) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112766 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1 (SLC25A24) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99966 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1 (SLC25A24) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87068 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1 (SLC25A24) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84078 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1 (SLC25A24) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74215 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1 (SLC25A24) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93728 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1 (SLC25A24) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79100 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1 (SLC25A24) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69306 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-2 (SLC25A25) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106044 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-2 (SLC25A25) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112767 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-2 (SLC25A25) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99967 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-2 (SLC25A25) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87069 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-2 (SLC25A25) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84079 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-2 (SLC25A25) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74216 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-2 (SLC25A25) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93729 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-2 (SLC25A25) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79101 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-2 (SLC25A25) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69307 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-3 (SLC25A23) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106042 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-3 (SLC25A23) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112765 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-3 (SLC25A23) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99965 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-3 (SLC25A23) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87067 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-3 (SLC25A23) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84077 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-3 (SLC25A23) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74214 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-3 (SLC25A23) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93727 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-3 (SLC25A23) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79099 |
Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-3 (SLC25A23) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69305 |
Calcium-binding protein 1 (CABP1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104915 |
Calcium-binding protein 1 (CABP1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111641 |
Calcium-binding protein 1 (CABP1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98841 |
Calcium-binding protein 1 (CABP1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82953 |
Calcium-binding protein 1 (CABP1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73091 |
Calcium-binding protein 1 (CABP1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92601 |
Calcium-binding protein 1 (CABP1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77975 |
Calcium-binding protein 1 (CABP1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68182 |
Calcium-binding protein 2 (CABP2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104916 |
Calcium-binding protein 2 (CABP2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111642 |
Calcium-binding protein 2 (CABP2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98842 |
Calcium-binding protein 2 (CABP2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82954 |
Calcium-binding protein 2 (CABP2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73092 |
Calcium-binding protein 2 (CABP2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92602 |
Calcium-binding protein 2 (CABP2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77976 |
Calcium-binding protein 2 (CABP2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68183 |
Calcium-binding protein 39 (CAB39) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104910 |
Calcium-binding protein 39 (CAB39) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111636 |
Calcium-binding protein 39 (CAB39) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98836 |
Calcium-binding protein 39 (CAB39) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82948 |
Calcium-binding protein 39 (CAB39) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73086 |
Calcium-binding protein 39 (CAB39) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92596 |
Calcium-binding protein 39 (CAB39) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77970 |
Calcium-binding protein 39 (CAB39) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68177 |
Calcium-binding protein 39-like (CAB39L) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104911 |
Calcium-binding protein 39-like (CAB39L) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111637 |
Calcium-binding protein 39-like (CAB39L) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98837 |
Calcium-binding protein 39-like (CAB39L) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82949 |
Calcium-binding protein 39-like (CAB39L) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73087 |
Calcium-binding protein 39-like (CAB39L) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92597 |
Calcium-binding protein 39-like (CAB39L) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77971 |
Calcium-binding protein 39-like (CAB39L) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68178 |
Calcium-binding protein 4 (CABP4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104917 |
Calcium-binding protein 4 (CABP4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111643 |
Calcium-binding protein 4 (CABP4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98843 |
Calcium-binding protein 4 (CABP4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82955 |
Calcium-binding protein 4 (CABP4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73093 |
Calcium-binding protein 4 (CABP4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92603 |
Calcium-binding protein 4 (CABP4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77977 |
Calcium-binding protein 4 (CABP4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68184 |
Calcium-binding protein 5 (CABP5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104918 |
Calcium-binding protein 5 (CABP5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111644 |
Calcium-binding protein 5 (CABP5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98844 |
Calcium-binding protein 5 (CABP5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82956 |
Calcium-binding protein 5 (CABP5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73094 |
Calcium-binding protein 5 (CABP5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92604 |
Calcium-binding protein 5 (CABP5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77978 |
Calcium-binding protein 5 (CABP5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68185 |
Calcium-binding protein 7 (CABP7) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104919 |
Calcium-binding protein 7 (CABP7) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111645 |
Calcium-binding protein 7 (CABP7) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98845 |
Calcium-binding protein 7 (CABP7) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82957 |
Calcium-binding protein 7 (CABP7) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73095 |
Calcium-binding protein 7 (CABP7) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92605 |
Calcium-binding protein 7 (CABP7) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77979 |
Calcium-binding protein 7 (CABP7) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68186 |
Calcium-binding protein 8 (CALN1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104946 |
Calcium-binding protein 8 (CALN1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111672 |
Calcium-binding protein 8 (CALN1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98872 |
Calcium-binding protein 8 (CALN1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82984 |
Calcium-binding protein 8 (CALN1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73122 |
Calcium-binding protein 8 (CALN1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92632 |
Calcium-binding protein 8 (CALN1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78006 |
Calcium-binding protein 8 (CALN1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68213 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 1 (CADPS) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104925 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 1 (CADPS) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111651 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 1 (CADPS) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98851 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 1 (CADPS) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82963 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 1 (CADPS) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73101 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 1 (CADPS) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92611 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 1 (CADPS) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77985 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 1 (CADPS) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68192 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 2 (CADPS2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104926 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 2 (CADPS2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111652 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 2 (CADPS2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98852 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 2 (CADPS2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82964 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 2 (CADPS2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73102 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 2 (CADPS2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92612 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 2 (CADPS2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77986 |
Calcium-dependent secretion activator 2 (CADPS2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68193 |
Calcyphosin (CAPS) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104988 |
Calcyphosin (CAPS) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111714 |
Calcyphosin (CAPS) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98914 |
Calcyphosin (CAPS) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83026 |
Calcyphosin (CAPS) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73164 |
Calcyphosin (CAPS) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92674 |
Calcyphosin (CAPS) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78048 |
Calcyphosin (CAPS) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68255 |
Calcyphosin-2 (CAPS2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104989 |
Calcyphosin-2 (CAPS2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111715 |
Calcyphosin-2 (CAPS2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98915 |
Calcyphosin-2 (CAPS2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83027 |
Calcyphosin-2 (CAPS2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73165 |
Calcyphosin-2 (CAPS2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92675 |
Calcyphosin-2 (CAPS2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78049 |
Calcyphosin-2 (CAPS2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68256 |
Calcyphosin-like protein (CAPSL) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104990 |
Calcyphosin-like protein (CAPSL) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111716 |
Calcyphosin-like protein (CAPSL) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98916 |
Calcyphosin-like protein (CAPSL) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83028 |
Calcyphosin-like protein (CAPSL) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73166 |
Calcyphosin-like protein (CAPSL) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92676 |
Calcyphosin-like protein (CAPSL) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78050 |
Calcyphosin-like protein (CAPSL) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68257 |
Calnexin ELISA Kit (CANX), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104969 |
calnexin ELISA Kit (CANX), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111695 |
Calnexin ELISA Kit (CANX), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98895 |
Calnexin ELISA Kit (CANX), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83007 |
Calnexin ELISA Kit (CANX), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73145 |
Calnexin ELISA Kit (CANX), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92655 |
Calnexin ELISA Kit (CANX), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78029 |
Calnexin ELISA Kit (CANX), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68236 |
Calpain 1, Large Subunit (CAPN1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-9018 |
Calpain 1, Large Subunit (CAPN1) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-36160 |
Calpain 2 (CAPN2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38344 |
Calpastatin (CAST) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-32529 |
Calpastatin (CAST), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38347 |
Calpastatin ELISA Kit (CAST), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52063 |
calpastatin/calpain inhibitor (CAST) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105015 |
calpastatin/calpain inhibitor (CAST) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111741 |
calpastatin/calpain inhibitor (CAST) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98941 |
Calpastatin/calpain inhibitor (CAST) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83053 |
Calpastatin/calpain inhibitor (CAST) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92701 |
calpastatin/calpain inhibitor (CAST) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78075 |
Calpastatin/calpain inhibitor (CAST) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68282 |
Calretinin ELISA Kit (CR), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104574 |
Calretinin ELISA Kit (CR), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111301 |
Calretinin ELISA Kit (CR), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98501 |
Calretinin ELISA Kit (CR), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53833 |
Calretinin ELISA Kit (CR), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57734 |
Calretinin ELISA Kit (CR), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92262 |
Calretinin ELISA Kit (CR), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55812 |
Calretinin ELISA Kit (CR), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59568 |
Calsyntenin 3 (CLSTN3) ELISA, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38803 |
Calsyntenin-1 (CLSTN1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105434 |
Calsyntenin-1 (CLSTN1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112156 |
Calsyntenin-1 (CLSTN1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99356 |
Calsyntenin-1 (CLSTN1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83468 |
Calsyntenin-1 (CLSTN1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73605 |
Calsyntenin-1 (CLSTN1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93118 |
Calsyntenin-1 (CLSTN1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78490 |
Calsyntenin-1 (CLSTN1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68697 |
Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105435 |
Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112157 |
Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99357 |
Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83469 |
Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73606 |
Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93119 |
Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78491 |
Calsyntenin-2 (CLSTN2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68698 |
Calsyntenin-3 (CLSTN3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105436 |
Calsyntenin-3 (CLSTN3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112158 |
Calsyntenin-3 (CLSTN3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99358 |
Calsyntenin-3 (CLSTN3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83470 |
Calsyntenin-3 (CLSTN3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73607 |
Calsyntenin-3 (CLSTN3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93120 |
Calsyntenin-3 (CLSTN3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78492 |
Calsyntenin-3 (CLSTN3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68699 |
Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain (CNR1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32682 |
Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain ELISA Kit (CNR1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104568 |
Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain ELISA Kit (CNR1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111295 |
Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain ELISA Kit (CNR1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98495 |
Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain ELISA Kit (CNR1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82779 |
Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain ELISA Kit (CNR1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72917 |
Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain ELISA Kit (CNR1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92256 |
Cannabinoid Receptor 1, Brain ELISA Kit (CNR1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77801 |
Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CNR2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105484 |
Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CNR2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112206 |
Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CNR2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99406 |
Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CNR2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83518 |
Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CNR2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73655 |
Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CNR2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93168 |
Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CNR2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78540 |
Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CNR2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68747 |
Cannabinoid Receptor 2, Macrophage (CNR2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32747 |
Carbamazepine (CBZ) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115750 |
Carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein (NOS1AP) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105974 |
Carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein (NOS1AP) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112697 |
Carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein (NOS1AP) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99897 |
Carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein (NOS1AP) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86999 |
Carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein (NOS1AP) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84009 |
Carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein (NOS1AP) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74146 |
Carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein (NOS1AP) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93659 |
Carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein (NOS1AP) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79031 |
Carboxyl-terminal PDZ ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein (NOS1AP) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69238 |
CART prepropeptide (CARTPT) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105004 |
CART prepropeptide (CARTPT) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111730 |
CART prepropeptide (CARTPT) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98930 |
CART prepropeptide (CARTPT) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83042 |
CART prepropeptide (CARTPT) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73180 |
CART prepropeptide (CARTPT) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92690 |
CART prepropeptide (CARTPT) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78064 |
CART prepropeptide (CARTPT) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68271 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha (CSNK1A1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105715 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha (CSNK1A1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112437 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha (CSNK1A1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99637 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha (CSNK1A1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83749 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha (CSNK1A1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73886 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha (CSNK1A1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93399 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha (CSNK1A1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78771 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha (CSNK1A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68978 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha-like (CSNK1A1L) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105716 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha-like (CSNK1A1L) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112438 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha-like (CSNK1A1L) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99638 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha-like (CSNK1A1L) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83750 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha-like (CSNK1A1L) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73887 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha-like (CSNK1A1L) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93400 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha-like (CSNK1A1L) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78772 |
Casein kinase I isoform alpha-like (CSNK1A1L) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68979 |
Casein kinase I isoform delta (CSNK1D) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105717 |
Casein kinase I isoform delta (CSNK1D) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112439 |
Casein kinase I isoform delta (CSNK1D) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99639 |
Casein kinase I isoform delta (CSNK1D) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83751 |
Casein kinase I isoform delta (CSNK1D) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73888 |
Casein kinase I isoform delta (CSNK1D) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93401 |
Casein kinase I isoform delta (CSNK1D) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78773 |
Casein kinase I isoform delta (CSNK1D) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68980 |
Casein kinase I isoform epsilon (CSNK1E) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105718 |
Casein kinase I isoform epsilon (CSNK1E) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112440 |
Casein kinase I isoform epsilon (CSNK1E) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99640 |
Casein kinase I isoform epsilon (CSNK1E) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83752 |
Casein kinase I isoform epsilon (CSNK1E) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73889 |
Casein kinase I isoform epsilon (CSNK1E) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93402 |
Casein kinase I isoform epsilon (CSNK1E) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78774 |
Casein kinase I isoform epsilon (CSNK1E) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68981 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-1 (CSNK1G1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105719 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-1 (CSNK1G1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112441 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-1 (CSNK1G1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99641 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-1 (CSNK1G1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83753 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-1 (CSNK1G1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73890 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-1 (CSNK1G1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93403 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-1 (CSNK1G1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78775 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-1 (CSNK1G1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68982 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 (CSNK1G2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105720 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 (CSNK1G2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112442 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 (CSNK1G2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99642 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 (CSNK1G2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83754 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 (CSNK1G2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73891 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 (CSNK1G2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93404 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 (CSNK1G2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78776 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-2 (CSNK1G2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68983 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 (CSNK1G3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105721 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 (CSNK1G3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112443 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 (CSNK1G3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99643 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 (CSNK1G3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83755 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 (CSNK1G3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73892 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 (CSNK1G3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93405 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 (CSNK1G3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78777 |
Casein kinase I isoform gamma-3 (CSNK1G3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68984 |
Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105722 |
Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112444 |
Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99644 |
Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83756 |
Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73893 |
Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93406 |
Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78778 |
Casein kinase II subunit alpha (CSNK2A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68985 |
Casein kinase II subunit beta (CSNK2B) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105723 |
Casein kinase II subunit beta (CSNK2B) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112445 |
Casein kinase II subunit beta (CSNK2B) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99645 |
Casein kinase II subunit beta (CSNK2B) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83757 |
Casein kinase II subunit beta (CSNK2B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73894 |
Casein kinase II subunit beta (CSNK2B) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93407 |
Casein kinase II subunit beta (CSNK2B) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78779 |
Casein kinase II subunit beta (CSNK2B) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68986 |
Caspase 1 (Casp-1) ELISA Kit (CASP1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105009 |
Caspase 1 (Casp-1) ELISA Kit (CASP1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111735 |
Caspase 1 (Casp-1) ELISA Kit (CASP1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98935 |
Caspase 1 (Casp-1) ELISA Kit (CASP1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83047 |
Caspase 1 (Casp-1) ELISA Kit (CASP1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73185 |
Caspase 1 (Casp-1) ELISA Kit (CASP1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92695 |
Caspase 1 (Casp-1) ELISA Kit (CASP1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78069 |
Caspase 1 (Casp-1) ELISA Kit (CASP1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68276 |
Caspase-5 (CASP5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105010 |
Caspase-5 (CASP5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111736 |
Caspase-5 (CASP5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98936 |
Caspase-5 (CASP5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83048 |
Caspase-5 (CASP5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73186 |
Caspase-5 (CASP5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92696 |
Caspase-5 (CASP5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78070 |
Caspase-5 (CASP5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68277 |
Catechol-O-Metthyhransferase ELISA Kit (COMT), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104453 |
Catechol-O-Metthyhransferase ELISA Kit (COMT), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92142 |
Catechol-O-Metthyhransferase ELSA ELISA Kit (COMT), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111179 |
Catechol-O-Metthyhransferase ELSA ELISA Kit (COMT), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98379 |
Catechol-O-Metthyhransferase ELSA ELISA Kit (COMT), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82733 |
Catechol-O-Metthyhransferase ELSA ELISA Kit (COMT), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77755 |
Cathepsin D ELISA Kit (Cath-D), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53947 |
Cathepsin D ELISA Kit (Cath-D), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57848 |
Cathepsin D ELISA Kit (Cath-D), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55926 |
Cathepsin D ELISA Kit (Cath-D), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59682 |
Cathepsin D ELISA Kit (CTSD), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104678 |
Cathepsin D ELISA Kit (CTSD), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111402 |
Cathepsin D ELISA Kit (CTSD), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98602 |
Cathepsin D ELISA Kit (CTSD), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92365 |
Cathepsin L ELISA Kit (CTSL), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104679 |
Cathepsin L ELISA Kit (CTSL), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111403 |
Cathepsin L ELISA Kit (CTSL), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98603 |
Cathepsin L ELISA Kit (CTSL), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53927 |
Cathepsin L ELISA Kit (CTSL), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57828 |
Cathepsin L ELISA Kit (CTSL), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92366 |
Cathepsin L ELISA Kit (CTSL), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55906 |
Cathepsin L ELISA Kit (CTSL), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59662 |
Caytaxin (ATCAY) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104813 |
Caytaxin (ATCAY) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111539 |
Caytaxin (ATCAY) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98739 |
Caytaxin (ATCAY) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82851 |
Caytaxin (ATCAY) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72989 |
Caytaxin (ATCAY) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92499 |
Caytaxin (ATCAY) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77873 |
Caytaxin (ATCAY) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68080 |
Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (ARMETL1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104812 |
Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (ARMETL1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111538 |
Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (ARMETL1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98738 |
Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (ARMETL1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82850 |
Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (ARMETL1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72988 |
Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (ARMETL1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92498 |
Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (ARMETL1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77872 |
Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (ARMETL1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68079 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 5 (CLN5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105422 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 5 (CLN5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112144 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 5 (CLN5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99344 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 5 (CLN5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83456 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 5 (CLN5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73593 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 5 (CLN5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93106 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 5 (CLN5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78478 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 5 (CLN5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68685 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 6 (CLN6) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105423 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 6 (CLN6) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112145 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 6 (CLN6) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99345 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 6 (CLN6) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83457 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 6 (CLN6) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73594 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 6 (CLN6) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93107 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 6 (CLN6) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78479 |
Ceroid-lipofuscinosis neuronal protein 6 (CLN6) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68686 |
Ceruloplasmin ELISA, Cat  |
For the quantitative determination of ceruloplasmin in cat serum and plasma. Assay range: 0.78 - 100 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$628 |
KT-1879 |
Ceruloplasmin ELISA, Dog  |
For the quantitative determination of ceruloplasmin in dog serum and plasma. Assay range: 6.25 - 100 ng/mL. Includes calibrator. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$628 |
KT-1875 |
Chloride channel CLIC-like protein 1 (CLCC1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105373 |
Chloride channel CLIC-like protein 1 (CLCC1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112095 |
Chloride channel CLIC-like protein 1 (CLCC1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99295 |
Chloride channel CLIC-like protein 1 (CLCC1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83407 |
Chloride channel CLIC-like protein 1 (CLCC1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73544 |
Chloride channel CLIC-like protein 1 (CLCC1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93057 |
Chloride channel CLIC-like protein 1 (CLCC1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78429 |
Chloride channel CLIC-like protein 1 (CLCC1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68636 |
Chloride channel protein 2 (CLCN2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105374 |
Chloride channel protein 2 (CLCN2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112096 |
Chloride channel protein 2 (CLCN2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99296 |
Chloride channel protein 2 (CLCN2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83408 |
Chloride channel protein 2 (CLCN2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73545 |
Chloride channel protein 2 (CLCN2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93058 |
Chloride channel protein 2 (CLCN2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78430 |
Chloride channel protein 2 (CLCN2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68637 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka (CLCNKA) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105376 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka (CLCNKA) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112098 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka (CLCNKA) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99298 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka (CLCNKA) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83410 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka (CLCNKA) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73547 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka (CLCNKA) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93060 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka (CLCNKA) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78432 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Ka (CLCNKA) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68639 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb (CLCNKB) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105377 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb (CLCNKB) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112099 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb (CLCNKB) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99299 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb (CLCNKB) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83411 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb (CLCNKB) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73548 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb (CLCNKB) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93061 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb (CLCNKB) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78433 |
Chloride channel protein ClC-Kb (CLCNKB) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68640 |
Cholecystokinin (CCK), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37017 |
Choline Acetyltransferase (ChAT) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32649 |
Choline Acetyltransferase (ChAT) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-10203 |
Choline acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (ChAT), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104733 |
Choline acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (ChAT), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111457 |
Choline acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (ChAT), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98657 |
Choline Acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (ChAT), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53975 |
Choline Acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (ChAT), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57876 |
Choline acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (ChAT), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92419 |
Choline Acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (ChAT), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55954 |
Choline Acetyltransferase ELISA Kit (ChAT), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59710 |
Choline acetyltransterase (ChAT) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E17524m |
Choline acetyltransterase (ChAT) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E17523r |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 1 Antibody (CHRM1 Ab) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115741 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-33095 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-33096 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2 ELISA Kit (CHRM2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104606 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2 ELISA Kit (CHRM2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111332 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2 ELISA Kit (CHRM2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98532 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2 ELISA Kit (CHRM2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82783 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2 ELISA Kit (CHRM2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72921 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2 ELISA Kit (CHRM2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92293 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2 ELISA Kit (CHRM2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77805 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 2 ELISA Kit (CHRM2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68012 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 3 (CHRM3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33356 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 3 Antibody (CHRM3 Ab) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115742 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 4 Antibody (CHRM4 Ab) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115743 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Muscarinic 5 Antibody (CHRM5 Ab) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115744 |
Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha 1 (CHRNa1) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-10266 |
Chondroitin Sulfate (CS), General  |
For quantitative detection in general samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37122 |
Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan 5 (CSPG5), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38355 |
Chordin (CHRD) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105317 |
Chordin (CHRD) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112039 |
Chordin (CHRD) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99239 |
Chordin (CHRD) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83351 |
Chordin (CHRD) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73488 |
Chordin (CHRD) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93001 |
Chordin (CHRD) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78373 |
Chordin (CHRD) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68580 |
Chordin-like protein 1 (CHRDL1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105318 |
Chordin-like protein 1 (CHRDL1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112040 |
Chordin-like protein 1 (CHRDL1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99240 |
Chordin-like protein 1 (CHRDL1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83352 |
Chordin-like protein 1 (CHRDL1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73489 |
Chordin-like protein 1 (CHRDL1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93002 |
Chordin-like protein 1 (CHRDL1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78374 |
Chordin-like protein 1 (CHRDL1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68581 |
Chordin-like protein 2 (CHRDL2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105319 |
Chordin-like protein 2 (CHRDL2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112041 |
Chordin-like protein 2 (CHRDL2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99241 |
Chordin-like protein 2 (CHRDL2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83353 |
Chordin-like protein 2 (CHRDL2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73490 |
Chordin-like protein 2 (CHRDL2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93003 |
Chordin-like protein 2 (CHRDL2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78375 |
