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You searched the KAMIYA Product Database
in the following product line(s): Research Assay Kits (Human)
with the interest area of: Stress Response

*Prices are subject to change without notice.
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Research Assay Kits (Human) - Stress Response
製品 使用目的 写真 価格* カタログ番号
8-iso-Prostaglandin F2alpha ELISA Kit, General Quantify 8-isoprostane in about 3 hours. Suitable for use with urine, plasma, serum, or cell lysates. 8-iso-PGF2alpha included as positive control  (no photo available) 96 assays $675 KT-923
8-OHdG DNA Damage ELISA, General Detect as little as 100 pg/mL of 8-OHdG. Suitable for use with serum, urine, cells, or tissues. 8-OHdG standard included.  (no photo available) 96 assays $1,013 KT-977
Activator of 90 kDa heat shock protein ATPase homolog 1 (AHSA1) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL001483HU
Advanced Glycation End Product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit, General Detect AGE as low as 0.5 µg/mL. AGE-modified BSA and reduce BSA included as standards. Compatible with cell lystates, plasma, serum, and purified proteins.  (no photo available) 96 assays $817 KT-988
BPDE DNA Adduct ELISA Kit, General For detection and quantitation of benzo(a)pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE) DNA adducts. BPDE-DNA standard included. Suitable for use with DNA samples such as cell or tissue genomic DNA.  (no photo available) 96 assays $826 KT-938
BPDE Protein Adduct ELISA Kit, General For detection and quantitation of benzo(a)pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE) protein adducts. BPDE-BSA standard included. Suitable for use with protein samples such as purified protein, plasma, serum, or cell lysates  (no photo available) 96 assays $836 KT-904
Cellular UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD), General Measure CPD structures of DNA lesions induced by UV light. Intact cells are cultured in a 96-well plate and CPD measured by ELISA.  (no photo available) 96 assays $731 KT-917
Chaperonin 10, CPN10 ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-E09917h
Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRBP) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL005440HU
Corticosterone Chemiluminescent CLIA Kit For the quantitative determination of corticosterone in dried fecal extracts, serum, EDTA and heparin plasma and tissue culture media.  (no photo available)   $559 KT-714
Cortisone Chemiluminescent CLIA Kit For the quantitative determination of cortisone in dried fecal extracts, urine, saliva, and serum.  (no photo available)   $584 KT-715
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase synoviolin (SYVN1) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL023051HU
Global DNA Methylation ELISA Kit (5'-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine Quantitation), General For detection and quantitation of 5'-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine (5MedCyd). Suitable for use with DNA samples such as cell or tissue genomic DNA. Detection sensitivity of 150 nM 5MedCyd.  (no photo available) 96 assays $685 KT-940
Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4L (HSPA4L) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL010826HU
Heat shock factor protein 2 (HSF2) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL010792HU
Heat Shock Protein 70, HSP-70 ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-E08297h
Heat shock protein 90alpha (HSP-90alpha) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $948 CSB-E13462h
Heat shock protein beta-11 (HSPB11) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL010834HU
Heat shock protein beta-2 (HSPB2) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL010835HU
Heat shock protein beta-3 (HSPB3) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL010836HU
Heat shock protein beta-6 (HSPB6) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL010837HU
Heat shock protein beta-7 (HSPB7) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL010838HU
Heat shock protein beta-9 (HSPB9) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL010840HU
Heat shock protein HSP 90-beta (HSP90AB1) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $834 CSB-EL010808HU
HNE Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit, General Measure HNE protein adduct levels in a variety of samples including cell and tissue lysates, serum, plasma, and purified proteins. HNE-BSA standard included.   
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96 assays $864 KT-957
Human Oxidized HDL ELISA Kit (MDA-HDL Quantitation), General Suitable for use with human plasma or serum samples. MDA-HDL Standard included. Detection sensitivity limit of <1 ng/mL for MDA-HDL.  (no photo available) 96 assays $849 KT-972
Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (CML-LDL Quantitation), General Suitable for use with human plasma or serum samples. Copper oxidized LDL (oxLDL) Standard included. Detection sensitivity limit of <50 ng/mL for MDA-LDL.  (no photo available) 96 assays $849 KT-960
Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (HNE-LDL Quantitation), General Suitable for use with human plasma or serum samples. Copper oxidized LDL (oxLDL) Standard included. Detection sensitivity limit of 150 ng/mL for HNE-LDL.  (no photo available) 96 assays $849 KT-961
Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (MDA-LDL Quantitation), General Suitable for use with human plasma or serum samples. Copper oxidized LDL (oxLDL) Standard included. Detection sensitivity limit of <50 ng/mL for MDA-LDL.  (no photo available) 96 assays $849 KT-959
MDA Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit, General Detect as little as 6 pmol/mg of malondialdehyde. More specific for MDA than traditional TBARS assay   
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96 assays $864 KT-956
Methylglyoxal (MG) Competitive ELISA Kit, General Rapid detection and quantitation of MG-H1 (methyl-glyoxal-hydro-imidazolone) protein adducts. Provides sufficient reagents to perform up to 96 assays, including standard curve and unknown protein samples.  (no photo available) 96 assays $864 KT-948
N-epsilon-(carboxyethyl) lysine (CEL) Competitive ELISA Kit, General Provides rapid detection and quantitation of CEL protein adducts. Perform up to 96 assays, including standard curve and unknown protein samples. Will not cross react with CML protein adducts.  (no photo available) 96 assays $864 KT-950
N-epsilon-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML) Competitive ELISA Kit, General Detect CML as low as 50 ng/mL from a variety of samples. CML-modified BSA included as standard. Compatible with cell lysates, serum, plasma, purified proteins, and other protein-containing samples.  (no photo available) 96 assays $864 KT-952
Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit, General Sensitive detection of 3-Nitrotyrosine as low as 10 nM. Suitable for use with cell lysates, serum, plasma and purified proteins. Nitrated BSA provided as positive control.  (no photo available) 96 assays $853 KT-906
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $975 KT-50629
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $839 KT-24442
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples.  (no photo available) 96 tests $650 KU-141
Osteopontin (OPN) ELISA, Human For the quantitative determination of osteopontin in human biological samples. Assay Range: 0.3125-20 ng/mL. Includes calibrator.  (no photo available) 96 tests $639 KT-781
Oxidative RNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHG Quantitation), General ELISA detects 300 pg/mL to 40 ng/mL of 8-OHG. Suitable for use with RNA from urine, serum, cerebrospinal fluid, cells or tissues. 8-OHG standard included for absolute quantitation.  (no photo available) 96 assays $1,013 KT-916
Protein Carbamylation Sandwich ELISA Kit, General Detection sensitivity limit of 1.5 ng/mL of CBL-BSA. Rapid detection and quantitation of protein carbamylation. Kit provides sufficient reagents to perform up to 96 assays, including standard curve and unknown protein samples.  (no photo available) 96 assays $849 KT-973
Protein Carbonyl ELISA Kit, General Detect as little as 10 µg/mL in a standard microplate reader. No concentration or precipitation steps that contribute to sample loss. Suitable for plasma, serum, cell lysates or purified proteins.  (no photo available) 96 assays $853 KT-909
s-Glutathione Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit, General Quantify s-Glutathione protein adducts in a competitive ELISA format. Suitable for use with protein samples from cells, lysates, plasma or serum. Read results in a standard 96-well plate.  (no photo available) 96 assays $706 KT-951
UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (6-4PP Quantitation), General Measure (6-4) photoproduct structures of DNA lesions induced by UV light. Quantify structures in isolated DNA in standard ELISA format.  (no photo available) 96 assays $731 KT-915
UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD Quantitation), General Measure CPD structures of DNA lesions induced by UV light. Detect structures in isolated DNA using standard ELISA plate format.   
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96 assays $731 KT-914

* Prices are subject to change without notice.

Total Matches: 44
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