Chordin-like protein 2 (CHRDL2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68582 |
CHRNA7-FAM7A fusion protein (CHRFAM7A) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105320 |
CHRNA7-FAM7A fusion protein (CHRFAM7A) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112042 |
CHRNA7-FAM7A fusion protein (CHRFAM7A) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99242 |
CHRNA7-FAM7A fusion protein (CHRFAM7A) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83354 |
CHRNA7-FAM7A fusion protein (CHRFAM7A) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73491 |
CHRNA7-FAM7A fusion protein (CHRFAM7A) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93004 |
CHRNA7-FAM7A fusion protein (CHRFAM7A) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78376 |
CHRNA7-FAM7A fusion protein (CHRFAM7A) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68583 |
Chromaffin granule amine transporter (SLC18A1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106038 |
Chromaffin granule amine transporter (SLC18A1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112761 |
Chromaffin granule amine transporter (SLC18A1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99961 |
Chromaffin granule amine transporter (SLC18A1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87063 |
Chromaffin granule amine transporter (SLC18A1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84073 |
Chromaffin granule amine transporter (SLC18A1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74210 |
Chromaffin granule amine transporter (SLC18A1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93723 |
Chromaffin granule amine transporter (SLC18A1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79095 |
Chromaffin granule amine transporter (SLC18A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69301 |
Chromogranin A (CHGA), Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37956 |
Chromogranin A ELISA Kit (CHGA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104589 |
Chromogranin A ELISA Kit (CHGA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111316 |
Chromogranin A ELISA Kit (CHGA), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98516 |
Chromogranin A ELISA Kit (CHGA), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53847 |
Chromogranin A ELISA Kit (CHGA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57748 |
Chromogranin A ELISA Kit (CHGA), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92277 |
Chromogranin A ELISA Kit (CHGA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55826 |
Chromogranin A ELISA Kit (CHGA), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59582 |
Chromogranin B (CHGB) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32817 |
Chromogranin B (CHGB) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-32912 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (CNTF), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104750 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (CNTF), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111474 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (CNTF), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98674 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (CNTF), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53990 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (CNTF), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57891 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (CNTF), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92436 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (CNTF), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55969 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (CNTF), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59725 |
Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor ELISA Kit (CNTFR), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104440 |
Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor ELISA Kit (CNTFR), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111166 |
Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor ELISA Kit (CNTFR), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98366 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Receptor ELISA Kit (CNTFR), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53741 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Receptor ELISA Kit (CNTFR), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57670 |
Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor ELISA Kit (CNTFR), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92129 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Receptor ELISA Kit (CNTFR), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55720 |
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Receptor ELISA Kit (CNTFR), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59493 |
Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105430 |
Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112152 |
Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99352 |
Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83464 |
Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73601 |
Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93114 |
Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78486 |
Clarin-1 (CLRN1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68693 |
Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105431 |
Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112153 |
Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99353 |
Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83465 |
Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73602 |
Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93115 |
Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78487 |
Clarin-2 (CLRN2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68694 |
Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105432 |
Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112154 |
Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99354 |
Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83466 |
Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73603 |
Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93116 |
Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78488 |
Clarin-3 (CLRN3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68695 |
Claspin (CLSPN) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105433 |
Claspin (CLSPN) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112155 |
Claspin (CLSPN) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99355 |
Claspin (CLSPN) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83467 |
Claspin (CLSPN) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73604 |
Claspin (CLSPN) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93117 |
Claspin (CLSPN) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78489 |
Claspin (CLSPN) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68696 |
Clathrin coat assembly protein AP180 (SNAP91) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106055 |
Clathrin coat assembly protein AP180 (SNAP91) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112778 |
Clathrin coat assembly protein AP180 (SNAP91) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99978 |
Clathrin coat assembly protein AP180 (SNAP91) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87080 |
Clathrin coat assembly protein AP180 (SNAP91) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84090 |
Clathrin coat assembly protein AP180 (SNAP91) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74227 |
Clathrin coat assembly protein AP180 (SNAP91) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93740 |
Clathrin coat assembly protein AP180 (SNAP91) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79112 |
Clathrin coat assembly protein AP180 (SNAP91) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69318 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 1 (CLDND1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105378 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 1 (CLDND1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112100 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 1 (CLDND1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99300 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 1 (CLDND1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83412 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 1 (CLDND1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73549 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 1 (CLDND1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93062 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 1 (CLDND1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78434 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 1 (CLDND1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68641 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 2 (CLDND2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105379 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 2 (CLDND2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112101 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 2 (CLDND2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99301 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 2 (CLDND2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83413 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 2 (CLDND2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73550 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 2 (CLDND2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93063 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 2 (CLDND2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78435 |
Claudin domain-containing protein 2 (CLDND2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68642 |
Cluster of differentiation 34 ELISA Kit (CD34), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104715 |
Cluster of differentiation 34 ELISA Kit (CD34), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111438 |
Cluster of differentiation 34 ELISA Kit (CD34), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98638 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 34 ELISA Kit (CD34), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53959 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 34 ELISA Kit (CD34), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57860 |
Cluster of differentiation 34 ELISA Kit (CD34), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92401 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 34 ELISA Kit (CD34), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55938 |
Cluster Of Differentiation 34 ELISA Kit (CD34), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59694 |
Clusterin-like protein 1 (CLUL1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105442 |
Clusterin-like protein 1 (CLUL1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112164 |
Clusterin-like protein 1 (CLUL1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99364 |
Clusterin-like protein 1 (CLUL1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83476 |
Clusterin-like protein 1 (CLUL1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73613 |
Clusterin-like protein 1 (CLUL1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93126 |
Clusterin-like protein 1 (CLUL1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78498 |
Clusterin-like protein 1 (CLUL1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68705 |
Cobra venom neuronal protective factor ELISA Kit (CVNPE), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104769 |
Cobra venom neuronal protective factor ELISA Kit (CVNPE), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111495 |
Cobra venom neuronal protective factor ELISA Kit (CVNPE), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98695 |
Cobra Venom Neuronal Protective Factor ELISA Kit (CVNPE), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54013 |
Cobra Venom Neuronal Protective Factor ELISA Kit (CVNPE), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57914 |
Cobra venom neuronal protective factor ELISA Kit (CVNPE), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92455 |
Cobra Venom Neuronal Protective Factor ELISA Kit (CVNPE), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55992 |
Cobra Venom Neuronal Protective Factor ELISA Kit (CVNPE), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59748 |
COBW domain-containing protein 1 (CBWD1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105033 |
COBW domain-containing protein 1 (CBWD1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111758 |
COBW domain-containing protein 1 (CBWD1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98958 |
COBW domain-containing protein 1 (CBWD1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83070 |
COBW domain-containing protein 1 (CBWD1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73207 |
COBW domain-containing protein 1 (CBWD1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92719 |
COBW domain-containing protein 1 (CBWD1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78092 |
COBW domain-containing protein 1 (CBWD1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68299 |
COBW domain-containing protein 2 (CBWD2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105034 |
COBW domain-containing protein 2 (CBWD2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111759 |
COBW domain-containing protein 2 (CBWD2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98959 |
COBW domain-containing protein 2 (CBWD2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83071 |
COBW domain-containing protein 2 (CBWD2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73208 |
COBW domain-containing protein 2 (CBWD2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92720 |
COBW domain-containing protein 2 (CBWD2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78093 |
COBW domain-containing protein 2 (CBWD2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68300 |
COBW domain-containing protein 3 (CBWD3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105035 |
COBW domain-containing protein 3 (CBWD3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111760 |
COBW domain-containing protein 3 (CBWD3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98960 |
COBW domain-containing protein 3 (CBWD3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83072 |
COBW domain-containing protein 3 (CBWD3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73209 |
COBW domain-containing protein 3 (CBWD3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92721 |
COBW domain-containing protein 3 (CBWD3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78094 |
COBW domain-containing protein 3 (CBWD3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68301 |
COBW domain-containing protein 5 (CBWD5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105036 |
COBW domain-containing protein 5 (CBWD5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111761 |
COBW domain-containing protein 5 (CBWD5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98961 |
COBW domain-containing protein 5 (CBWD5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83073 |
COBW domain-containing protein 5 (CBWD5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73210 |
COBW domain-containing protein 5 (CBWD5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92722 |
COBW domain-containing protein 5 (CBWD5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78095 |
COBW domain-containing protein 5 (CBWD5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68302 |
COBW domain-containing protein 6 (CBWD6) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105037 |
COBW domain-containing protein 6 (CBWD6) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111762 |
COBW domain-containing protein 6 (CBWD6) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98962 |
COBW domain-containing protein 6 (CBWD6) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83074 |
COBW domain-containing protein 6 (CBWD6) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73211 |
COBW domain-containing protein 6 (CBWD6) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92723 |
COBW domain-containing protein 6 (CBWD6) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78096 |
COBW domain-containing protein 6 (CBWD6) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68303 |
Cocaine And Amphetamine Regulated Transcript (CART) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35698 |
Cocaine And Amphetamine Regulated Transcript (CART) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33427 |
Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (non-HGNC gene) (CART) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68270 |
cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (non-HGNC gene) (CART) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105003 |
cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (non-HGNC gene) (CART) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111729 |
cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (non-HGNC gene) (CART) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98929 |
Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (non-HGNC gene) (CART) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83041 |
Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (non-HGNC gene) (CART) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73179 |
Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (non-HGNC gene) (CART) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92689 |
Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (non-HGNC gene) (CART) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78063 |
Cochlin (COCH) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105497 |
Cochlin (COCH) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112219 |
Cochlin (COCH) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99419 |
Cochlin (COCH) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83531 |
Cochlin (COCH) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73668 |
Cochlin (COCH) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93181 |
Cochlin (COCH) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78553 |
Cochlin (COCH) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68760 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog A, mitochondrial (COQ10A) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105566 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog A, mitochondrial (COQ10A) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112288 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog A, mitochondrial (COQ10A) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99488 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog A, mitochondrial (COQ10A) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83600 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog A, mitochondrial (COQ10A) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73737 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog A, mitochondrial (COQ10A) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93250 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog A, mitochondrial (COQ10A) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78622 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog A, mitochondrial (COQ10A) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68829 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog B, mitochondrial (COQ10B) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105567 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog B, mitochondrial (COQ10B) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112289 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog B, mitochondrial (COQ10B) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99489 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog B, mitochondrial (COQ10B) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83601 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog B, mitochondrial (COQ10B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73738 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog B, mitochondrial (COQ10B) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93251 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog B, mitochondrial (COQ10B) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78623 |
Coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 homolog B, mitochondrial (COQ10B) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68830 |
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105565 |
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112287 |
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99487 |
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83599 |
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73736 |
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93249 |
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78621 |
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68828 |
Cofilin 1, Non Muscle (CFL1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33173 |
Cofilin 1, Non Muscle (CFL1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33174 |
Coilin (COIL) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105506 |
Coilin (COIL) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112228 |
Coilin (COIL) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99428 |
Coilin (COIL) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83540 |
Coilin (COIL) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73677 |
Coilin (COIL) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93190 |
Coilin (COIL) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78562 |
Coilin (COIL) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68769 |
Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRBP) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL005440MO |
Coll2-1 ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105546 |
Coll2-1 ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112268 |
Coll2-1 ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99468 |
Coll2-1 ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83580 |
Coll2-1 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73717 |
Coll2-1 ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93230 |
Coll2-1 ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78602 |
Coll2-1 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68809 |
COLL2-1NO2 ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105547 |
COLL2-1NO2 ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112269 |
COLL2-1NO2 ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99469 |
COLL2-1NO2 ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83581 |
COLL2-1NO2 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73718 |
COLL2-1NO2 ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93231 |
COLL2-1NO2 ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78603 |
COLL2-1NO2 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68810 |
Complement Factor H ELISA Kit (CFH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52150 |
Complement Factor H ELISA Kit (CFH), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51171 |
Complexin 1 (CPLX1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-37968 |
Complexin 1 (CPLX1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38364 |
Complexin-1 (CPLX1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105616 |
Complexin-1 (CPLX1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112338 |
Complexin-1 (CPLX1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99538 |
Complexin-1 (CPLX1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83650 |
Complexin-1 (CPLX1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73787 |
Complexin-1 (CPLX1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93300 |
Complexin-1 (CPLX1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78672 |
Complexin-1 (CPLX1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68879 |
Complexin-2 (CPLX2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105617 |
Complexin-2 (CPLX2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112339 |
Complexin-2 (CPLX2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99539 |
Complexin-2 (CPLX2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83651 |
Complexin-2 (CPLX2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73788 |
Complexin-2 (CPLX2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93301 |
Complexin-2 (CPLX2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78673 |
Complexin-2 (CPLX2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68880 |
Complexin-3 (CPLX3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105618 |
Complexin-3 (CPLX3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112340 |
Complexin-3 (CPLX3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99540 |
Complexin-3 (CPLX3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83652 |
Complexin-3 (CPLX3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73789 |
Complexin-3 (CPLX3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93302 |
Complexin-3 (CPLX3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78674 |
Complexin-3 (CPLX3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68881 |
Complexin-4 (CPLX4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105619 |
Complexin-4 (CPLX4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112341 |
Complexin-4 (CPLX4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99541 |
Complexin-4 (CPLX4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83653 |
Complexin-4 (CPLX4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73790 |
Complexin-4 (CPLX4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93303 |
Complexin-4 (CPLX4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78675 |
Complexin-4 (CPLX4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68882 |
Contactin 1 (CNTN1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32564 |
Contactin 1 (CNTN1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38366 |
Contactin 1 ELISA Kit (CNTN1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104583 |
Contactin 1 ELISA Kit (CNTN1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111310 |
Contactin 1 ELISA Kit (CNTN1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98510 |
Contactin 1 ELISA Kit (CNTN1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53841 |
Contactin 1 ELISA Kit (CNTN1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57742 |
Contactin 1 ELISA Kit (CNTN1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92271 |
Contactin 1 ELISA Kit (CNTN1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55820 |
Contactin 1 ELISA Kit (CNTN1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59576 |
Contactin 2 ELISA Kit (CNTN2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104621 |
Contactin 2 ELISA Kit (CNTN2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111346 |
Contactin 2 ELISA Kit (CNTN2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98546 |
Contactin 2 ELISA Kit (CNTN2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53876 |
Contactin 2 ELISA Kit (CNTN2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57777 |
Contactin 2 ELISA Kit (CNTN2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92308 |
Contactin 2 ELISA Kit (CNTN2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55855 |
Contactin 2 ELISA Kit (CNTN2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59611 |
Contactin 3 ELISA Kit (CNTN3), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104622 |
Contactin 3 ELISA Kit (CNTN3), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111347 |
Contactin 3 ELISA Kit (CNTN3), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98547 |
Contactin 3 ELISA Kit (CNTN3), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53877 |
Contactin 3 ELISA Kit (CNTN3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57778 |
Contactin 3 ELISA Kit (CNTN3), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92309 |
Contactin 3 ELISA Kit (CNTN3), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55856 |
Contactin 3 ELISA Kit (CNTN3), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59612 |
Contactin 4 ELISA Kit (CNTN4), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104584 |
Contactin 4 ELISA Kit (CNTN4), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111311 |
Contactin 4 ELISA Kit (CNTN4), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98511 |
Contactin 4 ELISA Kit (CNTN4), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53842 |
Contactin 4 ELISA Kit (CNTN4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57743 |
Contactin 4 ELISA Kit (CNTN4), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92272 |
Contactin 4 ELISA Kit (CNTN4), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55821 |
Contactin 4 ELISA Kit (CNTN4), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59577 |
Contactin-5 (CNTN5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105489 |
Contactin-5 (CNTN5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112211 |
Contactin-5 (CNTN5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99411 |
Contactin-5 (CNTN5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83523 |
Contactin-5 (CNTN5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73660 |
Contactin-5 (CNTN5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93173 |
Contactin-5 (CNTN5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78545 |
Contactin-5 (CNTN5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68752 |
Contactin-6 (CNTN6) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105490 |
Contactin-6 (CNTN6) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112212 |
Contactin-6 (CNTN6) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99412 |
Contactin-6 (CNTN6) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83524 |
Contactin-6 (CNTN6) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73661 |
Contactin-6 (CNTN6) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93174 |
Contactin-6 (CNTN6) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78546 |
Contactin-6 (CNTN6) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68753 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105491 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112213 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99413 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83525 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73662 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93175 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78547 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68754 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3 (CNTNAP3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105492 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3 (CNTNAP3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112214 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3 (CNTNAP3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99414 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3 (CNTNAP3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83526 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3 (CNTNAP3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73663 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3 (CNTNAP3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93176 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3 (CNTNAP3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78548 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3 (CNTNAP3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68755 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3B (CNTNAP3B) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105493 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3B (CNTNAP3B) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112215 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3B (CNTNAP3B) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99415 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3B (CNTNAP3B) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83527 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3B (CNTNAP3B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73664 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3B (CNTNAP3B) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93177 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3B (CNTNAP3B) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78549 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 3B (CNTNAP3B) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68756 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 5 (CNTNAP5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105494 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 5 (CNTNAP5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112216 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 5 (CNTNAP5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99416 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 5 (CNTNAP5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83528 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 5 (CNTNAP5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73665 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 5 (CNTNAP5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93178 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 5 (CNTNAP5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78550 |
Contactin-associated protein-like 5 (CNTNAP5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68757 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (GPS1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105910 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (GPS1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112633 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (GPS1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99833 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (GPS1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86935 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (GPS1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83945 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (GPS1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74082 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (GPS1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93595 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (GPS1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78967 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 1 (GPS1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69174 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2 (COPS2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105555 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2 (COPS2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112277 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2 (COPS2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99477 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2 (COPS2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83589 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2 (COPS2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73726 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2 (COPS2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93239 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2 (COPS2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78611 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 2 (COPS2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68818 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3 (COPS3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105556 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3 (COPS3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112278 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3 (COPS3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99478 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3 (COPS3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83590 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3 (COPS3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73727 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3 (COPS3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93240 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3 (COPS3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78612 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3 (COPS3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68819 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 4 (COPS4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105557 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 4 (COPS4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112279 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 4 (COPS4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99479 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 4 (COPS4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83591 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 4 (COPS4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73728 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 4 (COPS4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93241 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 4 (COPS4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78613 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 4 (COPS4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68820 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (COPS5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105558 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (COPS5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112280 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (COPS5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99480 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (COPS5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83592 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (COPS5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73729 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (COPS5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93242 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (COPS5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78614 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (COPS5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68821 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 6 (COPS6) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105559 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 6 (COPS6) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112281 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 6 (COPS6) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99481 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 6 (COPS6) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83593 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 6 (COPS6) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73730 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 6 (COPS6) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93243 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 6 (COPS6) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78615 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 6 (COPS6) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68822 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7a (COPS7A) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105560 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7a (COPS7A) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112282 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7a (COPS7A) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99482 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7a (COPS7A) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83594 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7a (COPS7A) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73731 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7a (COPS7A) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93244 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7a (COPS7A) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78616 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7a (COPS7A) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68823 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7b (COPS7B) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105561 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7b (COPS7B) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112283 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7b (COPS7B) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99483 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7b (COPS7B) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83595 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7b (COPS7B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73732 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7b (COPS7B) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93245 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7b (COPS7B) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78617 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7b (COPS7B) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68824 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 8 (COPS8) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105562 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 8 (COPS8) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112284 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 8 (COPS8) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99484 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 8 (COPS8) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83596 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 8 (COPS8) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73733 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 8 (COPS8) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93246 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 8 (COPS8) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78618 |
COP9 signalosome complex subunit 8 (COPS8) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68825 |
Copeptin (CPP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38367 |
Cornifin-A (SPRR1A) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106058 |
Cornifin-A (SPRR1A) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112781 |
Cornifin-A (SPRR1A) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99981 |
Cornifin-A (SPRR1A) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87083 |
Cornifin-A (SPRR1A) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84093 |
Cornifin-A (SPRR1A) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74230 |
Cornifin-A (SPRR1A) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93743 |
Cornifin-A (SPRR1A) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79115 |
Cornifin-A (SPRR1A) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69321 |
Cornifin-B (SPRR1B) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106059 |
Cornifin-B (SPRR1B) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112782 |
Cornifin-B (SPRR1B) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99982 |
Cornifin-B (SPRR1B) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87084 |
Cornifin-B (SPRR1B) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84094 |
Cornifin-B (SPRR1B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74231 |
Cornifin-B (SPRR1B) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93744 |
Cornifin-B (SPRR1B) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79116 |
Cornifin-B (SPRR1B) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69322 |
Cornulin (CRNN) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105690 |
Cornulin (CRNN) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112412 |
Cornulin (CRNN) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99612 |
Cornulin (CRNN) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83724 |
Cornulin (CRNN) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73861 |
Cornulin (CRNN) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93374 |
Cornulin (CRNN) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78746 |
Cornulin (CRNN) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68953 |
Cortexin-1 (CTXN1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105788 |
Cortexin-1 (CTXN1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112511 |
Cortexin-1 (CTXN1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99711 |
Cortexin-1 (CTXN1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83823 |
Cortexin-1 (CTXN1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73960 |
Cortexin-1 (CTXN1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93473 |
Cortexin-1 (CTXN1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78845 |
Cortexin-1 (CTXN1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69052 |
Cortexin-2 (CTXN2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105789 |
Cortexin-2 (CTXN2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112512 |
Cortexin-2 (CTXN2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99712 |
Cortexin-2 (CTXN2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83824 |
Cortexin-2 (CTXN2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73961 |
Cortexin-2 (CTXN2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93474 |
Cortexin-2 (CTXN2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78846 |
Cortexin-2 (CTXN2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69053 |
Cortexin-3 (CTXN3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105790 |
Cortexin-3 (CTXN3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112513 |
Cortexin-3 (CTXN3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99713 |
Cortexin-3 (CTXN3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83825 |
Cortexin-3 (CTXN3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73962 |
Cortexin-3 (CTXN3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93475 |
Cortexin-3 (CTXN3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78847 |
Cortexin-3 (CTXN3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69054 |
Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38218 |
Corticotropin Releasing Factor ELISA Kit (CRF), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104437 |
Corticotropin Releasing Factor ELISA Kit (CRF), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111163 |
Corticotropin Releasing Factor ELISA Kit (CRF), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98363 |
Corticotropin Releasing Factor ELISA Kit (CRF), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-82728 |
Corticotropin Releasing Factor ELISA Kit (CRF), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92126 |
Corticotropin Releasing Factor ELISA Kit (CRF), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-77750 |
Corticotropin releasing hormone ELISA Kit (CRH), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114854 |
Corticotropin releasing hormone ELISA Kit (CRH), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101943 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRHR1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105670 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRHR1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112392 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRHR1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99592 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRHR1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83704 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRHR1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73841 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRHR1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93354 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRHR1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78726 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 (CRHR1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68933 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2 (CRHR2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105671 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2 (CRHR2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112393 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2 (CRHR2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99593 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2 (CRHR2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83705 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2 (CRHR2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73842 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2 (CRHR2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93355 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2 (CRHR2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78727 |
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2 (CRHR2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68934 |
cortistatin (CORT) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105575 |
cortistatin (CORT) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112297 |
cortistatin (CORT) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99497 |
Cortistatin (CORT) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83609 |
Cortistatin (CORT) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73746 |
Cortistatin (CORT) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93259 |
Cortistatin (CORT) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78631 |
cortistatin (CORT) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68838 |
Cortistatin (CORT) ELISA, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-38885 |
COUP transcription factor 1 (NR2F1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105975 |
COUP transcription factor 1 (NR2F1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112698 |
COUP transcription factor 1 (NR2F1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99898 |
COUP transcription factor 1 (NR2F1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87000 |
COUP transcription factor 1 (NR2F1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84010 |
COUP transcription factor 1 (NR2F1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74147 |
COUP transcription factor 1 (NR2F1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93660 |
COUP transcription factor 1 (NR2F1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79032 |
COUP transcription factor 1 (NR2F1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69239 |
COUP transcription factor 2 (NR2F2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105976 |
COUP transcription factor 2 (NR2F2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112699 |
COUP transcription factor 2 (NR2F2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99899 |
COUP transcription factor 2 (NR2F2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87001 |
COUP transcription factor 2 (NR2F2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84011 |
COUP transcription factor 2 (NR2F2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74148 |
COUP transcription factor 2 (NR2F2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93661 |
COUP transcription factor 2 (NR2F2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79033 |
COUP transcription factor 2 (NR2F2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69240 |
Creatine Kinase B (CK-BB), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38368 |
Creatine Kinase, Brain (CK-B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-12264 |
CREB Binding Protein (CREBBP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38369 |
CREB Regulated Transcription Coactivator 1 (CRTC1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-37969 |
Crk-like protein (CRKL) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105683 |
Crk-like protein (CRKL) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112405 |
Crk-like protein (CRKL) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99605 |
Crk-like protein (CRKL) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83717 |
Crk-like protein (CRKL) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73854 |
Crk-like protein (CRKL) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93367 |
Crk-like protein (CRKL) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78739 |
Crk-like protein (CRKL) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68946 |
Crumbs homolog 1 (CRB1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105652 |
Crumbs homolog 1 (CRB1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112374 |
Crumbs homolog 1 (CRB1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99574 |
Crumbs homolog 1 (CRB1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83686 |
Crumbs homolog 1 (CRB1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73823 |
Crumbs homolog 1 (CRB1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93336 |
Crumbs homolog 1 (CRB1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78708 |
Crumbs homolog 1 (CRB1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68915 |
Crumbs homolog 2 (CRB2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105653 |
Crumbs homolog 2 (CRB2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112375 |
Crumbs homolog 2 (CRB2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99575 |
Crumbs homolog 2 (CRB2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83687 |
Crumbs homolog 2 (CRB2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73824 |
Crumbs homolog 2 (CRB2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93337 |
Crumbs homolog 2 (CRB2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78709 |
Crumbs homolog 2 (CRB2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68916 |
Crumbs protein homolog 3 (CRB3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105654 |
Crumbs protein homolog 3 (CRB3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112376 |
Crumbs protein homolog 3 (CRB3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99576 |
Crumbs protein homolog 3 (CRB3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83688 |
Crumbs protein homolog 3 (CRB3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73825 |
Crumbs protein homolog 3 (CRB3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93338 |
Crumbs protein homolog 3 (CRB3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78710 |
Crumbs protein homolog 3 (CRB3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68917 |
Cryptochrome 1 ELISA Kit (CRY1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104624 |
Cryptochrome 1 ELISA Kit (CRY1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111349 |
Cryptochrome 1 ELISA Kit (CRY1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98549 |
Cryptochrome 1 ELISA Kit (CRY1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53879 |
Cryptochrome 1 ELISA Kit (CRY1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57780 |
Cryptochrome 1 ELISA Kit (CRY1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92311 |
Cryptochrome 1 ELISA Kit (CRY1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55858 |
Cryptochrome 1 ELISA Kit (CRY1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59614 |
Cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105699 |
Cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112421 |
Cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99621 |
Cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83733 |
Cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73870 |
Cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93383 |
Cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78755 |
Cryptochrome-2 (CRY2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68962 |
Crystallin Alpha B (CRYaB) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-32488 |
Crystallin Alpha B (CRYaB), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38370 |
Crystallin Alpha B ELISA Kit (CRYaB), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55785 |
crystallin, beta A1 (CRYBA1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105700 |
crystallin, beta A1 (CRYBA1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112422 |
crystallin, beta A1 (CRYBA1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99622 |
Crystallin, beta A1 (CRYBA1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83734 |
Crystallin, beta A1 (CRYBA1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73871 |
crystallin, beta A1 (CRYBA1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93384 |
Crystallin, beta A1 (CRYBA1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78756 |
crystallin, beta A1 (CRYBA1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68963 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3 (CNGA3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105464 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3 (CNGA3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112186 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3 (CNGA3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99386 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3 (CNGA3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83498 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3 (CNGA3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73635 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3 (CNGA3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93148 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3 (CNGA3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78520 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-3 (CNGA3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68727 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-4 (CNGA4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105465 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-4 (CNGA4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112187 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-4 (CNGA4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99387 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-4 (CNGA4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83499 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-4 (CNGA4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73636 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-4 (CNGA4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93149 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-4 (CNGA4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78521 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel alpha-4 (CNGA4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68728 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-1 (CNGB1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105466 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-1 (CNGB1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112188 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-1 (CNGB1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99388 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-1 (CNGB1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83500 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-1 (CNGB1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73637 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-1 (CNGB1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93150 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-1 (CNGB1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78522 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-1 (CNGB1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68729 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-3 (CNGB3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105467 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-3 (CNGB3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112189 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-3 (CNGB3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99389 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-3 (CNGB3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83501 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-3 (CNGB3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73638 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-3 (CNGB3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93151 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-3 (CNGB3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78523 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel beta-3 (CNGB3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68730 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated olfactory channel (CNGA2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105463 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated olfactory channel (CNGA2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112185 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated olfactory channel (CNGA2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99385 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated olfactory channel (CNGA2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83497 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated olfactory channel (CNGA2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73634 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated olfactory channel (CNGA2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93147 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated olfactory channel (CNGA2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78519 |
Cyclic nucleotide-gated olfactory channel (CNGA2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-68726 |
Cyclin Dependent Kinase 5 (CDK5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-33563 |
Cyclin Dependent Kinase 5 (CDK5), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-37974 |
Cystatin A ELISA Kit (CSTA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104548 |
Cystatin A ELISA Kit (CSTA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111275 |
Cystatin A ELISA Kit (CSTA), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98475 |
Cystatin A ELISA Kit (CSTA), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-53809 |
Cystatin A ELISA Kit (CSTA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57710 |
Cystatin A ELISA Kit (CSTA), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92236 |
Cystatin A ELISA Kit (CSTA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55788 |
Cystatin A ELISA Kit (CSTA), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59544 |
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (CYSLTR1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105875 |
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (CYSLTR1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112598 |
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (CYSLTR1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99798 |
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (CYSLTR1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86900 |
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (CYSLTR1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83910 |
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (CYSLTR1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74047 |
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (CYSLTR1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93560 |
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (CYSLTR1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78932 |
Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 (CYSLTR1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69139 |
Cytoglobin (CYGB) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33080 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105885 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112608 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99808 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86910 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83920 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74057 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93570 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78942 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69149 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1I1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105886 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1I1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112609 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1I1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99809 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1I1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86911 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1I1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83921 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1I1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74058 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1I1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93571 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1I1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78943 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1I1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69150 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1I2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105887 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1I2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112610 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1I2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99810 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1I2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86912 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1I2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83922 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1I2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74059 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1I2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93572 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1I2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78944 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1I2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69151 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1LI1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105888 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1LI1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112611 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1LI1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99811 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1LI1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86913 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1LI1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83923 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1LI1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74060 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1LI1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93573 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1LI1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78945 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC1LI1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69152 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1LI2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105889 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1LI2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112612 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1LI2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99812 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1LI2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86914 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1LI2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83924 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1LI2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74061 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1LI2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93574 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1LI2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78946 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 1 light intermediate chain 2 (DYNC1LI2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69153 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (DYNC2H1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105890 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (DYNC2H1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112613 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (DYNC2H1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99813 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (DYNC2H1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86915 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (DYNC2H1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83925 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (DYNC2H1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74062 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (DYNC2H1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93575 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (DYNC2H1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78947 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (DYNC2H1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69154 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC2LI1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105891 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC2LI1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112614 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC2LI1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99814 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC2LI1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86916 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC2LI1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83926 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC2LI1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74063 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC2LI1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93576 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC2LI1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78948 |
Cytoplasmic dynein 2 light intermediate chain 1 (DYNC2LI1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69155 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 1 (CYFIP1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105827 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 1 (CYFIP1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112550 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 1 (CYFIP1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99750 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 1 (CYFIP1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86852 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 1 (CYFIP1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83862 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 1 (CYFIP1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-73999 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 1 (CYFIP1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93512 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 1 (CYFIP1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78884 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 1 (CYFIP1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69091 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105828 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112551 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99751 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-86853 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-83863 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74000 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93513 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-78885 |
Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69092 |
Cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1 (PITPNC1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-105992 |
Cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1 (PITPNC1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112715 |
Cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1 (PITPNC1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-99915 |
Cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1 (PITPNC1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87017 |
Cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1 (PITPNC1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84027 |
Cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1 (PITPNC1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74164 |
Cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1 (PITPNC1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93677 |
Cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1 (PITPNC1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79049 |
Cytoplasmic phosphatidylinositol transfer protein 1 (PITPNC1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69256 |
Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 ELISA Kit (Cpla2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-104756 |
Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 ELISA Kit (Cpla2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-111480 |
Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 ELISA Kit (Cpla2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-98680 |
Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 ELISA Kit (Cpla2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54000 |
Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 ELISA Kit (Cpla2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57901 |
Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 ELISA Kit (Cpla2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-92442 |
Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 ELISA Kit (Cpla2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-55979 |
Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 ELISA Kit (Cpla2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59735 |
Defensin Beta 2 ELISA Kit (DEFb2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52193 |
Delta Like Protein 4 (dLL4) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115752 |
Delta-type opioid receptor (OPRD1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106189 |
Delta-type opioid receptor (OPRD1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112909 |
Delta-type opioid receptor (OPRD1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100109 |
Delta-type opioid receptor (OPRD1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87213 |
Delta-type opioid receptor (OPRD1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84176 |
Delta-type opioid receptor (OPRD1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74311 |
Delta-type opioid receptor (OPRD1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93874 |
Delta-type opioid receptor (OPRD1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79199 |
Delta-type opioid receptor (OPRD1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69397 |
Dendritic cell Associated C type Lectin 1 ELISA Kit (DCAL-2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106135 |
Dendritic cell Associated C type Lectin 1 ELISA Kit (DCAL-2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112856 |
Dendritic cell Associated C type Lectin 1 ELISA Kit (DCAL-2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100056 |
Dendritic cell Associated C type Lectin 1 ELISA Kit (DCAL-2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87160 |
Dendritic cell Associated C type Lectin 1 ELISA Kit (DCAL-2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84140 |
Dendritic cell Associated C type Lectin 1 ELISA Kit (DCAL-2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93820 |
Dendritic cell Associated C type Lectin 1 ELISA Kit (DCAL-2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79163 |
Dendritic cell Associated C type Lectin 1 ELISA Kit (DCAL-2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69363 |
Dihydropyrimidinase Like Protein 2 (DPYSL2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37987 |
Dihydropyrimidinase Like Protein 2 (DPYSL2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38389 |
DimethylglycineDehydrogenase (DMGDH) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115756 |
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase ELISA Kit (DBH), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106141 |
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase ELISA Kit (DBH), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112863 |
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase ELISA Kit (DBH), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100063 |
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase ELISA Kit (DBH), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87167 |
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase ELISA Kit (DBH), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54058 |
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase ELISA Kit (DBH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57959 |
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase ELISA Kit (DBH), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93827 |
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase ELISA Kit (DBH), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56036 |
Dopamine Beta Hydroxylase ELISA Kit (DBH), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59793 |
Dopamine D1 Receptor ELISA Kit (D1R), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57956 |
Dopamine D1 Receptor ELISA Kit (D1R), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59790 |
Dopamine D2 Receptor ELISA Kit (D2R), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54057 |
Dopamine D2 Receptor ELISA Kit (D2R), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56035 |
Dopamine D2 Receptor ELISA Kit (D2R), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59792 |
Dopamine decarboxylase ELISA Kit (DDC), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106143 |
Dopamine decarboxylase ELISA Kit (DDC), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112865 |
Dopamine decarboxylase ELISA Kit (DDC), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100065 |
Dopamine decarboxylase ELISA Kit (DDC), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87169 |
Dopamine Decarboxylase ELISA Kit (DDC), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54059 |
Dopamine Decarboxylase ELISA Kit (DDC), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57960 |
Dopamine decarboxylase ELISA Kit (DDC), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93829 |
Dopamine Decarboxylase ELISA Kit (DDC), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56037 |
Dopamine Decarboxylase ELISA Kit (DDC), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59794 |
Dopamine ELISA Kit (DPA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106113 |
Dopamine ELISA Kit (DPA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112834 |
Dopamine ELISA Kit (DPA), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100034 |
Dopamine ELISA Kit (DPA), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87138 |
Dopamine ELISA Kit (DPA), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93798 |
Dopamine ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51225 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 (DR-D1) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-13509 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 (DRD1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37990 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 ELISA Kit (DRD1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106114 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 ELISA Kit (DRD1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112835 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 ELISA Kit (DRD1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100035 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 ELISA Kit (DRD1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87139 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 ELISA Kit (DRD1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84134 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 ELISA Kit (DRD1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54035 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 ELISA Kit (DRD1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57936 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 ELISA Kit (DRD1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93799 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 ELISA Kit (DRD1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79157 |
Dopamine Receptor D1 ELISA Kit (DRD1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56013 |
Dopamine Receptor D2 (DR-D2) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-13519 |
Dopamine Receptor D2 (DRD2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-37991 |
Dopamine Receptor D2 ELISA Kit (DRD2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106115 |
Dopamine Receptor D2 ELISA Kit (DRD2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112836 |
Dopamine Receptor D2 ELISA Kit (DRD2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100036 |
Dopamine Receptor D2 ELISA Kit (DRD2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87140 |
Dopamine Receptor D2 ELISA Kit (DRD2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93800 |
Dopamine Receptor D3 ELISA Kit (DRD3), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106116 |
Dopamine Receptor D3 ELISA Kit (DRD3), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112837 |
Dopamine Receptor D3 ELISA Kit (DRD3), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100037 |
Dopamine Receptor D3 ELISA Kit (DRD3), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87141 |
Dopamine Receptor D3 ELISA Kit (DRD3), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54037 |
Dopamine Receptor D3 ELISA Kit (DRD3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57938 |
Dopamine Receptor D3 ELISA Kit (DRD3), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93801 |
Dopamine Receptor D3 ELISA Kit (DRD3), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56015 |
Dopamine Receptor D3 ELISA Kit (DRD3), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59772 |
Dopamine Receptor D4 (DR-D4) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-13539 |
Dopamine Receptor D4 ELISA Kit (DRD4), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106117 |
Dopamine Receptor D4 ELISA Kit (DRD4), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112838 |
Dopamine Receptor D4 ELISA Kit (DRD4), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100038 |
Dopamine Receptor D4 ELISA Kit (DRD4), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87142 |
Dopamine Receptor D4 ELISA Kit (DRD4), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54038 |
Dopamine Receptor D4 ELISA Kit (DRD4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57939 |
Dopamine Receptor D4 ELISA Kit (DRD4), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93802 |
Dopamine Receptor D4 ELISA Kit (DRD4), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56016 |
Dopamine Receptor D4 ELISA Kit (DRD4), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59773 |
Dopamine Receptor D5 ELISA Kit (DRD5), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106118 |
Dopamine Receptor D5 ELISA Kit (DRD5), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112839 |
Dopamine Receptor D5 ELISA Kit (DRD5), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100039 |
Dopamine Receptor D5 ELISA Kit (DRD5), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87143 |
Dopamine Receptor D5 ELISA Kit (DRD5), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54039 |
Dopamine Receptor D5 ELISA Kit (DRD5), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57940 |
Dopamine Receptor D5 ELISA Kit (DRD5), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93803 |
Dopamine Receptor D5 ELISA Kit (DRD5), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56017 |
Dopamine Receptor D5 ELISA Kit (DRD5), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59774 |
Dopamine Transporter (DAT) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-13559 |
Dopamine Transporter (DAT), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37992 |
Dopamine Transporter ELISA Kit (DAT), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106128 |
Dopamine Transporter ELISA Kit (DAT), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112849 |
Dopamine Transporter ELISA Kit (DAT), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100049 |
Dopamine Transporter ELISA Kit (DAT), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87153 |
Dopamine Transporter ELISA Kit (DAT), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54045 |
Dopamine Transporter ELISA Kit (DAT), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57946 |
Dopamine Transporter ELISA Kit (DAT), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93813 |
Dopamine Transporter ELISA Kit (DAT), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56023 |
Dopamine Transporter ELISA Kit (DAT), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59780 |
Dopamine transporter, DAT ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E11149r |
dopamine, DA ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106164 |
dopamine, DA ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112884 |
dopamine, DA ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100084 |
Dopamine, DA ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87188 |
Dopamine, DA ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84151 |
Dopamine, DA ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74286 |
dopamine, DA ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93849 |
Dopamine, DA ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79174 |
Dopamine, DA ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69372 |
Doublecortin (DCX) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32892 |
Doublecortin (DCX) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-32966 |
Doublecortin ELISA Kit (DCX), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106131 |
Doublecortin ELISA Kit (DCX), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112852 |
Doublecortin ELISA Kit (DCX), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100052 |
Doublecortin ELISA Kit (DCX), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87156 |
Doublecortin ELISA Kit (DCX), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54048 |
Doublecortin ELISA Kit (DCX), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57949 |
Doublecortin ELISA Kit (DCX), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93816 |
Doublecortin ELISA Kit (DCX), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56026 |
Doublecortin ELISA Kit (DCX), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59783 |
Drebrin 1 (DBN1 ELISA, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38763 |
DTX1 Deltex protein 1 ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106156 |
DTX1 Deltex protein 1 ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112876 |
DTX1 Deltex protein 1 ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100076 |
DTX1 Deltex protein 1 ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87180 |
DTX1 Deltex protein 1 ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84145 |
DTX1 Deltex protein 1 ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93841 |
DTX1 Deltex protein 1 ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79168 |
DTX1 Deltex protein 1 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69366 |
Dynamin 1 ELISA Kit (DNM1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106150 |
Dynamin 1 ELISA Kit (DNM1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87174 |
Dynamin 1 ELISA Kit (DNM1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54065 |
Dynamin 1 ELISA Kit (DNM1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57966 |
Dynamin 1 ELISA Kit (DNM1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93835 |
Dynamin 1 ELISA Kit (DNM1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56043 |
Dynamin 1 ELISA Kit (DNM1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59800 |
Dynamin 1 Like Protein (DNM1L) ELISA, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $832 |
KT-38808 |
Dynamin 2 ELISA Kit (DNM2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106151 |
Dynamin 2 ELISA Kit (DNM2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112871 |
Dynamin 2 ELISA Kit (DNM2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100071 |
Dynamin 2 ELISA Kit (DNM2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87175 |
Dynamin 2 ELISA Kit (DNM2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54066 |
Dynamin 2 ELISA Kit (DNM2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57967 |
Dynamin 2 ELISA Kit (DNM2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93836 |
Dynamin 2 ELISA Kit (DNM2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56044 |
Dynamin 2 ELISA Kit (DNM2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59801 |
Dynorphin ELISA Kit (Dyn), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54072 |
Dynorphin ELISA Kit (Dyn), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56050 |
Dynorphin ELISA Kit (Dyn), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59807 |
Dynorphin ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106160 |
Dynorphin ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112880 |
Dynorphin ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100080 |
Dynorphin ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87184 |
Dynorphin ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93845 |
Dystrophin Associated Glycoprotein 1 (DAG1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32766 |
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF19A (RNF19A) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106323 |
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF19A (RNF19A) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74403 |
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF19A (RNF19A) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94004 |
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF19A (RNF19A) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69472 |
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM50 (TRIM50) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106326 |
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM50 (TRIM50) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74406 |
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM50 (TRIM50) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94007 |
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM50 (TRIM50) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69475 |
Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 (SLC4A4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106324 |
Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 (SLC4A4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74404 |
Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 (SLC4A4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94005 |
Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 (SLC4A4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69473 |
Elongin A ELISA Kit (ELOA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52238 |
Endomorphin-2 ELISA Kit (EM-2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106266 |
Endomorphin-2 ELISA Kit (EM-2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87290 |
Endomorphin-2 ELISA Kit (EM-2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58008 |
Endomorphin-2 ELISA Kit (EM-2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93950 |
Endomorphin-2 ELISA Kit (EM-2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59847 |
Engrailed Homeobox Protein 2 ELISA Kit (EN2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106272 |
Engrailed Homeobox Protein 2 ELISA Kit (EN2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87296 |
Engrailed Homeobox Protein 2 ELISA Kit (EN2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93956 |
Enkephalin (ENK), Human, Mouse, Rat |
For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37857 |
Enkephalin ELISA Kit (ENK), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54126 |
Enkephalin ELISA Kit (ENK), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58014 |
Enkephalin ELISA Kit (ENK), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56098 |
Enkephalin ELISA Kit (ENK), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59853 |
Enkephalin ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106274 |
Enkephalin ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87298 |
Enkephalin ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93958 |
Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51262 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 12 ELISA Kit (EAR12), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106251 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 12 ELISA Kit (EAR12), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87275 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 12 ELISA Kit (EAR12), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74344 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 12 ELISA Kit (EAR12), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93935 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 12 ELISA Kit (EAR12), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69428 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 2 ELISA Kit (Eosinophil-Rnase A2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106277 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 2 ELISA Kit (Eosinophil-Rnase A2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87301 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 2 ELISA Kit (Eosinophil-Rnase A2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74357 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 2 ELISA Kit (Eosinophil-Rnase A2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93961 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 2 ELISA Kit (Eosinophil-Rnase A2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69436 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 3 ELISA Kit (EAR3), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106252 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 3 ELISA Kit (EAR3), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87276 |
Eosinophil-Associated Ribonuclease A Family Member 3 ELISA Kit (EAR3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58003 |
Eosinophil-associated ribonuclease A family member 3 ELISA Kit (EAR3), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93936 |
Eosinophil-Associated Ribonuclease A Family Member 3 ELISA Kit (EAR3), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59837 |
Ephrin A5 (EFNA5) ELISA, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $789 |
KT-38892 |
Ephrin B2 (EFNB2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32651 |
Ephrin type-B receptor 2 (EPHB2) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL007730MO |
Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 (HSD17B8) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106320 |
Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 (HSD17B8) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74400 |
Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 (HSD17B8) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94001 |
Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 8 (HSD17B8) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69469 |
Exendin 4 ELISA Kit (EXENDIN-4), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106205 |
Exendin 4 ELISA Kit (EXENDIN-4), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112924 |
Exendin 4 ELISA Kit (EXENDIN-4), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100124 |
Exendin 4 ELISA Kit (EXENDIN-4), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87229 |
Exendin 4 ELISA Kit (EXENDIN-4), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54078 |
Exendin 4 ELISA Kit (EXENDIN-4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-57979 |
Exendin 4 ELISA Kit (EXENDIN-4), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93890 |
Exendin 4 ELISA Kit (EXENDIN-4), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56056 |
Exendin 4 ELISA Kit (EXENDIN-4), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59813 |
Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 ELISA Kit (ECM1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106214 |
Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 ELISA Kit (ECM1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-112933 |
Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 ELISA Kit (ECM1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100133 |
Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 ELISA Kit (ECM1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87238 |
Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 ELISA Kit (ECM1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54084 |
Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 ELISA Kit (ECM1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74327 |
Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 ELISA Kit (ECM1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-93899 |
Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 ELISA Kit (ECM1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56062 |
Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 ELISA Kit (ECM1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51270 |
Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 ELISA Kit (ECM1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59818 |
Farnesyl Diphosphate Farnesyltransferase 1 ELISA Kit (FDFT1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106417 |
Farnesyl Diphosphate Farnesyltransferase 1 ELISA Kit (FDFT1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113092 |
Farnesyl Diphosphate Farnesyltransferase 1 ELISA Kit (FDFT1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100290 |
Farnesyl Diphosphate Farnesyltransferase 1 ELISA Kit (FDFT1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87355 |
Farnesyl Diphosphate Farnesyltransferase 1 ELISA Kit (FDFT1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84260 |
Farnesyl Diphosphate Farnesyltransferase 1 ELISA Kit (FDFT1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74426 |
Farnesyl Diphosphate Farnesyltransferase 1 ELISA Kit (FDFT1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94098 |
Farnesyl Diphosphate Farnesyltransferase 1 ELISA Kit (FDFT1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79291 |
Farnesyl Diphosphate Farnesyltransferase 1 ELISA Kit (FDFT1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69494 |
FattyAcidTransportProtein4 (FATP4) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115765 |
Ferritin ELISA Kit (FE), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54143 |
Ferritin ELISA Kit (FE), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56114 |
Ferritin ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106337 |
Ferritin ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113014 |
Ferritin ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100213 |
Ferritin ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94020 |
Ferritin Heavy Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTH), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106406 |
Ferritin Heavy Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTH), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113081 |
Ferritin Heavy Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTH), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100279 |
Ferritin Heavy Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTH), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87344 |
Ferritin Heavy Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTH), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54191 |
Ferritin Heavy Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58075 |
Ferritin Heavy Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTH), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94087 |
Ferritin Heavy Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTH), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56162 |
Ferritin Heavy Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTH), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59915 |
Ferritin Light Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTL), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106407 |
Ferritin Light Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTL), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113082 |
Ferritin Light Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTL), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100280 |
Ferritin Light Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTL), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87345 |
Ferritin Light Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTL), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54192 |
Ferritin Light Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTL), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58076 |
Ferritin Light Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTL), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94088 |
Ferritin Light Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTL), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56163 |
Ferritin Light Polypeptide ELISA Kit (FTL), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59916 |
Fetuin A ELISA Kit (FETU-A), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106420 |
Fetuin A ELISA Kit (FETU-A), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113095 |
Fetuin A ELISA Kit (FETU-A), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100293 |
Fetuin A ELISA Kit (FETU-A), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87358 |
Fetuin A ELISA Kit (FETU-A), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54203 |
Fetuin A ELISA Kit (FETU-A), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94101 |
Fetuin A ELISA Kit (FETU-A), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56174 |
Fetuin A ELISA Kit (FETU-A), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59927 |
Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106460 |
Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113135 |
Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100333 |
Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87398 |
Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84283 |
Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74449 |
Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94140 |
Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79314 |
Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69512 |
Forkhead Box Protein P1 (FOXP1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38011 |
Free Prostate Specific Antigen ELISA Kit (FPSA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106429 |
Free Prostate Specific Antigen ELISA Kit (FPSA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113104 |
Free Prostate Specific Antigen ELISA Kit (FPSA), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100302 |
Free Prostate Specific Antigen ELISA Kit (FPSA), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87367 |
Free Prostate Specific Antigen ELISA Kit (FPSA), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54212 |
Free Prostate Specific Antigen ELISA Kit (FPSA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58096 |
Free Prostate Specific Antigen ELISA Kit (FPSA), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94109 |
Free Prostate Specific Antigen ELISA Kit (FPSA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56183 |
Free Prostate Specific Antigen ELISA Kit (FPSA), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59936 |
FreeCholineELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115840 |
Galanin (GAL) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-15602 |
Gallinaceous Angiopoietin 1 ELISA Kit (ANG1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-52984 |
Gallinaceous Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (BDNF), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-52987 |
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid ELISA Kit (GABA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106514 |
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid ELISA Kit (GABA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113189 |
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid ELISA Kit (GABA), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100387 |
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid ELISA Kit (GABA), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87453 |
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid ELISA Kit (GABA), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84309 |
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid ELISA Kit (GABA), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94195 |
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid ELISA Kit (GABA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79340 |
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid ELISA Kit (GABA), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69534 |
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid ELISA Kit (GABA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58211 |
Gamma-synuclein (SNCG), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38414 |
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide ELISA Kit (GIP), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106551 |
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide ELISA Kit (GIP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113226 |
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide ELISA Kit (GIP), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100424 |
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide ELISA Kit (GIP), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87490 |
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide ELISA Kit (GIP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54286 |
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide ELISA Kit (GIP), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58169 |
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide ELISA Kit (GIP), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94230 |
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide ELISA Kit (GIP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56257 |
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide ELISA Kit (GIP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60010 |
Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide Receptor (GIPR) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115769 |
Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (GDNF), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106545 |
Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (GDNF), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113220 |
Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (GDNF), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100418 |
Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (GDNF), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87484 |
Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (GDNF), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54279 |
Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (GDNF), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58162 |
Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (GDNF), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94224 |
Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (GDNF), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56250 |
Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA Kit (GDNF), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60003 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,117 |
KT-15957 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-15959 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-15960 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein ELISA Kit (GFAP), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106546 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein ELISA Kit (GFAP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113221 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein ELISA Kit (GFAP), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100419 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein ELISA Kit (GFAP), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87485 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein ELISA Kit (GFAP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54280 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein ELISA Kit (GFAP), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58163 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein ELISA Kit (GFAP), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94225 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein ELISA Kit (GFAP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56251 |
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein ELISA Kit (GFAP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60004 |
Glucagon Like Peptide 1 Receptor (GLP1R), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38419 |
Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38016 |
Glucagon Like Peptide 2 (GLP2), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38420 |
Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106700 |
Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113376 |
Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100575 |
Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87639 |
Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84401 |
Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74559 |
Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94380 |
Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79432 |
Glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69617 |
Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase ELISA Kit (GPI), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106571 |
Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase ELISA Kit (GPI), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113246 |
Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase ELISA Kit (GPI), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100445 |
Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase ELISA Kit (GPI), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87510 |
Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase ELISA Kit (GPI), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54307 |
Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase ELISA Kit (GPI), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58190 |
Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase ELISA Kit (GPI), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94250 |
Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase ELISA Kit (GPI), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56278 |
Glucose 6 Phosphate Isomerase ELISA Kit (GPI), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60031 |
Glutamate decarboxylase 1 (GAD1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL009159MO |
Glutamate decarboxylase 1 (GAD1) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL009159RA |
Glutamate decarboxylase 2 (GAD2) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL009160RA |
Glutamate receptor 2, Phospho-Ser880 ELISA Kit (GluR2 Phospho-Ser880), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106584 |
Glutamate receptor 2, Phospho-Ser880 ELISA Kit (GluR2 Phospho-Ser880), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113259 |
Glutamate receptor 2, Phospho-Ser880 ELISA Kit (GluR2 Phospho-Ser880), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100458 |
Glutamate receptor 2, Phospho-Ser880 ELISA Kit (GluR2 Phospho-Ser880), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87523 |
Glutamate receptor 2, Phospho-Ser880 ELISA Kit (GluR2 Phospho-Ser880), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84323 |
Glutamate receptor 2, Phospho-Ser880 ELISA Kit (GluR2 Phospho-Ser880), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74483 |
Glutamate receptor 2, Phospho-Ser880 ELISA Kit (GluR2 Phospho-Ser880), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94263 |
Glutamate receptor 2, Phospho-Ser880 ELISA Kit (GluR2 Phospho-Ser880), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79354 |
Glutamate Receptor ELISA Kit (GRIK2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54315 |
Glutamate Receptor ELISA Kit (GRIK2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58198 |
Glutamate Receptor ELISA Kit (GRIK2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56286 |
Glutamate Receptor ELISA Kit (GRIK2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60039 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2 Interacting Protein ELISA Kit (GRId2IP), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106644 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2 Interacting Protein ELISA Kit (GRId2IP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113320 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2 Interacting Protein ELISA Kit (GRId2IP), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100519 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2 Interacting Protein ELISA Kit (GRId2IP), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87583 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2 Interacting Protein ELISA Kit (GRId2IP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84345 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2 Interacting Protein ELISA Kit (GRId2IP), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74503 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2 Interacting Protein ELISA Kit (GRId2IP), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94324 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2 Interacting Protein ELISA Kit (GRId2IP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79376 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Delta 2 Interacting Protein ELISA Kit (GRId2IP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69561 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Kainate 2 ELISA Kit (GRIK2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106583 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Kainate 2 ELISA Kit (GRIK2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113258 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Kainate 2 ELISA Kit (GRIK2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100457 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Kainate 2 ELISA Kit (GRIK2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87522 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Kainate 2 ELISA Kit (GRIK2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94262 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Kainate 2 ELISA Kit (GRIK2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51329 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A ELISA Kit (GRIN2A), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106646 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A ELISA Kit (GRIN2A), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113322 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A ELISA Kit (GRIN2A), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100521 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A ELISA Kit (GRIN2A), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87585 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A ELISA Kit (GRIN2A), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84347 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A ELISA Kit (GRIN2A), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74505 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A ELISA Kit (GRIN2A), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94326 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A ELISA Kit (GRIN2A), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79378 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2A ELISA Kit (GRIN2A), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69563 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C ELISA Kit (GRIN2C), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106645 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C ELISA Kit (GRIN2C), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113321 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C ELISA Kit (GRIN2C), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100520 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C ELISA Kit (GRIN2C), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87584 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C ELISA Kit (GRIN2C), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84346 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C ELISA Kit (GRIN2C), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74504 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C ELISA Kit (GRIN2C), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94325 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C ELISA Kit (GRIN2C), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79377 |
Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate 2C ELISA Kit (GRIN2C), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69562 |
glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody ELISA Kit (GAD-Ab), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106605 |
glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody ELISA Kit (GAD-Ab), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113280 |
glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody ELISA Kit (GAD-Ab), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100479 |
glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody ELISA Kit (GAD-Ab), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87544 |
glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody ELISA Kit (GAD-Ab), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94284 |
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Autoantibody ELISA Kit (GAD-Ab), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54330 |
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Autoantibody ELISA Kit (GAD-Ab), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58213 |
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Autoantibody ELISA Kit (GAD-Ab), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56301 |
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Autoantibody ELISA Kit (GAD-Ab), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60054 |
Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (GAPDH), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106608 |
Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (GAPDH), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113284 |
Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (GAPDH), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100483 |
Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (GAPDH), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87547 |
Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (GAPDH), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54334 |
Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (GAPDH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58217 |
Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (GAPDH), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94287 |
Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (GAPDH), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56305 |
Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate Dehydrogenase ELISA Kit (GAPDH), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60058 |
Glycine(Gly) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115771 |
Glycoprotein Hormone Beta 5 (GPHb5), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-38022 |
Glypican 3 ELISA Kit (GPC3), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106569 |
Glypican 3 ELISA Kit (GPC3), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113245 |
Glypican 3 ELISA Kit (GPC3), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100444 |
Glypican 3 ELISA Kit (GPC3), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87508 |
Glypican 3 ELISA Kit (GPC3), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54305 |
Glypican 3 ELISA Kit (GPC3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58188 |
Glypican 3 ELISA Kit (GPC3), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94248 |
Glypican 3 ELISA Kit (GPC3), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56276 |
Glypican 3 ELISA Kit (GPC3), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60029 |
Glypican 4 ELISA Kit (GPC4), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106570 |
Glypican 4 ELISA Kit (GPC4), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87509 |
Glypican 4 ELISA Kit (GPC4), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54306 |
Glypican 4 ELISA Kit (GPC4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58189 |
Glypican 4 ELISA Kit (GPC4), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94249 |
Glypican 4 ELISA Kit (GPC4), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56277 |
Glypican 4 ELISA Kit (GPC4), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60030 |
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) ELISA, Fish  |
For quantitative detection in fish samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $1,129 |
KT-38680 |
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38023 |
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38433 |
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106684 |
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113360 |
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100559 |
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87623 |
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84385 |
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74543 |
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94364 |
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79416 |
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69601 |
Granulin ELISA Kit (GRN), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106585 |
Granulin ELISA Kit (GRN), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113260 |
Granulin ELISA Kit (GRN), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100459 |
Granulin ELISA Kit (GRN), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87524 |
Granulin ELISA Kit (GRN), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54316 |
Granulin ELISA Kit (GRN), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58199 |
Granulin ELISA Kit (GRN), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94264 |
Granulin ELISA Kit (GRN), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56287 |
Granulin ELISA Kit (GRN), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60040 |
Growth Associated Protein 43 (GAP43) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32872 |
Growth Associated Protein 43 ELISA Kit (GAP43), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106517 |
Growth Associated Protein 43 ELISA Kit (GAP43), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113192 |
Growth Associated Protein 43 ELISA Kit (GAP43), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100390 |
Growth Associated Protein 43 ELISA Kit (GAP43), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87456 |
Growth Associated Protein 43 ELISA Kit (GAP43), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54257 |
Growth Associated Protein 43 ELISA Kit (GAP43), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58140 |
Growth Associated Protein 43 ELISA Kit (GAP43), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94197 |
Growth Associated Protein 43 ELISA Kit (GAP43), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56228 |
Growth Associated Protein 43 ELISA Kit (GAP43), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59981 |
Growth Hormone (GH), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37028 |
Growth Hormone (GH), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37092 |
Growth Hormone (GH), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37062 |
Growth Hormone (GH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38024 |
Growth Hormone (GH), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38227 |
Growth Hormone (GH), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38435 |
growth hormone receptor (GHR) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106669 |
growth hormone receptor (GHR) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113345 |
growth hormone receptor (GHR) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100544 |
Growth hormone receptor (GHR) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87608 |
Growth hormone receptor (GHR) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84370 |
Growth hormone receptor (GHR) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74528 |
growth hormone receptor (GHR) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94349 |
Growth hormone receptor (GHR) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79401 |
Growth hormone receptor (GHR) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69586 |
Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor (GHSR), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38436 |
Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1 (GHSR) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106672 |
Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1 (GHSR) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113348 |
Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1 (GHSR) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100547 |
Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1 (GHSR) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87611 |
Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1 (GHSR) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84373 |
Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1 (GHSR) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74531 |
Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1 (GHSR) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94352 |
Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1 (GHSR) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79404 |
Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1 (GHSR) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69589 |
Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106670 |
Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113346 |
Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100545 |
Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87609 |
Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84371 |
Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74529 |
Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94350 |
Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79402 |
Growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69587 |
Guanosine 5-triphosphate Cyclohydrolase1 ELISA Kit (GCH1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106491 |
Guanosine 5-triphosphate Cyclohydrolase1 ELISA Kit (GCH1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113164 |
Guanosine 5-triphosphate Cyclohydrolase1 ELISA Kit (GCH1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100362 |
Guanosine 5-triphosphate Cyclohydrolase1 ELISA Kit (GCH1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87429 |
Guanosine 5-Triphosphate Cyclohydrolase1 ELISA Kit (GCH1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54243 |
Guanosine 5-Triphosphate Cyclohydrolase1 ELISA Kit (GCH1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58127 |
Guanosine 5-triphosphate Cyclohydrolase1 ELISA Kit (GCH1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94171 |
Guanosine 5-Triphosphate Cyclohydrolase1 ELISA Kit (GCH1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56214 |
Guanosine 5-Triphosphate Cyclohydrolase1 ELISA Kit (GCH1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-59967 |
Haptoglobin precursor ELISA Kit (Pre-Hpt), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-108439 |
Haptoglobin precursor ELISA Kit (Pre-Hpt), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-115124 |
Haptoglobin precursor ELISA Kit (Pre-Hpt), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-102214 |
Haptoglobin precursor ELISA Kit (Pre-Hpt), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-89391 |
Haptoglobin Precursor ELISA Kit (Pre-Hpt), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-55005 |
Haptoglobin Precursor ELISA Kit (Pre-Hpt), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58797 |
Haptoglobin precursor ELISA Kit (Pre-Hpt), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95811 |
Haptoglobin Precursor ELISA Kit (Pre-Hpt), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56971 |
Haptoglobin Precursor ELISA Kit (Pre-Hpt), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60640 |
Heat shock 70 kDa protein 1B (HSPA1B) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010822MO |
Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein (HSPA8) ELISA kit, Horse |
For quantitative detection in horse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL010829HO |
Heat shock cognate 71 kDa protein (HSPA8) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010829MO |
Heat shock factor protein 2 (HSF2) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010792MO |
Heat Shock Protein 20, Hsp-20 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E08303m |
Heat Shock Protein 27, HSP-27 ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E12879C |
Heat shock protein 27, HSP-27 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E09241m |
Heat shock protein 27, HSP-27 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E09240r |
Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP-70) ELISA KIT, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E13381G |
Heat Shock Protein 70, Hsp-70 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E08311m |
heat shock protein 70, hSP-70 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E08308r |
Heat Shock Protein 72 (HSP-72) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E15831B |
Heat Shock Protein 90, HSP-90 ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E12873C |
Heat Shock Protein 90, Hsp-90 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,002 |
CSB-E08312m |
Heat shock protein beta-1 (HSPB1) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL010833BO |
Heat shock protein beta-2 (HSPB2) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010835RA |
Heat shock protein beta-7 (HSPB7) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010838MO |
Heat shock protein beta-7 (HSPB7) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010838RA |
Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha (HSP90AA1) ELISA kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL010802BO |
Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha (HSP90AA1) ELISA kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EL010802PI |
Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha (Hsp90aa1/Hsp86/Hspca) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,027.20 |
CSB-E08309r |
Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta (HSP90AB1) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010808MO |
Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta (HSP90AB1) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010808RA |
Heat shock protein, HSP47 ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E11328r |
Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 (HSPA2) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL010824MO |
Heme Oxygenase 1 ELISA Kit (HO1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54392 |
Heme Oxygenase 1 ELISA Kit (HO1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58275 |
Heme Oxygenase 1 ELISA Kit (HO1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56363 |
Heme Oxygenase 1, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106751 |
Heme Oxygenase 1, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113426 |
Heme Oxygenase 1, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100625 |
Heme Oxygenase 1, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87690 |
Heme Oxygenase 1, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94430 |
Heme Oxygenase 1, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51368 |
Heme Oxygenase 2 ELISA Kit (HO2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54393 |
Heme Oxygenase 2 ELISA Kit (HO2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58276 |
Heme Oxygenase 2 ELISA Kit (HO2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56364 |
Heme Oxygenase 2, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106752 |
Heme Oxygenase 2, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113427 |
Heme Oxygenase 2, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100626 |
Heme Oxygenase 2, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87691 |
Heme Oxygenase 2, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94431 |
Heme Oxygenase 2, Decycling ELISA Kit (HO2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51369 |
Hemicentin 1 (HMCN1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38030 |
Hemoglobin (HB) ELISA, Sheep  |
For quantitative detection in sheep samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38783 |
Hemoglobin (HB), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37030 |
Hemoglobin (HB), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38275 |
Hepcidin (Hepc), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,072 |
KT-37063 |
Hepcidin (Hepc), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38032 |
Hepcidin (Hepc), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38229 |
Hepcidin (Hepc), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38441 |
High affinity copper uptake protein 1 (SLC31A1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106869 |
High affinity copper uptake protein 1 (SLC31A1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113547 |
High affinity copper uptake protein 1 (SLC31A1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100744 |
High affinity copper uptake protein 1 (SLC31A1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87810 |
High affinity copper uptake protein 1 (SLC31A1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84496 |
High affinity copper uptake protein 1 (SLC31A1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74649 |
High affinity copper uptake protein 1 (SLC31A1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94551 |
High affinity copper uptake protein 1 (SLC31A1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79526 |
High affinity copper uptake protein 1 (SLC31A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69709 |
Hippocalcin-like protein 1 (HPCAL1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106859 |
Hippocalcin-like protein 1 (HPCAL1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113537 |
Hippocalcin-like protein 1 (HPCAL1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100734 |
Hippocalcin-like protein 1 (HPCAL1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87800 |
Hippocalcin-like protein 1 (HPCAL1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84486 |
Hippocalcin-like protein 1 (HPCAL1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74639 |
Hippocalcin-like protein 1 (HPCAL1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94541 |
Hippocalcin-like protein 1 (HPCAL1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79516 |
Hippocalcin-like protein 1 (HPCAL1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69699 |
Homocysteic Acid (HA), General |
For quantitative detection in general samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37145 |
Hydrogen Sulfide ELISA Kit (H2S), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106711 |
Hydrogen Sulfide ELISA Kit (H2S), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87650 |
Hydrogen Sulfide ELISA Kit (H2S), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54364 |
Hydrogen Sulfide ELISA Kit (H2S), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94391 |
Hydrogen Sulfide ELISA Kit (H2S), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56335 |
Inducible nitric oxide synthase ELISA Kit (iNOS), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107002 |
Inducible nitric oxide synthase ELISA Kit (iNOS), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113679 |
Inducible nitric oxide synthase ELISA Kit (iNOS), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100877 |
Inducible nitric oxide synthase ELISA Kit (iNOS), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87944 |
Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase ELISA Kit (INOS), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54542 |
Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase ELISA Kit (INOS), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58424 |
Inducible nitric oxide synthase ELISA Kit (iNOS), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94684 |
Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase ELISA Kit (INOS), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56513 |
Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase ELISA Kit (INOS), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60264 |
Inhibin A ELISA Kit (INHA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106945 |
Inhibin A ELISA Kit (INHA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113622 |
Inhibin A ELISA Kit (INHA), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100820 |
Inhibin A ELISA Kit (INHA), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87887 |
Inhibin A ELISA Kit (INHA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58374 |
Inhibin A ELISA Kit (INHA), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94627 |
Inhibin A ELISA Kit (INHA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56463 |
Inhibin Alpha ELISA Kit (INB-Alpha), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60213 |
Inhibin B ELISA Kit (INB), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106885 |
Inhibin B ELISA Kit (INB), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113563 |
Inhibin B ELISA Kit (INB), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100760 |
Inhibin B ELISA Kit (INB), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87826 |
Inhibin B ELISA Kit (INB), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54456 |
Inhibin B ELISA Kit (INB), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58339 |
Inhibin B ELISA Kit (INB), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94567 |
Inhibin B ELISA Kit (INB), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56427 |
Inhibin B ELISA Kit (INB), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60180 |
Inhibin Beta E (INHbE), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38453 |
Inhibin ELISA Kit (INH), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54460 |
Inhibin ELISA Kit (INH), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58343 |
Inhibin ELISA Kit (INH), Rabbit  |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56431 |
Inhibin ELISA Kit (INH), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60184 |
Inhibin ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-106891 |
Inhibin ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113570 |
Inhibin ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100767 |
Inhibin ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87833 |
Inhibin ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94573 |
InhibitorsofNitricOxideSynthasesELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115780 |
Inositol Triphosphate (IP3), General |
For quantitative detection in general samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-37147 |
Insulin (INS), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37093 |
Insulin (INS), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37067 |
Insulin (INS), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37066 |
Insulin (INS), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37197 |
Insulin (INS), Horse  |
For quantitative detection in horse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37215 |
Insulin Receptor Substrate 1 (IRS1), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38455 |
Insulin-Degrading Enzyme ELISA Kit (IDE), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54518 |
Insulin-Degrading Enzyme ELISA Kit (IDE), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58400 |
Insulin-Degrading Enzyme ELISA Kit (IDE), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56489 |
Insulin-Degrading Enzyme ELISA Kit (IDE), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60240 |
Integral membrane protein 2B (ITM2B) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107046 |
Integral membrane protein 2B (ITM2B) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113723 |
Integral membrane protein 2B (ITM2B) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100921 |
Integral membrane protein 2B (ITM2B) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87988 |
Integral membrane protein 2B (ITM2B) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84582 |
Integral membrane protein 2B (ITM2B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74735 |
Integral membrane protein 2B (ITM2B) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79613 |
Integral membrane protein 2B (ITM2B) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69798 |
Integral membrane protein 2C (ITM2C) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107047 |
Integral membrane protein 2C (ITM2C) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113724 |
Integral membrane protein 2C (ITM2C) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100922 |
Integral membrane protein 2C (ITM2C) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87989 |
Integral membrane protein 2C (ITM2C) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84583 |
Integral membrane protein 2C (ITM2C) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74736 |
Integral membrane protein 2C (ITM2C) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79614 |
Integral membrane protein 2C (ITM2C) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69799 |
Internexin Neuronal Intermediate Filament Protein Alpha (INa), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-38055 |
Inward rectifier potassium channel 2 (KCNJ2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107050 |
Inward rectifier potassium channel 2 (KCNJ2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113727 |
Inward rectifier potassium channel 2 (KCNJ2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-100925 |
Inward rectifier potassium channel 2 (KCNJ2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-87992 |
Inward rectifier potassium channel 2 (KCNJ2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84586 |
Inward rectifier potassium channel 2 (KCNJ2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74739 |
Inward rectifier potassium channel 2 (KCNJ2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79617 |
Inward rectifier potassium channel 2 (KCNJ2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69802 |
Kallikrein 6 (KLK6) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-35499 |
Kallikrein 6 (KLK6) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32911 |
KisspeptinReceptor (KISS1R) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115783 |
L-Peptide (LP) ELISA, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38826 |
Left/Right Determination Factor 1 (LEFTY1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33214 |
Left/Right Determination Factor 1 (LEFTY1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33215 |
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) ELISA, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $1,129 |
KT-38756 |
Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,117 |
KT-37037 |
Leukotriene C4 (LTC4) ELISA Kit, General |
For quantitative detection in general samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-36162 |
LIM and cysteine-rich domains protein 1 (LMCD1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107204 |
LIM and cysteine-rich domains protein 1 (LMCD1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113883 |
LIM and cysteine-rich domains protein 1 (LMCD1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101081 |
LIM and cysteine-rich domains protein 1 (LMCD1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88147 |
LIM and cysteine-rich domains protein 1 (LMCD1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84690 |
LIM and cysteine-rich domains protein 1 (LMCD1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74843 |
LIM and cysteine-rich domains protein 1 (LMCD1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79721 |
LIM and cysteine-rich domains protein 1 (LMCD1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69906 |
Lipocalin-1 (LCN1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107194 |
Lipocalin-1 (LCN1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113873 |
Lipocalin-1 (LCN1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101071 |
Lipocalin-1 (LCN1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88137 |
Lipocalin-1 (LCN1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84680 |
Lipocalin-1 (LCN1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74833 |
Lipocalin-1 (LCN1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit  |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79711 |
Lipocalin-1 (LCN1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69896 |
Low Affinity Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (LNGFR), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-38066 |
Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (ACP1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107186 |
Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (ACP1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113865 |
Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (ACP1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101063 |
Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (ACP1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88129 |
Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (ACP1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84672 |
Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (ACP1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74825 |
Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (ACP1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79703 |
Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (ACP1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69888 |
Major prion protein (PRNP) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107480 |
Major prion protein (PRNP) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114157 |
Major prion protein (PRNP) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101248 |
Major prion protein (PRNP) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88423 |
Major prion protein (PRNP) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84888 |
Major prion protein (PRNP) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75043 |
Major prion protein (PRNP) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94849 |
Major prion protein (PRNP) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79919 |
Major prion protein (PRNP) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70104 |
Malondialdehyde ELISA Kit (MDA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107236 |
Malondialdehyde ELISA Kit (MDA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113914 |
Malondialdehyde ELISA Kit (MDA), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88179 |
Malondialdehyde ELISA Kit (MDA), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84706 |
Malondialdehyde ELISA Kit (MDA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74859 |
Malondialdehyde ELISA Kit (MDA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79737 |
Melanin-concenting hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107436 |
Melanin-concenting hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114113 |
Melanin-concenting hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101204 |
Melanin-concenting hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88379 |
Melanin-concenting hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84844 |
Melanin-concenting hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74997 |
Melanin-concenting hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94805 |
Melanin-concenting hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79875 |
Melanin-concenting hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70060 |
Melanoma-associated antigen D1 (MAGED1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107429 |
Melanoma-associated antigen D1 (MAGED1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114106 |
Melanoma-associated antigen D1 (MAGED1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101197 |
Melanoma-associated antigen D1 (MAGED1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88372 |
Melanoma-associated antigen D1 (MAGED1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84837 |
Melanoma-associated antigen D1 (MAGED1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74990 |
Melanoma-associated antigen D1 (MAGED1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94798 |
Melanoma-associated antigen D1 (MAGED1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79868 |
Melanoma-associated antigen D1 (MAGED1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70053 |
Melatonin ELISA Kit (MLT), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107218 |
Melatonin ELISA Kit (MLT), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113897 |
Melatonin ELISA Kit (MLT), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101095 |
Melatonin ELISA Kit (MLT), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88161 |
Melatonin ELISA Kit (MLT), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54608 |
Melatonin ELISA Kit (MLT), Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58490 |
Melatonin ELISA Kit (MLT), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56579 |
Melatonin ELISA Kit (MLT), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60330 |
Melatonin ELISA Kit (MLT), Wallaby  |
For quantitative detection in wallaby samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-61019 |
Melatonin Receptor 1A Antibody (anti-MTNR1A) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115727 |
Melatonin Receptor 1B Antibody (anti-MTNR1B) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115728 |
Melatonin receptor type 1A (MTNR1A) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107453 |
Melatonin receptor type 1A (MTNR1A) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114130 |
Melatonin receptor type 1A (MTNR1A) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101221 |
Melatonin receptor type 1A (MTNR1A) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88396 |
Melatonin receptor type 1A (MTNR1A) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84861 |
Melatonin receptor type 1A (MTNR1A) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75016 |
Melatonin receptor type 1A (MTNR1A) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94822 |
Melatonin receptor type 1A (MTNR1A) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79892 |
Melatonin receptor type 1A (MTNR1A) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70077 |
Mesencephalic Astrocyte Derived Neurotrophic Factor (MANF), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38074 |
Mesencephalic Astrocyte Derived Neurotrophic Factor (MANF), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38482 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (GRM1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107291 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (GRM1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113970 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (GRM1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101150 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (GRM1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88234 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (GRM1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84757 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (GRM1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74910 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (GRM1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79788 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (GRM1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69973 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 (GRM2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107292 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 (GRM2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113971 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 (GRM2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88235 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 (GRM2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84758 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 (GRM2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74911 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 (GRM2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79789 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 (GRM2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69974 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (GRM3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107293 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (GRM3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113972 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (GRM3) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88236 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (GRM3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84759 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (GRM3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74912 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (GRM3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79790 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (GRM3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69975 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 (GRM4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107294 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 (GRM4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113973 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 (GRM4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88237 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 (GRM4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84760 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 (GRM4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74913 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 (GRM4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79791 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 (GRM4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69976 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (GRM5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107295 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (GRM5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113974 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (GRM5) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88238 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (GRM5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84761 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (GRM5) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74914 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (GRM5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79792 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (GRM5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69977 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (GRM6) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107296 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (GRM6) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113975 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (GRM6) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88239 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (GRM6) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84762 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (GRM6) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL009936MO |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (GRM6) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74915 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (GRM6) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79793 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (GRM6) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69978 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (GRM7) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107297 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (GRM7) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113976 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (GRM7) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88240 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (GRM7) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84763 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (GRM7) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74916 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (GRM7) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79794 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (GRM7) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69979 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8 (GRM8) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107298 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8 (GRM8) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113977 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8 (GRM8) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88241 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8 (GRM8) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84764 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8 (GRM8) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74917 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8 (GRM8) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79795 |
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8 (GRM8) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-69980 |
Metallothionein (MT) ELISA Kit, Fish |
For quantitative detection in fish samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-EQ027262FI |
Metallothionein (MT) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E11315r |
Metallothionein-1 (MT-1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13694m |
Metallothionein-2 (MT-2) ELISA Kit, Fish |
For quantitative detection in fish samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$714 |
CSB-E13537Fh |
Metallothionein-2 (MT-2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$948 |
CSB-E13693m |
Metallothionein-2 (MT-2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$714 |
CSB-E14368r |
Meteorin (METRN) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32500 |
Meteorin Like Protein (METRNL), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38484 |
Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2 (MECP2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33232 |
Microtubule Associated Protein 1A (MAP1A), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38488 |
Microtubule Associated Protein 2 (MAP2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32189 |
Microtubule Associated Protein 4 (MAP4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33112 |
Microtubule Associated Protein Tau (MAPT) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32217 |
Microtubule Associated Protein Tau (MAPT) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32218 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1 ELISA Kit (MAP1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107336 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1 ELISA Kit (MAP1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114012 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1 ELISA Kit (MAP1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88279 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1 ELISA Kit (MAP1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84794 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1 ELISA Kit (MAP1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74947 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1 ELISA Kit (MAP1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79825 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1 ELISA Kit (MAP1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70010 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1B ELISA Kit (MAP1B), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107344 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1B ELISA Kit (MAP1B), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114020 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1B ELISA Kit (MAP1B), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88287 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1B ELISA Kit (MAP1B), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84796 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1B ELISA Kit (MAP1B), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74949 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1B ELISA Kit (MAP1B), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79827 |
Microtubule-associated protein 1B ELISA Kit (MAP1B), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70012 |
Microtubule-associated protein 2 ELISA Kit (MAP-2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107339 |
Microtubule-associated protein 2 ELISA Kit (MAP-2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88282 |
Microtubule-Associated Protein 2 ELISA Kit (MAP-2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54637 |
Microtubule-Associated Protein 2 ELISA Kit (MAP-2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58519 |
Microtubule-Associated Protein 2 ELISA Kit (MAP-2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56608 |
Microtubule-Associated Protein 2 ELISA Kit (MAP-2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60359 |
Microtubule-associated protein 2, MAP-2 ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114015 |
Midkine ELISA Kit (MK), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107374 |
Midkine ELISA Kit (MK), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114049 |
Midkine ELISA Kit (MK), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88317 |
Midkine ELISA Kit (MK), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54662 |
Midkine ELISA Kit (MK), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58544 |
Midkine ELISA Kit (MK), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94743 |
Midkine ELISA Kit (MK), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56633 |
Midkine ELISA Kit (MK), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60384 |
Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38081 |
Monoamine oxidase A ELISA Kit (MAOA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107338 |
Monoamine oxidase A ELISA Kit (MAOA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114014 |
Monoamine oxidase A ELISA Kit (MAOA), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88281 |
Monoamine Oxidase A ELISA Kit (MAOA), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54636 |
Monoamine Oxidase A ELISA Kit (MAOA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58518 |
Monoamine Oxidase A ELISA Kit (MAOA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56607 |
Monoamine Oxidase A ELISA Kit (MAOA), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60358 |
Monoamine Oxidase ELISA Kit (MAO), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107337 |
Monoamine Oxidase ELISA Kit (MAO), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114013 |
Monoamine Oxidase ELISA Kit (MAO), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88280 |
Monoamine Oxidase ELISA Kit (MAO), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54635 |
Monoamine Oxidase ELISA Kit (MAO), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58517 |
Monoamine Oxidase ELISA Kit (MAO), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56606 |
Monoamine Oxidase ELISA Kit (MAO), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60357 |
Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 4 ELISA Kit (SMN1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-76045 |
Motilin (MTL), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38085 |
MouseBeta-Defensin 14 ELISA Kit (DEFb14), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72591 |
MouseBeta-site APP-Cleaving Enzyme ELISA Kit (BACE), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-72595 |
MouseDTX1 Deltex protein 1 ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74280 |
Mu-type opioid receptor (OPRM1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107475 |
Mu-type opioid receptor (OPRM1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114152 |
Mu-type opioid receptor (OPRM1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101243 |
Mu-type opioid receptor (OPRM1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88418 |
Mu-type opioid receptor (OPRM1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84883 |
Mu-type opioid receptor (OPRM1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75038 |
Mu-type opioid receptor (OPRM1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94844 |
Mu-type opioid receptor (OPRM1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79914 |
Mu-type opioid receptor (OPRM1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70099 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (M-AChR), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107329 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (M-AChR), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114005 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (M-AChR), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88272 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (M-AChR), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84790 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (M-AChR), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74943 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (M-AChR), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79821 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (M-AChR), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70006 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 (CHRM1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107424 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 (CHRM1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114101 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 (CHRM1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101192 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 (CHRM1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88367 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 (CHRM1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84832 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 (CHRM1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74985 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 (CHRM1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94793 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 (CHRM1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79863 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1 (CHRM1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70048 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107425 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114102 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101193 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88368 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84833 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74986 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94794 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79864 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2 (CHRM2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70049 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 ELISA Kit (M-Achr M3), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107330 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 ELISA Kit (M-Achr M3), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88273 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 ELISA Kit (M-AChr), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114006 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 ELISA Kit (M-AChr), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84791 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 ELISA Kit (M-AChr), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-74944 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 ELISA Kit (M-AChr), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79822 |
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 ELISA Kit (M-AChr), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70007 |
Myelin Associated Glycoprotein (MAG) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-32573 |
Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-22736 |
Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-22738 |
Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-22739 |
Myelin Basic Protein (MBP), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38496 |
Myelin Basic Protein ELISA Kit (MBP), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107247 |
Myelin Basic Protein ELISA Kit (MBP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-113924 |
Myelin Basic Protein ELISA Kit (MBP), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88190 |
Myelin Basic Protein ELISA Kit (MBP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54625 |
Myelin Basic Protein ELISA Kit (MBP), Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58507 |
Myelin Basic Protein ELISA Kit (MBP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56596 |
Myelin Basic Protein ELISA Kit (MBP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60347 |
Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35298 |
Myelin Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 1 ELISA Kit (MPIF-1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54678 |
Myelin Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 1 ELISA Kit (MPIF-1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58560 |
Myelin Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 1 ELISA Kit (MPIF-1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56649 |
Myelin Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 1 ELISA Kit (MPIF-1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60400 |
Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107479 |
Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114156 |
Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101247 |
Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88422 |
Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84887 |
Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75042 |
Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94848 |
Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-79918 |
Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70103 |
Myeloid Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 1 ELISA Kit (MPIF-1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107390 |
Myeloid Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 1 ELISA Kit (MPIF-1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114067 |
Myeloid Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 1 ELISA Kit (MPIF-1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88333 |
Myeloid Progenitor Inhibitory Factor 1 ELISA Kit (MPIF-1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94759 |
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide ELISA Kit (NT-proBNP), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107574 |
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide ELISA Kit (NT-proBNP), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114251 |
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide ELISA Kit (NT-proBNP), Dog  |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101342 |
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide ELISA Kit (NT-proBNP), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88517 |
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide ELISA Kit (NT-proBNP), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84976 |
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide ELISA Kit (NT-proBNP), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75131 |
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide ELISA Kit (NT-proBNP), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80007 |
N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide ELISA Kit (NT-proBNP), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70192 |
NADP-dependent malic enzyme (ME1) ELISA Kit (MME), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75172 |
Natriuretic peptide precursor C (NPPC) ELISA Kit (NPW), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75200 |
Neprilysin (MME) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107668 |
Neprilysin (MME) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114343 |
Neprilysin (MME) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101434 |
Neprilysin (MME) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88612 |
Neprilysin (MME) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85017 |
Neprilysin (MME) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95035 |
Neprilysin (MME) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80047 |
Neprilysin (MME) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70235 |
Neprilysin (NEP) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35286 |
Neprilysin (NEP) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
Click Image To Enlarge
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33429 |
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-36021 |
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) ELISA Kit, Chicken  |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-23061 |
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig  |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,084 |
KT-23062 |
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-23065 |
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) ELISA Kit, Pig  |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-23066 |
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-23068 |
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), Monkey  |
For quantitative detection in monkey samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38657 |
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38285 |
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), Sheep  |
For quantitative detection in sheep samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38620 |
Nerve Growth Factor ELISA Kit (NGF), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,007 |
KT-52815 |
Nerve Growth Factor ELISA Kit (NGF), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88523 |
Nerve Growth Factor ELISA Kit (NGF), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54704 |
Nerve Growth Factor ELISA Kit (NGF), Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52405 |
Nerve Growth Factor ELISA Kit (NGF), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,007 |
KT-51918 |
Nerve Growth Factor ELISA Kit (NGF), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56675 |
Nerve Growth Factor ELISA Kit (NGF), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51410 |
Nesfatin 1 (NES1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-38091 |
Nesfatin 1 (NES1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38090 |
Nesfatin 1 (NES1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38500 |
Nesfatin ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107654 |
Nesfatin ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114329 |
Nesfatin ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101420 |
Nesfatin ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88598 |
Nesfatin ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85003 |
Nesfatin ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95021 |
Nesfatin ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80033 |
Nesfatin ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70221 |
Nestin (NES) ELISA kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015713MO |
Nestin (NES) ELISA kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$834 |
CSB-EL015713RA |
Nestin (NES) ELISA, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-38919 |
Netrin 1 (Ntn1) ELISA Kit, Chicken  |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$912 |
KT-33315 |
Netrin 1 (Ntn1) ELISA Kit, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-23104 |
Netrin 1 (Ntn1) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-23106 |
Netrin-1 ELISA Kit (NT4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75157 |
Netrin-1 ELISA Kit (Ntn1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107652 |
Netrin-1 ELISA Kit (Ntn1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114327 |
Netrin-1 ELISA Kit (Ntn1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101418 |
Netrin-1 ELISA Kit (Ntn1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88596 |
Netrin-1 ELISA Kit (Ntn1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54752 |
Netrin-1 ELISA Kit (Ntn1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58614 |
Netrin-1 ELISA Kit (Ntn1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95019 |
Netrin-1 ELISA Kit (Ntn1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56723 |
Netrin-1 ELISA Kit (Ntn1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60457 |
Neudesin Neurotrophic Factor (NENF) ELISA, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $777 |
KT-38902 |
Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-23143 |
Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-23146 |
Neuregulin 1 ELISA Kit (NRG-1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107650 |
Neuregulin 1 ELISA Kit (NRG-1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114325 |
Neuregulin 1 ELISA Kit (NRG-1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101416 |
Neuregulin 1 ELISA Kit (NRG-1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88594 |
Neuregulin 1 ELISA Kit (NRG-1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54751 |
Neuregulin 1 ELISA Kit (NRG-1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58613 |
Neuregulin 1 ELISA Kit (NRG-1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95017 |
Neuregulin 1 ELISA Kit (NRG-1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56722 |
Neuregulin 1 ELISA Kit (NRG-1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60456 |
Neuregulin 2 (NRG2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33573 |
Neuregulin 4 (NRG4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33514 |
Neuritin 1 (NRN1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32980 |
Neurocan (NCAN) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33282 |
Neurochondrin (NCDN) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32716 |
Neurofibromin1 (NF1) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115802 |
Neurofilament 3 (NEF3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-38092 |
Neurofilament light polypeptide (NEFL) ELISA Kit (NEFM), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75185 |
Neurofilament medium polypeptide (NEFM) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107681 |
Neurofilament medium polypeptide (NEFM) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114356 |
Neurofilament medium polypeptide (NEFM) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101447 |
Neurofilament medium polypeptide (NEFM) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88625 |
Neurofilament medium polypeptide (NEFM) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85030 |
Neurofilament medium polypeptide (NEFM) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95048 |
Neurofilament medium polypeptide (NEFM) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80060 |
Neurofilament medium polypeptide (NEFM) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70248 |
Neurofilament, Heavy Polypeptide (NEFH) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33501 |
Neurofilament, Light Polypeptide (NEFL) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33154 |
Neurofilament, Light Polypeptide (NEFL) ELISA, Rabbit  |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
 $1,129 |
KT-38782 |
Neurogenic Locus Notch Homolog Protein 2 (NOTCH2) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115797 |
Neurogenin 3 (NEUROG3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-33060 |
Neuroglobin (NGB) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-23256 |
Neuroglobin (NGB) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-23259 |
Neuroglobin ELISA Kit (NGB), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107567 |
Neuroglobin ELISA Kit (NGB), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114244 |
Neuroglobin ELISA Kit (NGB), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101335 |
Neuroglobin ELISA Kit (NGB), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88510 |
Neuroglobin ELISA Kit (NGB), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54693 |
Neuroglobin ELISA Kit (NGB), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58575 |
Neuroglobin ELISA Kit (NGB), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94936 |
Neuroglobin ELISA Kit (NGB), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56664 |
Neuroglobin ELISA Kit (NGB), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60415 |
Neurogranin (NRGN), Human, Mouse, Rat |
For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37870 |
Neurogranin (NRGN), Human, Mouse, Rat |
For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37869 |
Neurokinin A (NKA) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35806 |
Neurokinin A ELISA Kit (NKA), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107578 |
Neurokinin A ELISA Kit (NKA), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114255 |
Neurokinin A ELISA Kit (NKA), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101346 |
Neurokinin A ELISA Kit (NKA), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88521 |
Neurokinin A ELISA Kit (NKA), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54702 |
Neurokinin A ELISA Kit (NKA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58580 |
Neurokinin A ELISA Kit (NKA), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94946 |
Neurokinin A ELISA Kit (NKA), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56673 |
Neurokinin A ELISA Kit (NKA), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60420 |
Neurokinin B ELISA Kit (NKB), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107591 |
Neurokinin B ELISA Kit (NKB), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114267 |
Neurokinin B ELISA Kit (NKB), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101358 |
Neurokinin B ELISA Kit (NKB), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88535 |
Neurokinin B ELISA Kit (NKB), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84978 |
Neurokinin B ELISA Kit (NKB), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75135 |
Neurokinin B ELISA Kit (NKB), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94958 |
Neurokinin B ELISA Kit (NKB), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80009 |
Neurokinin B ELISA Kit (NKB), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70196 |
Neurolysin, mitochondrial (NLN) ELISA Kit (NMB), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75191 |
Neuromedin B (NM-B) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-23316 |
neuromedin B (NMB) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107687 |
neuromedin B (NMB) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114362 |
neuromedin B (NMB) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101453 |
Neuromedin B (NMB) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88631 |
Neuromedin B (NMB) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85036 |
neuromedin B (NMB) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95054 |
Neuromedin B (NMB) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80066 |
Neuromedin B (NMB) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70254 |
Neuromedin B (NMB) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-35993 |
Neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit (NNAT), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75194 |
neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107689 |
neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114364 |
neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101455 |
Neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88633 |
Neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85038 |
neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95056 |
Neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80068 |
Neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70256 |
Neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-33425 |
Neuromedin U (NMU) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$964 |
KT-36133 |
Neuromedin U (NMU), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38095 |
Neuron Derived Orphan Receptor 1 (NOR1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32769 |
Neuron Specific Enolase ELISA Kit (NSE), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107590 |
Neuron Specific Enolase ELISA Kit (NSE), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114266 |
Neuron Specific Enolase ELISA Kit (NSE), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101357 |
Neuron Specific Enolase ELISA Kit (NSE), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88534 |
Neuron Specific Enolase ELISA Kit (NSE), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54714 |
Neuron Specific Enolase ELISA Kit (NSE), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58591 |
Neuron Specific Enolase ELISA Kit (NSE), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94957 |
Neuron Specific Enolase ELISA Kit (NSE), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56685 |
Neuron Specific Enolase ELISA Kit (NSE), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60431 |
Neuron-specific calcium-binding protein hippocalcin (HPCA) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107665 |
Neuron-specific calcium-binding protein hippocalcin (HPCA) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114340 |
Neuron-specific calcium-binding protein hippocalcin (HPCA) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101431 |
Neuron-specific calcium-binding protein hippocalcin (HPCA) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88609 |
Neuron-specific calcium-binding protein hippocalcin (HPCA) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85014 |
Neuron-specific calcium-binding protein hippocalcin (HPCA) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95032 |
Neuron-specific calcium-binding protein hippocalcin (HPCA) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80044 |
Neuron-specific calcium-binding protein hippocalcin (HPCA) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70232 |
Neuronal Pentraxin I (NPTX1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33359 |
Neuronal Pentraxin I (NPTX1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32476 |
Neuronal Pentraxin II (NPTX2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33226 |
Neuronal Pentraxin II (NPTX2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38096 |
Neuronatin (NNAT) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107690 |
Neuronatin (NNAT) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114365 |
Neuronatin (NNAT) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101456 |
Neuronatin (NNAT) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88634 |
Neuronatin (NNAT) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85039 |
Neuronatin (NNAT) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95057 |
Neuronatin (NNAT) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80069 |
Neuronatin (NNAT) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70257 |
Neuropeptide A ELISA Kit (NP-A), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107598 |
Neuropeptide A ELISA Kit (NP-A), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114274 |
Neuropeptide A ELISA Kit (NP-A), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101365 |
Neuropeptide A ELISA Kit (NP-A), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88542 |
Neuropeptide A ELISA Kit (NP-A), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84984 |
Neuropeptide A ELISA Kit (NP-A), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75141 |
Neuropeptide A ELISA Kit (NP-A), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94965 |
Neuropeptide A ELISA Kit (NP-A), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80015 |
Neuropeptide A ELISA Kit (NP-A), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70202 |
Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32527 |
Neuropeptide FF (NPFF), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38502 |
Neuropeptide S (NP-S) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-23413 |
Neuropeptide S (NPS), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38097 |
Neuropeptide W (NPW) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107696 |
Neuropeptide W (NPW) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114371 |
Neuropeptide W (NPW) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101462 |
Neuropeptide W (NPW) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88640 |
Neuropeptide W (NPW) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85045 |
Neuropeptide W (NPW) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95063 |
Neuropeptide W (NPW) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80075 |
Neuropeptide W (NPW) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70263 |
Neuropeptide Y (NP-Y) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-23414 |
Neuropeptide Y (NP-Y) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-23420 |
Neuropeptide Y (NP-Y) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-23423 |
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) ELISA, Hamster |
For quantitative detection in hamster samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,045 |
KT-115796 |
Neuropeptide Y (NPY), Guinea pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37203 |
Neuropeptide Y ELISA Kit (NP-Y), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107575 |
Neuropeptide Y ELISA Kit (NP-Y), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88518 |
Neuropeptide Y ELISA Kit (NP-Y), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94943 |
Neuropeptide Y receptor type 5 (NPY5R) ELISA Kit (NR0B1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75204 |
Neuropilin 1 (NRP1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-32449 |
Neuropilin 1 (NRP1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32463 |
Neuropilin 2 (NRP2), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-38503 |
Neuroptide Y ELISA Kit (NP-Y), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114252 |
Neuroptide Y ELISA Kit (NP-Y), Dog  |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101343 |
Neuroptide Y ELISA Kit (NP-Y), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54699 |
Neuroptide Y ELISA Kit (NP-Y), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58578 |
Neuroptide Y ELISA Kit (NP-Y), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56670 |
Neuroptide Y ELISA Kit (NP-Y), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60418 |
Neurotensin (NT) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-32492 |
Neurotensin (NT) ELISA, Mouse  |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-38881 |
Neurotensin ELISA Kit (NT), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107601 |
Neurotensin ELISA Kit (NT), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114277 |
Neurotensin ELISA Kit (NT), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101368 |
Neurotensin ELISA Kit (NT), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88545 |
Neurotensin ELISA Kit (NT), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-84987 |
Neurotensin ELISA Kit (NT), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75144 |
Neurotensin ELISA Kit (NT), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94968 |
Neurotensin ELISA Kit (NT), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80018 |
Neurotensin ELISA Kit (NT), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70205 |
Neurotensin Receptor 1, High Affinity (NTSR1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$952 |
KT-35661 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2 ELISA Kit (NTRK2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107611 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2 ELISA Kit (NTRK2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114287 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2 ELISA Kit (NTRK2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101378 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2 ELISA Kit (NTRK2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88555 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2 ELISA Kit (NTRK2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54718 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2 ELISA Kit (NTRK2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52407 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2 ELISA Kit (NTRK2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94978 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2 ELISA Kit (NTRK2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56689 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2 ELISA Kit (NTRK2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51412 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 2 ELISA Kit (NTRK3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-52408 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 ELISA Kit (NTRK3), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107612 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 ELISA Kit (NTRK3), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114288 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 ELISA Kit (NTRK3), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101379 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 ELISA Kit (NTRK3), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88556 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 ELISA Kit (NTRK3), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54719 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 ELISA Kit (NTRK3), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94979 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 ELISA Kit (NTRK3), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56690 |
Neurotrophic Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Type 3 ELISA Kit (NTRK3), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-51413 |
Neurotrophin 3 (NT3) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-23510 |
Neurotrophin 3 (NT3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-23513 |
Neurotrophin 4 (NT4) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-31983 |
Neurotrophin 4 (NT4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-23516 |
Neurotrophin 4 ELISA Kit (Nesfatin), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75158 |
Neurotrophin 4 ELISA Kit (NT4), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107653 |
Neurotrophin 4 ELISA Kit (NT4), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114328 |
Neurotrophin 4 ELISA Kit (NT4), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101419 |
Neurotrophin 4 ELISA Kit (NT4), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88597 |
Neurotrophin 4 ELISA Kit (NT4), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85002 |
Neurotrophin 4 ELISA Kit (NT4), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95020 |
Neurotrophin 4 ELISA Kit (NT4), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80032 |
Neurotrophin 4 ELISA Kit (NT4), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70220 |
Neurotrophin-1 ELISA Kit (NT-1), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107581 |
Neurotrophin-1 ELISA Kit (NT-1), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114258 |
Neurotrophin-1 ELISA Kit (NT-1), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101349 |
Neurotrophin-1 ELISA Kit (NT-1), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88525 |
Neurotrophin-1 ELISA Kit (NT-1), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54705 |
Neurotrophin-1 ELISA Kit (NT-1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58582 |
Neurotrophin-1 ELISA Kit (NT-1), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94949 |
Neurotrophin-1 ELISA Kit (NT-1), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56676 |
Neurotrophin-1 ELISA Kit (NT-1), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60422 |
Neurotrophin-2 ELISA Kit (NT-2), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107582 |
Neurotrophin-2 ELISA Kit (NT-2), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114259 |
Neurotrophin-2 ELISA Kit (NT-2), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101350 |
Neurotrophin-2 ELISA Kit (NT-2), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88526 |
Neurotrophin-2 ELISA Kit (NT-2), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54706 |
Neurotrophin-2 ELISA Kit (NT-2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58583 |
Neurotrophin-2 ELISA Kit (NT-2), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94950 |
Neurotrophin-2 ELISA Kit (NT-2), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56677 |
Neurotrophin-2 ELISA Kit (NT-2), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60423 |
Neurotrophin-3 ELISA Kit (NT-3), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107583 |
Neurotrophin-3 ELISA Kit (NT-3), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114260 |
Neurotrophin-3 ELISA Kit (NT-3), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101351 |
Neurotrophin-3 ELISA Kit (NT-3), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88527 |
Neurotrophin-3 ELISA Kit (NT-3), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54707 |
Neurotrophin-3 ELISA Kit (NT-3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58584 |
Neurotrophin-3 ELISA Kit (NT-3), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56678 |
Neurotrophin-3 ELISA Kit (NT-3), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60424 |
Neurotrophin-4 ELISA Kit (NT-4), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107584 |
Neurotrophin-4 ELISA Kit (NT-4), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114261 |
Neurotrophin-4 ELISA Kit (NT-4), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101352 |
Neurotrophin-4 ELISA Kit (NT-4), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88528 |
Neurotrophin-4 ELISA Kit (NT-4), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54708 |
Neurotrophin-4 ELISA Kit (NT-4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58585 |
Neurotrophin-4 ELISA Kit (NT-4), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94951 |
Neurotrophin-4 ELISA Kit (NT-4), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56679 |
Neurotrophin-4 ELISA Kit (NT-4), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60425 |
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChR), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107627 |
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChR), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114303 |
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChR), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101394 |
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChR), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88571 |
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChR), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54734 |
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChR), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58596 |
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChR), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94994 |
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChR), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56705 |
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChR), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60439 |
Nicotinic acetylcholine Transferase receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChTR), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107629 |
Nicotinic acetylcholine Transferase receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChTR), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114305 |
Nicotinic acetylcholine Transferase receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChTR), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101396 |
Nicotinic acetylcholine Transferase receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChTR), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88573 |
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Transferase Receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChTR), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54735 |
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Transferase Receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChTR), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58597 |
Nicotinic acetylcholine Transferase receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChTR), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94996 |
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Transferase Receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChTR), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56706 |
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Transferase Receptor ELISA Kit (N-AChTR), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60440 |
Nitric Oxide Synthase 1, Neuronal (NOS1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-23665 |
Nitric oxide synthase ELISA Kit (NOS), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107645 |
Nitric oxide synthase ELISA Kit (NOS), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114320 |
Nitric oxide synthase ELISA Kit (NOS), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101411 |
Nitric oxide synthase ELISA Kit (NOS), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88589 |
Nitric Oxide Synthase ELISA Kit (NOS), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54748 |
Nitric Oxide Synthase ELISA Kit (NOS), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58610 |
Nitric oxide synthase ELISA Kit (NOS), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95012 |
Nitric Oxide Synthase ELISA Kit (NOS), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56719 |
Nitric Oxide Synthase ELISA Kit (NOS), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60453 |
Nociceptin receptor (OPRL1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107704 |
Nociceptin receptor (OPRL1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114379 |
Nociceptin receptor (OPRL1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101470 |
Nociceptin receptor (OPRL1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88648 |
Nociceptin receptor (OPRL1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85053 |
Nociceptin receptor (OPRL1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95071 |
Nociceptin receptor (OPRL1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80083 |
Nociceptin receptor (OPRL1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70271 |
Noggin (NOG), Human, Mouse, Rat |
For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37871 |
Non-histone chromosomal protein HMG-17 (HMGN2) ELISA Kit (HPCA), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75169 |
Noradrenaline ELISA Kit (NADR), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107579 |
Noradrenaline ELISA Kit (NADR), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114256 |
Noradrenaline ELISA Kit (NADR), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101347 |
Noradrenaline ELISA Kit (NADR), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88522 |
Noradrenaline ELISA Kit (NADR), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54703 |
Noradrenaline ELISA Kit (NADR), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75133 |
Noradrenaline ELISA Kit (NADR), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-94947 |
Noradrenaline ELISA Kit (NADR), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56674 |
Noradrenaline ELISA Kit (NADR), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70194 |
Nuclear Factor I/B (NFIB) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$977 |
KT-32608 |
Nuclear Factor I/X (NFIX) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,044 |
KT-33644 |
Nuclear Receptor Related Protein 1 (NURR1), Human, Mouse, Rat |
For quantitative detection in human, mouse, rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,129 |
KT-37872 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 (NR0B1) ELISA Kit (NR1H4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75205 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 (NR0B1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107700 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 (NR0B1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114375 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 (NR0B1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101466 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 (NR0B1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88644 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 (NR0B1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85049 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 (NR0B1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95067 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 (NR0B1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80079 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1 (NR0B1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70267 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 4 (NR1H4) ELISA Kit (NR6A1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75206 |
nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 4 (NR1H4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107701 |
nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 4 (NR1H4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114376 |
nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 4 (NR1H4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101467 |
nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 4 (NR1H4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88645 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 4 (NR1H4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85050 |
nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 4 (NR1H4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95068 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 4 (NR1H4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80080 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 4 (NR1H4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70268 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 6 group A member 1 (NR6A1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107702 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 6 group A member 1 (NR6A1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114377 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 6 group A member 1 (NR6A1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101468 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 6 group A member 1 (NR6A1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88646 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 6 group A member 1 (NR6A1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85051 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 6 group A member 1 (NR6A1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95069 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 6 group A member 1 (NR6A1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80081 |
Nuclear receptor subfamily 6 group A member 1 (NR6A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70269 |
Nucleobindin 1 (NUCB1) ELISA Kit, Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$989 |
KT-33455 |
Nucleobindin 1 (NUCB1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-33626 |
Nucleobindin 2 (NUCB2) ELISA Kit, Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-33627 |
Nucleoside diphosphate kinase B (NME2) ELISA Kit (NMU), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75193 |
Nucleosome Assembly Protein 1 Like Protein 4 (NAP1L4), Rat  |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,032 |
KT-38507 |
Nurim (NRM) ELISA Kit (OPRL1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75208 |
Octopamine ELISA Kit (OPM), Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107721 |
Octopamine ELISA Kit (OPM), Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114398 |
Octopamine ELISA Kit (OPM), Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101487 |
Octopamine ELISA Kit (OPM), Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88666 |
Octopamine ELISA Kit (OPM), Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$1,000 |
KT-54757 |
Octopamine ELISA Kit (OPM), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$981 |
KT-58616 |
Octopamine ELISA Kit (OPM), Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95088 |
Octopamine ELISA Kit (OPM), Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-56727 |
Octopamine ELISA Kit (OPM), Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$998 |
KT-60460 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A2 (OR10A2) ELISA Kit (OR10A3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75239 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A2 (OR10A2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107762 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A2 (OR10A2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114442 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A2 (OR10A2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101531 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A2 (OR10A2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88708 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A2 (OR10A2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85081 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A2 (OR10A2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95131 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A2 (OR10A2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80112 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A2 (OR10A2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70300 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A3 (OR10A3) ELISA Kit (OR10A4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75240 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A3 (OR10A3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107763 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A3 (OR10A3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114443 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A3 (OR10A3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101532 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A3 (OR10A3) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88709 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A3 (OR10A3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85082 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A3 (OR10A3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95132 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A3 (OR10A3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80113 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A3 (OR10A3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70301 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A4 (OR10A4) ELISA Kit (OR10A5), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75241 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A4 (OR10A4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107764 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A4 (OR10A4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114444 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A4 (OR10A4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101533 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A4 (OR10A4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88710 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A4 (OR10A4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85083 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A4 (OR10A4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95133 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A4 (OR10A4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80114 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A4 (OR10A4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70302 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A5 (OR10A5) ELISA Kit (OR10A6), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75242 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A5 (OR10A5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107765 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A5 (OR10A5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114445 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A5 (OR10A5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101534 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A5 (OR10A5) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88711 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A5 (OR10A5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85084 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A5 (OR10A5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95134 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A5 (OR10A5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80115 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A5 (OR10A5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70303 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A6 (OR10A6) ELISA Kit (OR10A7), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75243 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A6 (OR10A6) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107766 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A6 (OR10A6) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114446 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A6 (OR10A6) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101535 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A6 (OR10A6) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88712 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A6 (OR10A6) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85085 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A6 (OR10A6) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95135 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A6 (OR10A6) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80116 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A6 (OR10A6) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70304 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A7 (OR10A7) ELISA Kit (OR10AD1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75244 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A7 (OR10A7) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107767 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A7 (OR10A7) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114447 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A7 (OR10A7) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101536 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A7 (OR10A7) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88713 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A7 (OR10A7) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85086 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A7 (OR10A7) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95136 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A7 (OR10A7) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80117 |
Olfactory Receptor 10A7 (OR10A7) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70305 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AD1 (OR10AD1) ELISA Kit (OR10AG1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75245 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AD1 (OR10AD1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107768 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AD1 (OR10AD1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114448 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AD1 (OR10AD1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101537 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AD1 (OR10AD1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88714 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AD1 (OR10AD1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85087 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AD1 (OR10AD1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95137 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AD1 (OR10AD1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80118 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AD1 (OR10AD1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70306 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AG1 (OR10AG1) ELISA Kit (OR10C1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75246 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AG1 (OR10AG1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107769 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AG1 (OR10AG1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114449 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AG1 (OR10AG1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101538 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AG1 (OR10AG1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88715 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AG1 (OR10AG1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85088 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AG1 (OR10AG1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95138 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AG1 (OR10AG1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80119 |
Olfactory Receptor 10AG1 (OR10AG1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70307 |
Olfactory Receptor 10C1 (OR10C1) ELISA Kit (OR10G2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75247 |
Olfactory Receptor 10C1 (OR10C1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107770 |
Olfactory Receptor 10C1 (OR10C1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114450 |
Olfactory Receptor 10C1 (OR10C1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101539 |
Olfactory Receptor 10C1 (OR10C1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88716 |
Olfactory Receptor 10C1 (OR10C1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85089 |
Olfactory Receptor 10C1 (OR10C1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95139 |
Olfactory Receptor 10C1 (OR10C1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80120 |
Olfactory Receptor 10C1 (OR10C1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70308 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G2 (OR10G2) ELISA Kit (OR10G3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75248 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G2 (OR10G2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107771 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G2 (OR10G2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114451 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G2 (OR10G2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101540 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G2 (OR10G2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88717 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G2 (OR10G2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85090 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G2 (OR10G2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95140 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G2 (OR10G2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80121 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G2 (OR10G2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70309 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G3 (OR10G3) ELISA Kit (OR10G4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75249 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G3 (OR10G3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107772 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G3 (OR10G3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114452 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G3 (OR10G3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101541 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G3 (OR10G3) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88718 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G3 (OR10G3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85091 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G3 (OR10G3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95141 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G3 (OR10G3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80122 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G3 (OR10G3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70310 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G4 (OR10G4) ELISA Kit (OR10G6), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75250 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G4 (OR10G4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107773 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G4 (OR10G4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114453 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G4 (OR10G4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101542 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G4 (OR10G4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88719 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G4 (OR10G4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85092 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G4 (OR10G4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95142 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G4 (OR10G4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80123 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G4 (OR10G4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70311 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G6 (OR10G6) ELISA Kit (OR10G7), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75251 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G6 (OR10G6) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107774 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G6 (OR10G6) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114454 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G6 (OR10G6) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101543 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G6 (OR10G6) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88720 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G6 (OR10G6) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85093 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G6 (OR10G6) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95143 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G6 (OR10G6) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80124 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G6 (OR10G6) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70312 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G7 (OR10G7) ELISA Kit (OR10G8), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75252 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G7 (OR10G7) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107775 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G7 (OR10G7) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114455 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G7 (OR10G7) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101544 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G7 (OR10G7) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88721 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G7 (OR10G7) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85094 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G7 (OR10G7) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95144 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G7 (OR10G7) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80125 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G7 (OR10G7) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70313 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G8 (OR10G8) ELISA Kit (OR10G9), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75253 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G8 (OR10G8) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107776 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G8 (OR10G8) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114456 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G8 (OR10G8) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101545 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G8 (OR10G8) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88722 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G8 (OR10G8) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85095 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G8 (OR10G8) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95145 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G8 (OR10G8) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80126 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G8 (OR10G8) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70314 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G9 (OR10G9) ELISA Kit (OR10H1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75254 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G9 (OR10G9) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107777 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G9 (OR10G9) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114457 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G9 (OR10G9) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101546 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G9 (OR10G9) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88723 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G9 (OR10G9) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85096 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G9 (OR10G9) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95146 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G9 (OR10G9) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80127 |
Olfactory Receptor 10G9 (OR10G9) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70315 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H1 (OR10H1) ELISA Kit (OR10H2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75255 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H1 (OR10H1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107778 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H1 (OR10H1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114458 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H1 (OR10H1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101547 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H1 (OR10H1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88724 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H1 (OR10H1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85097 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H1 (OR10H1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95147 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H1 (OR10H1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80128 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H1 (OR10H1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70316 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H2 (OR10H2) ELISA Kit (OR10H3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75256 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H2 (OR10H2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107779 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H2 (OR10H2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114459 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H2 (OR10H2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101548 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H2 (OR10H2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88725 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H2 (OR10H2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85098 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H2 (OR10H2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95148 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H2 (OR10H2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80129 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H2 (OR10H2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70317 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H3 (OR10H3) ELISA Kit (OR10H4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75257 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H3 (OR10H3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107780 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H3 (OR10H3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114460 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H3 (OR10H3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101549 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H3 (OR10H3) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88726 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H3 (OR10H3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85099 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H3 (OR10H3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95149 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H3 (OR10H3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80130 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H3 (OR10H3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70318 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H4 (OR10H4) ELISA Kit (OR10H5), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75258 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H4 (OR10H4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107781 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H4 (OR10H4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114461 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H4 (OR10H4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101550 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H4 (OR10H4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88727 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H4 (OR10H4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85100 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H4 (OR10H4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95150 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H4 (OR10H4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80131 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H4 (OR10H4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70319 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H5 (OR10H5) ELISA Kit (OR10J1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75259 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H5 (OR10H5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107782 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H5 (OR10H5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114462 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H5 (OR10H5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101551 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H5 (OR10H5) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88728 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H5 (OR10H5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85101 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H5 (OR10H5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95151 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H5 (OR10H5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80132 |
Olfactory Receptor 10H5 (OR10H5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70320 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J1 (OR10J1) ELISA Kit (OR10J3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75260 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J1 (OR10J1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107783 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J1 (OR10J1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114463 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J1 (OR10J1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101552 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J1 (OR10J1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88729 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J1 (OR10J1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85102 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J1 (OR10J1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95152 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J1 (OR10J1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80133 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J1 (OR10J1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70321 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J3 (OR10J3) ELISA Kit (OR10J5), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75261 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J3 (OR10J3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107784 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J3 (OR10J3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114464 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J3 (OR10J3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101553 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J3 (OR10J3) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88730 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J3 (OR10J3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85103 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J3 (OR10J3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95153 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J3 (OR10J3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80134 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J3 (OR10J3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70322 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J5 (OR10J5) ELISA Kit (OR10K1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75262 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J5 (OR10J5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107785 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J5 (OR10J5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114465 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J5 (OR10J5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101554 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J5 (OR10J5) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88731 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J5 (OR10J5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85104 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J5 (OR10J5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95154 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J5 (OR10J5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80135 |
Olfactory Receptor 10J5 (OR10J5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70323 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K1 (OR10K1) ELISA Kit (OR10K2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75263 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K1 (OR10K1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107786 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K1 (OR10K1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114466 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K1 (OR10K1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101555 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K1 (OR10K1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88732 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K1 (OR10K1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85105 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K1 (OR10K1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95155 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K1 (OR10K1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80136 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K1 (OR10K1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70324 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K2 (OR10K2) ELISA Kit (OR10P1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75264 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K2 (OR10K2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107787 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K2 (OR10K2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114467 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K2 (OR10K2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101556 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K2 (OR10K2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88733 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K2 (OR10K2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85106 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K2 (OR10K2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95156 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K2 (OR10K2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80137 |
Olfactory Receptor 10K2 (OR10K2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70325 |
Olfactory Receptor 10P1 (OR10P1) ELISA Kit (OR10Q1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75265 |
Olfactory Receptor 10P1 (OR10P1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107788 |
Olfactory Receptor 10P1 (OR10P1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114468 |
Olfactory Receptor 10P1 (OR10P1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101557 |
Olfactory Receptor 10P1 (OR10P1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88734 |
Olfactory Receptor 10P1 (OR10P1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85107 |
Olfactory Receptor 10P1 (OR10P1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95157 |
Olfactory Receptor 10P1 (OR10P1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80138 |
Olfactory Receptor 10P1 (OR10P1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70326 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Q1 (OR10Q1) ELISA Kit (OR10R2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75266 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Q1 (OR10Q1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107789 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Q1 (OR10Q1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114469 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Q1 (OR10Q1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101558 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Q1 (OR10Q1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88735 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Q1 (OR10Q1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85108 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Q1 (OR10Q1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95158 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Q1 (OR10Q1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80139 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Q1 (OR10Q1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70327 |
Olfactory Receptor 10R2 (OR10R2) ELISA Kit (OR10S1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75267 |
Olfactory Receptor 10R2 (OR10R2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107790 |
Olfactory Receptor 10R2 (OR10R2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114470 |
Olfactory Receptor 10R2 (OR10R2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101559 |
Olfactory Receptor 10R2 (OR10R2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88736 |
Olfactory Receptor 10R2 (OR10R2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85109 |
Olfactory Receptor 10R2 (OR10R2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95159 |
Olfactory Receptor 10R2 (OR10R2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80140 |
Olfactory Receptor 10R2 (OR10R2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70328 |
Olfactory Receptor 10S1 (OR10S1) ELISA Kit (OR10T2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75268 |
Olfactory Receptor 10S1 (OR10S1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107791 |
Olfactory Receptor 10S1 (OR10S1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114471 |
Olfactory Receptor 10S1 (OR10S1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101560 |
Olfactory Receptor 10S1 (OR10S1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88737 |
Olfactory Receptor 10S1 (OR10S1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85110 |
Olfactory Receptor 10S1 (OR10S1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95160 |
Olfactory Receptor 10S1 (OR10S1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80141 |
Olfactory Receptor 10S1 (OR10S1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70329 |
Olfactory Receptor 10T2 (OR10T2) ELISA Kit (OR10V1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75269 |
Olfactory Receptor 10T2 (OR10T2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107792 |
Olfactory Receptor 10T2 (OR10T2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114472 |
Olfactory Receptor 10T2 (OR10T2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101561 |
Olfactory Receptor 10T2 (OR10T2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88738 |
Olfactory Receptor 10T2 (OR10T2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85111 |
Olfactory Receptor 10T2 (OR10T2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95161 |
Olfactory Receptor 10T2 (OR10T2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80142 |
Olfactory Receptor 10T2 (OR10T2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70330 |
Olfactory Receptor 10V1 (OR10V1) ELISA Kit (OR10W1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75270 |
Olfactory Receptor 10V1 (OR10V1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107793 |
Olfactory Receptor 10V1 (OR10V1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114473 |
Olfactory Receptor 10V1 (OR10V1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101562 |
Olfactory Receptor 10V1 (OR10V1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88739 |
Olfactory Receptor 10V1 (OR10V1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85112 |
Olfactory Receptor 10V1 (OR10V1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95162 |
Olfactory Receptor 10V1 (OR10V1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80143 |
Olfactory Receptor 10V1 (OR10V1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70331 |
Olfactory Receptor 10W1 (OR10W1) ELISA Kit (OR10X1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75271 |
Olfactory Receptor 10W1 (OR10W1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107794 |
Olfactory Receptor 10W1 (OR10W1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114474 |
Olfactory Receptor 10W1 (OR10W1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101563 |
Olfactory Receptor 10W1 (OR10W1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88740 |
Olfactory Receptor 10W1 (OR10W1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85113 |
Olfactory Receptor 10W1 (OR10W1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95163 |
Olfactory Receptor 10W1 (OR10W1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80144 |
Olfactory Receptor 10W1 (OR10W1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70332 |
Olfactory Receptor 10X1 (OR10X1) ELISA Kit (OR10Z1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75272 |
Olfactory Receptor 10X1 (OR10X1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107795 |
Olfactory Receptor 10X1 (OR10X1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114475 |
Olfactory Receptor 10X1 (OR10X1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101564 |
Olfactory Receptor 10X1 (OR10X1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88741 |
Olfactory Receptor 10X1 (OR10X1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85114 |
Olfactory Receptor 10X1 (OR10X1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95164 |
Olfactory Receptor 10X1 (OR10X1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80145 |
Olfactory Receptor 10X1 (OR10X1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70333 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Z1 (OR10Z1) ELISA Kit (OR11A1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75273 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Z1 (OR10Z1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107796 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Z1 (OR10Z1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114476 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Z1 (OR10Z1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101565 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Z1 (OR10Z1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88742 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Z1 (OR10Z1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85115 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Z1 (OR10Z1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95165 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Z1 (OR10Z1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80146 |
Olfactory Receptor 10Z1 (OR10Z1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70334 |
Olfactory Receptor 11A1 (OR11A1) ELISA Kit (OR11G2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75274 |
Olfactory Receptor 11A1 (OR11A1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107797 |
Olfactory Receptor 11A1 (OR11A1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114477 |
Olfactory Receptor 11A1 (OR11A1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101566 |
Olfactory Receptor 11A1 (OR11A1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88743 |
Olfactory Receptor 11A1 (OR11A1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85116 |
Olfactory Receptor 11A1 (OR11A1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95166 |
Olfactory Receptor 11A1 (OR11A1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80147 |
Olfactory Receptor 11A1 (OR11A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70335 |
Olfactory Receptor 11G2 (OR11G2) ELISA Kit (OR11H1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75275 |
Olfactory Receptor 11G2 (OR11G2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107798 |
Olfactory Receptor 11G2 (OR11G2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114478 |
Olfactory Receptor 11G2 (OR11G2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101567 |
Olfactory Receptor 11G2 (OR11G2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88744 |
Olfactory Receptor 11G2 (OR11G2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85117 |
Olfactory Receptor 11G2 (OR11G2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95167 |
Olfactory Receptor 11G2 (OR11G2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80148 |
Olfactory Receptor 11G2 (OR11G2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70336 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H1 (OR11H1) ELISA Kit (OR11H12), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75276 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H1 (OR11H1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107799 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H1 (OR11H1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114479 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H1 (OR11H1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101568 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H1 (OR11H1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88745 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H1 (OR11H1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85118 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H1 (OR11H1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95168 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H1 (OR11H1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80149 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H1 (OR11H1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70337 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H12 (OR11H12) ELISA Kit (OR11H2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75277 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H12 (OR11H12) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107800 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H12 (OR11H12) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114480 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H12 (OR11H12) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101569 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H12 (OR11H12) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88746 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H12 (OR11H12) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85119 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H12 (OR11H12) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95169 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H12 (OR11H12) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80150 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H12 (OR11H12) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70338 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H2 (OR11H2) ELISA Kit (OR11H4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75278 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H2 (OR11H2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107801 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H2 (OR11H2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114481 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H2 (OR11H2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101570 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H2 (OR11H2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88747 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H2 (OR11H2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85120 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H2 (OR11H2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95170 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H2 (OR11H2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80151 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H2 (OR11H2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70339 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H4 (OR11H4) ELISA Kit (OR11H6), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75279 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H4 (OR11H4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107802 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H4 (OR11H4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114482 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H4 (OR11H4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101571 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H4 (OR11H4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88748 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H4 (OR11H4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85121 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H4 (OR11H4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95171 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H4 (OR11H4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80152 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H4 (OR11H4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70340 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H6 (OR11H6) ELISA Kit (OR11L1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75280 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H6 (OR11H6) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107803 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H6 (OR11H6) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114483 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H6 (OR11H6) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101572 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H6 (OR11H6) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88749 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H6 (OR11H6) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85122 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H6 (OR11H6) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95172 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H6 (OR11H6) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80153 |
Olfactory Receptor 11H6 (OR11H6) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70341 |
Olfactory Receptor 11L1 (OR11L1) ELISA Kit (OR12D2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75281 |
Olfactory Receptor 11L1 (OR11L1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107804 |
Olfactory Receptor 11L1 (OR11L1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114484 |
Olfactory Receptor 11L1 (OR11L1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101573 |
Olfactory Receptor 11L1 (OR11L1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88750 |
Olfactory Receptor 11L1 (OR11L1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85123 |
Olfactory Receptor 11L1 (OR11L1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95173 |
Olfactory Receptor 11L1 (OR11L1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80154 |
Olfactory Receptor 11L1 (OR11L1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70342 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D2 (OR12D2) ELISA Kit (OR12D3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75282 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D2 (OR12D2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107805 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D2 (OR12D2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114485 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D2 (OR12D2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101574 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D2 (OR12D2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88751 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D2 (OR12D2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85124 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D2 (OR12D2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95174 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D2 (OR12D2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80155 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D2 (OR12D2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70343 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D3 (OR12D3) ELISA Kit (OR13A1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75283 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D3 (OR12D3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107806 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D3 (OR12D3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114486 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D3 (OR12D3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101575 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D3 (OR12D3) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88752 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D3 (OR12D3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85125 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D3 (OR12D3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95175 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D3 (OR12D3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80156 |
Olfactory Receptor 12D3 (OR12D3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70344 |
Olfactory Receptor 13A1 (OR13A1) ELISA Kit (OR13C2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75284 |
Olfactory Receptor 13A1 (OR13A1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107807 |
Olfactory Receptor 13A1 (OR13A1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114487 |
Olfactory Receptor 13A1 (OR13A1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101576 |
Olfactory Receptor 13A1 (OR13A1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88753 |
Olfactory Receptor 13A1 (OR13A1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85126 |
Olfactory Receptor 13A1 (OR13A1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95176 |
Olfactory Receptor 13A1 (OR13A1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80157 |
Olfactory Receptor 13A1 (OR13A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70345 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C2 (OR13C2) ELISA Kit (OR13C3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75285 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C2 (OR13C2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107808 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C2 (OR13C2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114488 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C2 (OR13C2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101577 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C2 (OR13C2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88754 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C2 (OR13C2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85127 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C2 (OR13C2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95177 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C2 (OR13C2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80158 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C2 (OR13C2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70346 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C3 (OR13C3) ELISA Kit (OR13C4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75286 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C3 (OR13C3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107809 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C3 (OR13C3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114489 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C3 (OR13C3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101578 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C3 (OR13C3) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88755 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C3 (OR13C3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85128 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C3 (OR13C3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95178 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C3 (OR13C3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80159 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C3 (OR13C3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70347 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C4 (OR13C4) ELISA Kit (OR13C5), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75287 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C4 (OR13C4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107810 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C4 (OR13C4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114490 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C4 (OR13C4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101579 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C4 (OR13C4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88756 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C4 (OR13C4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85129 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C4 (OR13C4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95179 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C4 (OR13C4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80160 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C4 (OR13C4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70348 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C5 (OR13C5) ELISA Kit (OR13C8), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75288 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C5 (OR13C5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107811 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C5 (OR13C5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114491 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C5 (OR13C5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101580 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C5 (OR13C5) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88757 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C5 (OR13C5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85130 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C5 (OR13C5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95180 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C5 (OR13C5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80161 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C5 (OR13C5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70349 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C8 (OR13C8) ELISA Kit (OR13C9), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75289 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C8 (OR13C8) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107812 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C8 (OR13C8) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114492 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C8 (OR13C8) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101581 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C8 (OR13C8) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88758 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C8 (OR13C8) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85131 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C8 (OR13C8) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95181 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C8 (OR13C8) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80162 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C8 (OR13C8) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70350 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C9 (OR13C9) ELISA Kit (OR13D1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75290 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C9 (OR13C9) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107813 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C9 (OR13C9) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114493 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C9 (OR13C9) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101582 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C9 (OR13C9) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88759 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C9 (OR13C9) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85132 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C9 (OR13C9) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95182 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C9 (OR13C9) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80163 |
Olfactory Receptor 13C9 (OR13C9) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70351 |
Olfactory Receptor 13D1 (OR13D1) ELISA Kit (OR13F1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75291 |
Olfactory Receptor 13D1 (OR13D1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107814 |
Olfactory Receptor 13D1 (OR13D1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114494 |
Olfactory Receptor 13D1 (OR13D1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101583 |
Olfactory Receptor 13D1 (OR13D1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88760 |
Olfactory Receptor 13D1 (OR13D1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85133 |
Olfactory Receptor 13D1 (OR13D1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95183 |
Olfactory Receptor 13D1 (OR13D1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80164 |
Olfactory Receptor 13D1 (OR13D1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70352 |
Olfactory Receptor 13F1 (OR13F1) ELISA Kit (OR13G1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75292 |
Olfactory Receptor 13F1 (OR13F1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107815 |
Olfactory Receptor 13F1 (OR13F1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114495 |
Olfactory Receptor 13F1 (OR13F1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101584 |
Olfactory Receptor 13F1 (OR13F1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88761 |
Olfactory Receptor 13F1 (OR13F1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85134 |
Olfactory Receptor 13F1 (OR13F1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95184 |
Olfactory Receptor 13F1 (OR13F1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80165 |
Olfactory Receptor 13F1 (OR13F1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70353 |
Olfactory Receptor 13G1 (OR13G1) ELISA Kit (OR13H1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75293 |
Olfactory Receptor 13G1 (OR13G1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107816 |
Olfactory Receptor 13G1 (OR13G1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114496 |
Olfactory Receptor 13G1 (OR13G1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101585 |
Olfactory Receptor 13G1 (OR13G1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88762 |
Olfactory Receptor 13G1 (OR13G1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85135 |
Olfactory Receptor 13G1 (OR13G1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95185 |
Olfactory Receptor 13G1 (OR13G1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80166 |
Olfactory Receptor 13G1 (OR13G1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70354 |
Olfactory Receptor 13H1 (OR13H1) ELISA Kit (OR13J1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75294 |
Olfactory Receptor 13H1 (OR13H1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107817 |
Olfactory Receptor 13H1 (OR13H1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114497 |
Olfactory Receptor 13H1 (OR13H1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101586 |
Olfactory Receptor 13H1 (OR13H1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88763 |
Olfactory Receptor 13H1 (OR13H1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85136 |
Olfactory Receptor 13H1 (OR13H1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95186 |
Olfactory Receptor 13H1 (OR13H1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80167 |
Olfactory Receptor 13H1 (OR13H1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70355 |
Olfactory Receptor 13J1 (OR13J1) ELISA Kit (OR14A16), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75295 |
Olfactory Receptor 13J1 (OR13J1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107818 |
Olfactory Receptor 13J1 (OR13J1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114498 |
Olfactory Receptor 13J1 (OR13J1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101587 |
Olfactory Receptor 13J1 (OR13J1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88764 |
Olfactory Receptor 13J1 (OR13J1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85137 |
Olfactory Receptor 13J1 (OR13J1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95187 |
Olfactory Receptor 13J1 (OR13J1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80168 |
Olfactory Receptor 13J1 (OR13J1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70356 |
Olfactory Receptor 14A16 (OR14A16) ELISA Kit (OR14C36), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75296 |
Olfactory Receptor 14A16 (OR14A16) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107819 |
Olfactory Receptor 14A16 (OR14A16) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114499 |
Olfactory Receptor 14A16 (OR14A16) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101588 |
Olfactory Receptor 14A16 (OR14A16) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88765 |
Olfactory Receptor 14A16 (OR14A16) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85138 |
Olfactory Receptor 14A16 (OR14A16) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95188 |
Olfactory Receptor 14A16 (OR14A16) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80169 |
Olfactory Receptor 14A16 (OR14A16) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70357 |
Olfactory Receptor 14C36 (OR14C36) ELISA Kit (OR14I1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75297 |
Olfactory Receptor 14C36 (OR14C36) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107820 |
Olfactory Receptor 14C36 (OR14C36) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114500 |
Olfactory Receptor 14C36 (OR14C36) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101589 |
Olfactory Receptor 14C36 (OR14C36) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88766 |
Olfactory Receptor 14C36 (OR14C36) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85139 |
Olfactory Receptor 14C36 (OR14C36) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95189 |
Olfactory Receptor 14C36 (OR14C36) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80170 |
Olfactory Receptor 14C36 (OR14C36) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70358 |
Olfactory Receptor 14I1 (OR14I1) ELISA Kit (OR14J1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75298 |
Olfactory Receptor 14I1 (OR14I1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107821 |
Olfactory Receptor 14I1 (OR14I1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114501 |
Olfactory Receptor 14I1 (OR14I1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101590 |
Olfactory Receptor 14I1 (OR14I1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88767 |
Olfactory Receptor 14I1 (OR14I1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85140 |
Olfactory Receptor 14I1 (OR14I1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95190 |
Olfactory Receptor 14I1 (OR14I1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80171 |
Olfactory Receptor 14I1 (OR14I1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70359 |
Olfactory Receptor 14J1 (OR14J1) ELISA Kit (OR5AY1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75299 |
Olfactory Receptor 14J1 (OR14J1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107822 |
Olfactory Receptor 14J1 (OR14J1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114502 |
Olfactory Receptor 14J1 (OR14J1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101591 |
Olfactory Receptor 14J1 (OR14J1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88768 |
Olfactory Receptor 14J1 (OR14J1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85141 |
Olfactory Receptor 14J1 (OR14J1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95191 |
Olfactory Receptor 14J1 (OR14J1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80172 |
Olfactory Receptor 14J1 (OR14J1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70360 |
Olfactory Receptor 14K1 (OR5AY1) ELISA Kit (OR1A1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75300 |
Olfactory Receptor 14K1 (OR5AY1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107823 |
Olfactory Receptor 14K1 (OR5AY1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114503 |
Olfactory Receptor 14K1 (OR5AY1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101592 |
Olfactory Receptor 14K1 (OR5AY1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88769 |
Olfactory Receptor 14K1 (OR5AY1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85142 |
Olfactory Receptor 14K1 (OR5AY1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95192 |
Olfactory Receptor 14K1 (OR5AY1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80173 |
Olfactory Receptor 14K1 (OR5AY1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70361 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A1 (OR1A1) ELISA Kit (OR1A2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75301 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A1 (OR1A1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107824 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A1 (OR1A1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114504 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A1 (OR1A1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101593 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A1 (OR1A1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88770 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A1 (OR1A1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85143 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A1 (OR1A1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95193 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A1 (OR1A1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80174 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A1 (OR1A1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70362 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A2 (OR1A2) ELISA Kit (OR1B1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75302 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A2 (OR1A2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107825 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A2 (OR1A2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114505 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A2 (OR1A2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101594 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A2 (OR1A2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88771 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A2 (OR1A2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85144 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A2 (OR1A2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95194 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A2 (OR1A2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80175 |
Olfactory Receptor 1A2 (OR1A2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70363 |
Olfactory Receptor 1B1 (OR1B1) ELISA Kit (OR1C1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75303 |
Olfactory Receptor 1B1 (OR1B1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107826 |
Olfactory Receptor 1B1 (OR1B1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114506 |
Olfactory Receptor 1B1 (OR1B1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101595 |
Olfactory Receptor 1B1 (OR1B1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88772 |
Olfactory Receptor 1B1 (OR1B1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85145 |
Olfactory Receptor 1B1 (OR1B1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95195 |
Olfactory Receptor 1B1 (OR1B1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80176 |
Olfactory Receptor 1B1 (OR1B1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70364 |
Olfactory Receptor 1C1 (OR1C1) ELISA Kit (OR1D2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75304 |
Olfactory Receptor 1C1 (OR1C1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107827 |
Olfactory Receptor 1C1 (OR1C1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114507 |
Olfactory Receptor 1C1 (OR1C1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101596 |
Olfactory Receptor 1C1 (OR1C1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88773 |
Olfactory Receptor 1C1 (OR1C1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85146 |
Olfactory Receptor 1C1 (OR1C1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95196 |
Olfactory Receptor 1C1 (OR1C1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80177 |
Olfactory Receptor 1C1 (OR1C1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70365 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D2 (OR1D2) ELISA Kit (OR1D4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75305 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D2 (OR1D2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107828 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D2 (OR1D2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114508 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D2 (OR1D2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101597 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D2 (OR1D2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88774 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D2 (OR1D2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85147 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D2 (OR1D2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95197 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D2 (OR1D2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80178 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D2 (OR1D2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70366 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D4 (OR1D4) ELISA Kit (OR1D5), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75306 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D4 (OR1D4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107829 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D4 (OR1D4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114509 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D4 (OR1D4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101598 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D4 (OR1D4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88775 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D4 (OR1D4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85148 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D4 (OR1D4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95198 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D4 (OR1D4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80179 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D4 (OR1D4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70367 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D5 (OR1D5) ELISA Kit (OR1E1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75307 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D5 (OR1D5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107830 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D5 (OR1D5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114510 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D5 (OR1D5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101599 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D5 (OR1D5) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88776 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D5 (OR1D5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85149 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D5 (OR1D5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95199 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D5 (OR1D5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80180 |
Olfactory Receptor 1D5 (OR1D5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70368 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E1 (OR1E1) ELISA Kit (OR1E2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75308 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E1 (OR1E1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107831 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E1 (OR1E1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114511 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E1 (OR1E1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101600 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E1 (OR1E1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88777 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E1 (OR1E1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85150 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E1 (OR1E1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95200 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E1 (OR1E1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80181 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E1 (OR1E1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70369 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E2 (OR1E2) ELISA Kit (OR1F1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75309 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E2 (OR1E2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107832 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E2 (OR1E2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114512 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E2 (OR1E2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101601 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E2 (OR1E2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88778 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E2 (OR1E2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85151 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E2 (OR1E2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95201 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E2 (OR1E2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80182 |
Olfactory Receptor 1E2 (OR1E2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70370 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F1 (OR1F1) ELISA Kit (OR1F12P), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75310 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F1 (OR1F1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107833 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F1 (OR1F1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114513 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F1 (OR1F1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101602 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F1 (OR1F1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88779 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F1 (OR1F1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85152 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F1 (OR1F1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95202 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F1 (OR1F1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80183 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F1 (OR1F1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70371 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F12 (OR1F12P) ELISA Kit (OR1G1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75311 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F12 (OR1F12P) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107834 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F12 (OR1F12P) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114514 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F12 (OR1F12P) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101603 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F12 (OR1F12P) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88780 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F12 (OR1F12P) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85153 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F12 (OR1F12P) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95203 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F12 (OR1F12P) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80184 |
Olfactory Receptor 1F12 (OR1F12P) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70372 |
Olfactory Receptor 1G1 (OR1G1) ELISA Kit (OR1I1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75312 |
Olfactory Receptor 1G1 (OR1G1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107835 |
Olfactory Receptor 1G1 (OR1G1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114515 |
Olfactory Receptor 1G1 (OR1G1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101604 |
Olfactory Receptor 1G1 (OR1G1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88781 |
Olfactory Receptor 1G1 (OR1G1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85154 |
Olfactory Receptor 1G1 (OR1G1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95204 |
Olfactory Receptor 1G1 (OR1G1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80185 |
Olfactory Receptor 1G1 (OR1G1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70373 |
Olfactory Receptor 1I1 (OR1I1) ELISA Kit (OR1J1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75313 |
Olfactory Receptor 1I1 (OR1I1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107836 |
Olfactory Receptor 1I1 (OR1I1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114516 |
Olfactory Receptor 1I1 (OR1I1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101605 |
Olfactory Receptor 1I1 (OR1I1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88782 |
Olfactory Receptor 1I1 (OR1I1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85155 |
Olfactory Receptor 1I1 (OR1I1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95205 |
Olfactory Receptor 1I1 (OR1I1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80186 |
Olfactory Receptor 1I1 (OR1I1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70374 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J1 (OR1J1) ELISA Kit (OR1J2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75314 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J1 (OR1J1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107837 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J1 (OR1J1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114517 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J1 (OR1J1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101606 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J1 (OR1J1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88783 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J1 (OR1J1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85156 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J1 (OR1J1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95206 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J1 (OR1J1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80187 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J1 (OR1J1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70375 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J2 (OR1J2) ELISA Kit (OR1J4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75315 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J2 (OR1J2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107838 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J2 (OR1J2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114518 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J2 (OR1J2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101607 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J2 (OR1J2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88784 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J2 (OR1J2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85157 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J2 (OR1J2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95207 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J2 (OR1J2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80188 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J2 (OR1J2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70376 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J4 (OR1J4) ELISA Kit (OR1K1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75316 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J4 (OR1J4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107839 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J4 (OR1J4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114519 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J4 (OR1J4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101608 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J4 (OR1J4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88785 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J4 (OR1J4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85158 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J4 (OR1J4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95208 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J4 (OR1J4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80189 |
Olfactory Receptor 1J4 (OR1J4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70377 |
Olfactory Receptor 1K1 (OR1K1) ELISA Kit (OR1L1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75317 |
Olfactory Receptor 1K1 (OR1K1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107840 |
Olfactory Receptor 1K1 (OR1K1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114520 |
Olfactory Receptor 1K1 (OR1K1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101609 |
Olfactory Receptor 1K1 (OR1K1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88786 |
Olfactory Receptor 1K1 (OR1K1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85159 |
Olfactory Receptor 1K1 (OR1K1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95209 |
Olfactory Receptor 1K1 (OR1K1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80190 |
Olfactory Receptor 1K1 (OR1K1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70378 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L1 (OR1L1) ELISA Kit (OR1L3), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75318 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L1 (OR1L1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107841 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L1 (OR1L1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114521 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L1 (OR1L1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101610 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L1 (OR1L1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88787 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L1 (OR1L1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85160 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L1 (OR1L1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95210 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L1 (OR1L1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80191 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L1 (OR1L1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70379 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L3 (OR1L3) ELISA Kit (OR1L4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75319 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L3 (OR1L3) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107842 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L3 (OR1L3) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114522 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L3 (OR1L3) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101611 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L3 (OR1L3) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88788 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L3 (OR1L3) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85161 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L3 (OR1L3) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95211 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L3 (OR1L3) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80192 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L3 (OR1L3) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70380 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L4 (OR1L4) ELISA Kit (OR1L6), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75320 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L4 (OR1L4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107843 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L4 (OR1L4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114523 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L4 (OR1L4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101612 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L4 (OR1L4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88789 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L4 (OR1L4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85162 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L4 (OR1L4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95212 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L4 (OR1L4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80193 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L4 (OR1L4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70381 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L6 (OR1L6) ELISA Kit (OR1L8), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75321 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L6 (OR1L6) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107844 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L6 (OR1L6) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114524 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L6 (OR1L6) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101613 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L6 (OR1L6) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88790 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L6 (OR1L6) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85163 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L6 (OR1L6) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95213 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L6 (OR1L6) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80194 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L6 (OR1L6) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70382 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L8 (OR1L8) ELISA Kit (OR1M1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75322 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L8 (OR1L8) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107845 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L8 (OR1L8) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114525 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L8 (OR1L8) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101614 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L8 (OR1L8) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88791 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L8 (OR1L8) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85164 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L8 (OR1L8) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95214 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L8 (OR1L8) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80195 |
Olfactory Receptor 1L8 (OR1L8) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70383 |
Olfactory Receptor 1M1 (OR1M1) ELISA Kit (OR1N1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75323 |
Olfactory Receptor 1M1 (OR1M1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107846 |
Olfactory Receptor 1M1 (OR1M1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114526 |
Olfactory Receptor 1M1 (OR1M1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101615 |
Olfactory Receptor 1M1 (OR1M1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88792 |
Olfactory Receptor 1M1 (OR1M1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85165 |
Olfactory Receptor 1M1 (OR1M1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95215 |
Olfactory Receptor 1M1 (OR1M1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80196 |
Olfactory Receptor 1M1 (OR1M1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70384 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N1 (OR1N1) ELISA Kit (OR1N2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75324 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N1 (OR1N1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107847 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N1 (OR1N1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114527 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N1 (OR1N1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101616 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N1 (OR1N1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88793 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N1 (OR1N1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85166 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N1 (OR1N1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95216 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N1 (OR1N1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80197 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N1 (OR1N1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70385 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N2 (OR1N2) ELISA Kit (OR1Q1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75325 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N2 (OR1N2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107848 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N2 (OR1N2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114528 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N2 (OR1N2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101617 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N2 (OR1N2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88794 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N2 (OR1N2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85167 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N2 (OR1N2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95217 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N2 (OR1N2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80198 |
Olfactory Receptor 1N2 (OR1N2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70386 |
Olfactory Receptor 1Q1 (OR1Q1) ELISA Kit (OR1S1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75326 |
Olfactory Receptor 1Q1 (OR1Q1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107849 |
Olfactory Receptor 1Q1 (OR1Q1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114529 |
Olfactory Receptor 1Q1 (OR1Q1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101618 |
Olfactory Receptor 1Q1 (OR1Q1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88795 |
Olfactory Receptor 1Q1 (OR1Q1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85168 |
Olfactory Receptor 1Q1 (OR1Q1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95218 |
Olfactory Receptor 1Q1 (OR1Q1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80199 |
Olfactory Receptor 1Q1 (OR1Q1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70387 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S1 (OR1S1) ELISA Kit (OR1S2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75327 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S1 (OR1S1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107850 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S1 (OR1S1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114530 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S1 (OR1S1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101619 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S1 (OR1S1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88796 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S1 (OR1S1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85169 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S1 (OR1S1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95219 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S1 (OR1S1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80200 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S1 (OR1S1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70388 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S2 (OR1S2) ELISA Kit (OR2A12), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75328 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S2 (OR1S2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107851 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S2 (OR1S2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114531 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S2 (OR1S2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101620 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S2 (OR1S2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88797 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S2 (OR1S2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85170 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S2 (OR1S2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95220 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S2 (OR1S2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80201 |
Olfactory Receptor 1S2 (OR1S2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70389 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A12 (OR2A12) ELISA Kit (OR2A14), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75329 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A12 (OR2A12) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107852 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A12 (OR2A12) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114532 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A12 (OR2A12) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101621 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A12 (OR2A12) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88798 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A12 (OR2A12) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85171 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A12 (OR2A12) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95221 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A12 (OR2A12) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80202 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A12 (OR2A12) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70390 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A14 (OR2A14) ELISA Kit (OR2A2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75330 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A14 (OR2A14) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107853 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A14 (OR2A14) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114533 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A14 (OR2A14) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101622 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A14 (OR2A14) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88799 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A14 (OR2A14) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85172 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A14 (OR2A14) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95222 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A14 (OR2A14) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80203 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A14 (OR2A14) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70391 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A2 (OR2A2) ELISA Kit (OR2A25), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75331 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A2 (OR2A2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107854 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A2 (OR2A2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114534 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A2 (OR2A2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101623 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A2 (OR2A2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88800 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A2 (OR2A2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85173 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A2 (OR2A2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95223 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A2 (OR2A2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80204 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A2 (OR2A2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70392 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A25 (OR2A25) ELISA Kit (OR2A4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75332 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A25 (OR2A25) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107855 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A25 (OR2A25) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114535 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A25 (OR2A25) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101624 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A25 (OR2A25) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88801 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A25 (OR2A25) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85174 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A25 (OR2A25) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95224 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A25 (OR2A25) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80205 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A25 (OR2A25) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70393 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A4 (OR2A4) ELISA Kit (OR2A5), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75333 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A4 (OR2A4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107856 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A4 (OR2A4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114536 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A4 (OR2A4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101625 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A4 (OR2A4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88802 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A4 (OR2A4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85175 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A4 (OR2A4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95225 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A4 (OR2A4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80206 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A4 (OR2A4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70394 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A5 (OR2A5) ELISA Kit (OR2A7), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75334 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A5 (OR2A5) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107857 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A5 (OR2A5) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114537 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A5 (OR2A5) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101626 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A5 (OR2A5) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88803 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A5 (OR2A5) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85176 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A5 (OR2A5) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95226 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A5 (OR2A5) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80207 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A5 (OR2A5) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70395 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A7 (OR2A7) ELISA Kit (R2AE1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75335 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A7 (OR2A7) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107858 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A7 (OR2A7) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114538 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A7 (OR2A7) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101627 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A7 (OR2A7) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88804 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A7 (OR2A7) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85177 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A7 (OR2A7) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95227 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A7 (OR2A7) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80208 |
Olfactory Receptor 2A7 (OR2A7) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70396 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AE1 (OR2AE1) ELISA Kit (OR2AG1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75336 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AE1 (OR2AE1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107859 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AE1 (OR2AE1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114539 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AE1 (OR2AE1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101628 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AE1 (OR2AE1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88805 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AE1 (OR2AE1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85178 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AE1 (OR2AE1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95228 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AE1 (OR2AE1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80209 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AE1 (OR2AE1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70397 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG1 (OR2AG1) ELISA Kit (OR2AG2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75337 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG1 (OR2AG1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107860 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG1 (OR2AG1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114540 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG1 (OR2AG1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101629 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG1 (OR2AG1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88806 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG1 (OR2AG1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85179 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG1 (OR2AG1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95229 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG1 (OR2AG1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80210 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG1 (OR2AG1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70398 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG2 (OR2AG2) ELISA Kit (OR2AJ1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75338 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG2 (OR2AG2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107861 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG2 (OR2AG2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114541 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG2 (OR2AG2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101630 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG2 (OR2AG2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88807 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG2 (OR2AG2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85180 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG2 (OR2AG2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95230 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG2 (OR2AG2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80211 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AG2 (OR2AG2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70399 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AJ1 (OR2AJ1) ELISA Kit (OR2AK2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75339 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AJ1 (OR2AJ1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107862 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AJ1 (OR2AJ1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114542 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AJ1 (OR2AJ1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101631 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AJ1 (OR2AJ1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88808 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AJ1 (OR2AJ1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85181 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AJ1 (OR2AJ1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95231 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AJ1 (OR2AJ1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80212 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AJ1 (OR2AJ1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70400 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AK2 (OR2AK2) ELISA Kit (OR2AP1), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75340 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AK2 (OR2AK2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107863 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AK2 (OR2AK2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114543 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AK2 (OR2AK2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101632 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AK2 (OR2AK2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88809 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AK2 (OR2AK2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85182 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AK2 (OR2AK2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95232 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AK2 (OR2AK2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80213 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AK2 (OR2AK2) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70401 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AP1 (OR2AP1) ELISA Kit (OR2AT4), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75341 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AP1 (OR2AP1) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107864 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AP1 (OR2AP1) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114544 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AP1 (OR2AP1) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101633 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AP1 (OR2AP1) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88810 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AP1 (OR2AP1) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85183 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AP1 (OR2AP1) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95233 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AP1 (OR2AP1) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80214 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AP1 (OR2AP1) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70402 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AT4 (OR2AT4) ELISA Kit (OR2B11), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75342 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AT4 (OR2AT4) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107865 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AT4 (OR2AT4) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114545 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AT4 (OR2AT4) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101634 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AT4 (OR2AT4) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88811 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AT4 (OR2AT4) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85184 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AT4 (OR2AT4) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95234 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AT4 (OR2AT4) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80215 |
Olfactory Receptor 2AT4 (OR2AT4) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70403 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B11 (OR2B11) ELISA Kit (OR2B2), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75343 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B11 (OR2B11) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107866 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B11 (OR2B11) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114546 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B11 (OR2B11) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101635 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B11 (OR2B11) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88812 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B11 (OR2B11) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85185 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B11 (OR2B11) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95235 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B11 (OR2B11) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80216 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B11 (OR2B11) ELISA Kit, Rat |
For quantitative detection in rat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-70404 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B2 (OR2B2) ELISA Kit (OR2B6), Mouse |
For quantitative detection in mouse samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-75344 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B2 (OR2B2) ELISA Kit, Bovine |
For quantitative detection in bovine samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-107867 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B2 (OR2B2) ELISA Kit, Chicken |
For quantitative detection in chicken samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-114547 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B2 (OR2B2) ELISA Kit, Dog |
For quantitative detection in dog samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-101636 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B2 (OR2B2) ELISA Kit, Goat |
For quantitative detection in goat samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-88813 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B2 (OR2B2) ELISA Kit, Guinea Pig |
For quantitative detection in guinea pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-85186 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B2 (OR2B2) ELISA Kit, Pig |
For quantitative detection in pig samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-95236 |
Olfactory Receptor 2B2 (OR2B2) ELISA Kit, Rabbit |
For quantitative detection in rabbit samples. |
(no photo available) |
96 tests |
$975 |
KT-80217 |